Varro - bagpipe maker profile picture

Varro - bagpipe maker

costruttore di cornamuse e strumenti a fiato - wind instruments and bagpipe maker

About Me

Mi chiamo Luca, ma da molti conosciuto come Varro, vivo nelle verdi colline marchigiane della provincia di Macerata da quando sono nato nel lontano 1986 e spero di rimanerci ancora per molto tempo! Costruisco cornamuse di varie tipologie, tra cui: pive italiane in SOL e DO, pifferi, cornamuse tedesche in LA- (marketsackt) e in FA (schaferpfeife), sackpipe svedesi in MI, scottish smallpipes in RE, gaite galleghe in DO e RE, zampogne e ciaramelle. Inoltre riparo e rendo suonabili le famigerate cornamuse PAK(K)ISTANE che purtroppo fin troppe persone acquistano in negozi o in internet, convinte di fare un affare e invece lo prendono in .... saccoccia!
My name's Luca, Varro's my nickname, and I live in the Marche's green hills, near Macerata (IT), where I was born in the late 1986 and I hope to stay here for a long time! I make some kinds of bagpipes, such as: italian bagpipes in G and C, pifferos, medieval german bagpipes in A- (marketsackt) and F (schaferpfeife), swedish sackpipa in E, scottish smallpipes in D, galizian gaitas in C and D, zampognas and ciaramellas in G. I also repair and give "voice" to pakistan bagpipes that people usually buy on internet thinking to make a big deal ...

My Interests

contact juggling

luthery, woodturning and woodcurving


I play percussions and bagpipes in this medieval band: here's our myspace page

my brother's myspace music page

errabundi musici, barbarian pipe band, schelmish, corvus corax, cultus ferox, cantus paganus, wolfenmond, vivus temporis
venetian snares, cardopusher, rotator, enduser, brckrd, abelcaine, shitmat
noisia, unknown error, spor, phace, evol intent, black sun empire, future signal
massouille, narkotek, general frenchkore
deftons, system of a down, serj tankian, devil driver, rage against the machine, mudvayne

... and many others...


Errabundi Musici - Schafertanz live@Volterra (IT) 17-08-2008

Errabundi Musici - Moresca live@Volterra (IT) 16-08-2008


every catastrophic film and tv series

