Fanesha Fabre’/FIRE BULLET profile picture

Fanesha Fabre’/FIRE BULLET

"Fanesha does a body good........."

About Me

undefined Crazy & Track done by PFM of Hoverock records
Add to My Profile | More Videos Fanesha Fabre', Born to Celina Antigua and father Vicente Fabre well-known Dominican Painter and Sculptor.At the age of 7 Fanesha and her family moved to the United States and finally settled in Miami, Florida. Where Fanesha and her other siblings; Ceyvi being the eldest, and Vicente Jr. being the middle child, began school.Throughout High School Fanesha's vision of art began expanding. She began exploring music, including classical guitar and singing. She also explored acting; dedicating three years to drama, becoming part of an Independent film called "All Men Are Beasts" and modeling for the VIBE derived magazine "BLAZE" at the young age of 16.After High School Fanesha's thirst for music began to grow. So, under the direction of Karen Jones Jazz singer and daughter of the late bassist for the Count Basie Band, Eddie Jones and noted jazz historian, Elinor Jones, Fanesha joined the Unity on the Bay choir for almost three years. During that time Fanesha got the chance to grow and refine her voice. She learned everything she could about music through the teachings of Ms. Jones. Fanesha became part of local concerts for Unity On the Bay and soon enough became part of an ensemble that accompanied not only Karen Jones, but many local artists. She worked with Jazz singer Nicole Henry, Maryel Epps, Pianist and singer Thom Sessa, Jazz singer Val woods and husband, Blues Guitarist Ike Woods, whom Fanesha has named her guitar mentor. Last but not least Fanesha sang backup for Jennifer Holliday at a Valentine's Day Concert in February of 2003 in Unity on the Bay.While being a part of the Heart of the World Choir, Fanesha befriended Trombonist and composer John Speck. Speck has been a master at his skill for over 20 years and worked with many great artists including Bacilos, Phish and now did regular work with Latin Grammy nominees The Spam All Stars.For a short period of time Fanesha became a part of Speck's ensemble the Bacon Bits. The Bacons Bits Ensemble combined topnotch instrumentalists, including Sammy Figueroa famous Jazz percussionist who toured with Miles Davis and joined the Bits in various occassions. The Bacon Bits' music was described as "a colorful palette of electronic sounds in a percussive performance mode."Fanesha and her Partner in Crime Laurie Johnson were the female backup vocals for this ensemble that performed every friday night at the bohemian lounge/restaurant "190" in the heart of the Design District. Before the break up of The Bacon Bits Ensemble they were featured in an article in Travel and Leisure magazine August 2003. Now Fanesha has taken time out for herself to work on her own compositions. Fanesha's sultry and welcoming voice accompanied by her acoustic guitar takes you to her inner most feelings, and welcomes you to her world. Working exactly the same way her paintings do.Fanesha's paintings and drawings mostly done on water color, ink and acrylic will take you on an adventure through her mind. Her earlier work always contained a Metaphysical quote inspired by the drawing, bodies in the nude, bright colors, and surreal environments. During these times her drawings were more simple and Fanesha started to get reacquainted with her Artist. She got the opportunity to share her Art work for the first time in an exhibition with her father in River Penthouse Gallery, New York.Not much has changed in her work, but as she becomes more introspective not only do her subjects change, but her characters also transform. Before, Fanesha constantly drew the male and the female body in the nude. Now the nude female body is mostly drawn which she does in order to represent herself. Also the facial features have disappeared which helps whom ever sees the painting focus more on the whole concept of the piece instead of on the person.What does Fanesha want out of her art? Maybe this quote will explain it: "My art helps me express my emotions as they come to life on paper or canvas. I want to share my experiences with people so that I will be better understood as a person and so my mystery is solved. They say a real work of art is one that outlasts its maker, and that is all I want to do. All I want to do is to leave my trail. All I want is to be remembered." I use the myspace layout generator at I use the myspace layout generator at I use the myspace layout generator at
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Member Since: 10/23/2003
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Influences: Well too many to name I listen to too many artists , i believe im influenced by all of them in some way or another. From classical, to heavy metal, to latin, to world music and beyond, i am influenced by all.
Sounds Like: My soul expressing itself. I dont know what it sounds like, im not outside of myself. only YOU can be the judge of that. Im not sure how i sound like. You always sound great to yourself, dont you? plus i dont like to labeled. Its kindf limiting for me.
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Lessons in Humility

I am not here to give a lesson in humility, i am here to share that I am being SCHOOLED in humility. This whole year has been a very humbling experience. Your ego can get the best of you and when it d...
Posted by Fanesha Fabre’/FIRE BULLET on Fri, 20 Jun 2008 06:34:00 PST

Read this funny ass Shit

Why are there no size "B" batteries ?++Why are they called apartments when they are units all together ?++Why is an army called an infantry if you have to be over 18 to get in?++Isn't it scarry that a...
Posted by Fanesha Fabre’/FIRE BULLET on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 06:57:00 PST

Insomnia Part 2

Overactive mind filled with frustration and peace. This only happens when I seperate the mind, from my true essence. Thinking I always know better only to have life show me otherwise. I really dont kn...
Posted by Fanesha Fabre’/FIRE BULLET on Tue, 03 Jun 2008 06:24:00 PST

We are cells

recently I heard that cancer occurs when our cells forget their purpose. They forget their nature, so they stop functioning. When this happens our whole body starts to break down. slowly. I also heard...
Posted by Fanesha Fabre’/FIRE BULLET on Fri, 30 May 2008 07:49:00 PST

I wanna be.......

I wanna be, better than I've been before. They talk about how we are all one. I began to see it.I began to see myself in everyone and something inside me shifted. I began to notice how all the things ...
Posted by Fanesha Fabre’/FIRE BULLET on Wed, 28 May 2008 06:27:00 PST

Artists Please Read

  Apparently a bill is pending in Congress that would virtually strip all rights to creative works from artists, designers, musicians, you name it. The bill has been referred to as the...
Posted by Fanesha Fabre’/FIRE BULLET on Sat, 10 May 2008 07:03:00 PST

For those in Need of some comfort

Break My Fall (c)2008 In my darkest moments, you make sure I rise, When I could not see ahead, You brought on the lights, As my tears fall down, you were there hold my hand, Wont explain my pain, Beca...
Posted by Fanesha Fabre’/FIRE BULLET on Sat, 26 Apr 2008 05:27:00 PST

getting in my head

I cant sleep im in my head again. Getting in it again where nothing makes sense.i roll over again into this bullshit, things i thought id overcome and they are still here waiting for me conquer them. ...
Posted by Fanesha Fabre’/FIRE BULLET on Thu, 06 Mar 2008 09:24:00 PST

Werdplay/Blestenation Video

Check out this ill video from ma boy WERDPLAY (BLESTENATION) they will be touring with Bone Thugs this March, Check his site for more info, he's on my top friends list.     ...
Posted by Fanesha Fabre’/FIRE BULLET on Tue, 12 Feb 2008 06:16:00 PST

VIDEO /my fav song/ a nice version of it
Posted by Fanesha Fabre’/FIRE BULLET on Thu, 07 Feb 2008 08:22:00 PST