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Paolo Carlomè

Paolo Carlomè composer/compositore

About Me

Paolo Carlomè studied for his PhD in saxophone at the “G. Rossini” conservatory in Pesaro and in composition and music didactics at the “G. B. Pergolesi” conservatory in Fermo. At the moment he is collaborating with RAI TRADE s.p.a. (Rome) as a composer of music for images in the television field, documentaries and cultural programmes (La vita in diretta, Sulla via di Damasco, Uno Mattina, Linea Verde, Geo&Geo, etc). His first album Symphonic Waves (RAI TRADE ed.) is of 2004, his second album Landscapes is of 2007, his third album Saxseus is of 2008. In 2006 his music accompanied the images of “I grandi del ciclismo”, a DVD collection produced by Gazzetta dello Sport and dedicated to the cycle racing world. Also in 2006 some of his other compositions were chosen to accompany the images of the world football championship in Germany 2006 in the Gazzetta dello Sport DVD commemorating the Italian team victory. The pieces Run and Sunny, in the arrangement for saxophones, have been played in premières during the 14th World Saxophone Congress in Lubiana (Slovenia), Frankfurt (Germany) and other compositions for ensemble of saxophones have been played by the “Italian Saxophone Orchestra” in St Petersburg (Russia). He collaborates with chorus, instrumental and chamber music groups as an arranger. During his stay in the USA and Canada in 2006 he collaborated with HMWN Radio Maria Canada and Radio Toronto. He has attended “International Music Seminars” for music of the Middle Ages, Renaissance and Baroque. Besides his activity as composer he is interested in the early music and since 2002, together with the music band “Errabundi Musici”, he has been developing an intensive music repertoire by performing in concerts with copies of ancient instruments.
Various compositions:
Suavis (1995) for string orchestra
Bluelight (1996) for grande orchestra
Thor (1997) for grande orchestra
Saxseus (1999) for ensemble of saxophones, accordion, contrabasses, glockenspiel, gong, tubular bells and timpani
Fantasia sul nome “B.A.C.H” (2003) for Organ
Klaxsonphones (2003) for quartet of saxophones
Obsession (2003) for violin and piano
Oratorio “da Catone in Utica” (2003) for grande orchestra and voices
Service “Ecclesia de Eucharistia” (2003) for a 4 v.d. chorus and organ
Canticle “Inno dei Salvati” (2003) for a 4 v.d. chorus and organ on a text from the Apocalypse
Canticle “L’ora del giudizio” (2006) for soprano, a 4 v.d. chorus and string orchestra on a text from the Apocalypse
Canticle “Inno di Lode” (2008) for a 4 v.d. chorus and string orchestra on a text from the Psalms
Spell (2008) for piano (version for quartet of saxophones)
RAI Trade Compositions:
Sunny (2004 ) for piano (version for quartet of saxophones)
Solitude (2005) for sax soprano, piano and string orchestra
Wheels (2005) for piano and string orchestra
Run (2005) for piano (version for quartet of saxophones)
Neroebianco (2005) for piano and string orchestra
Au revoir (2005) for piano and string orchestra
In fuga (2005) for piano and string orchestra
Sentieri (2005) for piano and string orchestra
Shine (2006) for piano (version for quartet of saxophones)
Distese (2007) for string orchestra
Risveglio (2007) for piano and string orchestra (version for quartet of saxophones)
Sogno (2007) for piano and string orchestra
Path (2007) for piano (version for quartet of saxophones)
Album: “Symphonic Waves” RAI Trade editions:
Misfatto (2004) for piano and string orchestra
Waves (2004) for piano and string orchestra
Teorema (2004) for piano and string orchestra
My Land (2004) for piano and string orchestra
Maestrale (2004) for piano and string orchestra (version for quartet of saxophones)
Confini (2004) for piano and string orchestra (version for harp and string orchestra)
Incomprensioni (2004) for piano and string orchestra
Escalation (2004) for piano and string orchestra
Affetti (2004) for piano and string orchestra (version for harp and string orchestra)
Paolo Carlomè, si diploma in sassofono presso il conservatorio “G. Rossini” di Pesaro (sez. staccata di Fermo) ed in composizione e didattica della musica presso il conservatorio “G. B. Pergolesi” di Fermo. Attualmente collabora con RAI TRADE S.p.A.(Roma) come autore di musiche per immagini nell’ambito televisivo, documentari e programmi culturali (La vita in diretta, Sulla via di Damasco, Uno mattina, Linea verde, Geo&Geo, etc). Il primo album Symphonic Waves (ed. RAI TRADE) nel 2004, il secondo album Landscapes nel 2007, il terzo album Saxseus nel 2008. Le sue musiche accompagnano nel 2006 le immagini de “I grandi del ciclismo” una collana di DVD prodotta dalla Gazzetta dello sport dedicata al mondo del ciclismo, mentre nel 2006 altre sue composizioni vengono scelte per accompagnare le immagini dei mondiali di Germania 2006 nei DVD della Gazzetta dello sport che commemorano la vittoria della nazionale Italiana. I brani Run e Sunny, nell’arrangiamento per sassofoni, sono stati eseguiti in prima assoluta al 14° Congresso mondiale del sassofono a Lubiana (Slovenia), Francoforte (Germania), ed altre composizioni per ensemble di sassofoni sono state eseguite dalla “Italian Saxophone Orchestra” a San Pietroburgo (Russia). Come arrangiatore collabora con cori, formazioni strumentali e cameristiche. Nel soggiorno negli USA e Canada nel 2006 collabora con HMWN Radio Maria Canada e Radio Toronto. Ha frequentato “Seminari Musicali Internazionali” per la musica medievale, rinascimentale e barocca. Oltre all’attività di compositore si interessa di musica antica, e dal 2002, con il gruppo musicale “Errabundi Musici” sviluppa una intensa attività musicale esibendosi in concerti con copie di strumenti antichi.

My Interests


Member Since: 7/24/2007
Band Website:
Record Label: R.A.I.
Type of Label: Major