*i DiEd laSt niGhT & CaMe bACK aS A rEaLiSt... profile picture

*i DiEd laSt niGhT & CaMe bACK aS A rEaLiSt...

“Dream as if you'll live forever, live as if you'll die tomorow.”

About Me

JUsT GeTTinG AwAy FrOm The wORld*** »-(¯..v..¯)-» Design your MySpace with MyLook «-(¯..v..¯)-« **26 Cuban/Rican born in NYC raised in BRooKlyN and MiAmI. NOTE: If Ya came to my page on some negative shit.. Keep it moving otherwise enjoy ya bout to know bout me*** Been through alot in my life that most wont understand but still steadily holdin it down for my lil one Angelo and my fam... To my extended fam out there I got mad Love for ya and to the ones who passed I'll see you next lifetime.* Money Motivation. *College GRaduAte!! "Advanced Massage Therapy" bouT to Be nationaly licensed... Into open mic nights,Live shows,photography, loungin drama free and being as real as I can be.* Ya You probably seen me doing my thing round South beach with my peoples, or hittin up various spots in south fla with my loved ones, don't hesitate to say whats up and lounge for a couple of drinks.. Shout out to my positive people in da world flippin the script on every bad situation.dont get it twisted you still can get dealt with like the rest** i LIvE mY eVErydAY LIfE tO da FULleSt CaUSE ya NEVEr kNOW WhaT tOMoRrOW mAY HaVE iN sTORe FoR yA** i HAVE oBTaINED tRUE haPPinEsS n PeaCE wITHiN mYSElF.i aM a person who is considered to be real to my friends and be ther if they ever need me.. Then again i tell the truth raw real and uncut. Some dont like it but all i can do is be me. To The Haters Out ThEre enVyiNg mY liFestYle* YoU wiLL neveR get YA shIne On LiKe I do**kEep PeEpIn ME Like The PaPParAzII I knOW Im A CeleB In YouR eYes.. div ..

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My Interests

enJoyinG TheBenefITs of Being a SucceSs! jBoog And I. MY sON ANGeLO N i 11-21-06 secRet LocatIoN MeNg mY riDaH chIk ToYA frOm bK,, mY brother From Another Mother E and I..13Years and RunnIN..

I'd like to meet:

All the positive people in dis world that make the best out of any situation who are humble but at the same time are a realist..People that can walk by my side in life instead of behind me someone who can speak theIr mind and hold there ground when needed, My people with flava and not afraid to show there creative side. Someone independent in there own ways who can hold it down for me the way I would for them.. .. Gotta give me GOOD ENERGY and be positive about things.. Im currently In all aspects of the game from getting back into photography to massage therapy tobuilding my own empire. If ya got motivation and a head on ya shoulders please dont hesitate to make ya self known.**Theres alot of shit we all go through in life its how you deal with those things that builds your character and makes you who you are.***,, Live life* IF U GOT JEALOUSY PROBLEMS MAYBE IM NOT THE ONE U NEED TO KNOW...DATS HONESTY.... "To the world you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world......... Anything else look at my blog in the frequently asked questions page.. or just drop me an email...


On mY way to The OfFIce tO make Them EnZ..4-28-07

My Blog

All AboUt Me.F.A.Q. (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q. Is that really ya son on your page? A. Yes that my son Angelo hes my world. Right now hes bout to turn 3 and lives with his mother up north. His Mother is going through some issues with the law so ...
Posted by *i DiEd laSt niGhT & CaMe bACK aS A rEaLiSt...** on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 01:58:00 PST

ToThe HateRS!!!

ThiS Is a funny subject to me.. I can say right now my life is great I have graduated college have a steady great job with benefits A beautiful woman to share my happiness. I have surrounded my self b...
Posted by *i DiEd laSt niGhT & CaMe bACK aS A rEaLiSt...** on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 01:58:00 PST


Posted by *i DiEd laSt niGhT & CaMe bACK aS A rEaLiSt...** on Tue, 27 Jun 2006 12:27:00 PST

"Karma" Open mic joint I wrote..

"Karma (Open Mic Joint)" (Spoken word Lyrics) Was contimplating thoughts on getting on one knee, to start a new life with a beautiful wife that wasn't meant to be,She was going behind my back and do...
Posted by *i DiEd laSt niGhT & CaMe bACK aS A rEaLiSt...** on Sat, 26 Nov 2005 05:03:00 PST