[hello world] its darrin, also known as hightech! im 20 years old, and my birthday is september 24th. i put on for minnesota, you can find me in the 763/952/612 area! i've always been in love with music just like everyone else, i listen to all types of music, all genres, from rock to rap... i've always felt music was my outlet, cause i was always that quiet guy, but now i have a chance to be heard. i honestly haven't made a penny off this music thing, but thats really not my main focus why i do this... im motivated and inspired by many artists including my friends and family! i put out a song mainly knowing they will hear it and enjoy it; meaning thats the crowd i try to please when i write my songs... so when the haters hate, just knowing im not doing it for them, its easy to brush them off... many people ask for collabs, and all for it, its just i am busy sometimes! its easy for me to write a verse, its just finding the time to record and all... so send a message if your interested in doing a song or two! other then that, i am an up-coming graphic designer, but i haven't really found alot of time to work on everybodys layouts and banners so i put a hold on all requests... but i will finish those who've i agree'd on doing, just hit me up... anything else, just leave a comment! show some love by adding my banner to your page, making me a fan sign, adding my songs, do whatever you feel necessary! -love hightech
show some love, add the banner below on your page. click the soundclick banner for more songs that are not on this page, thanks for the support!