I am 77% Video Game Addict.
.. I got a problem, man. I may not find the answer to life in a video game. I need to turn off the console or computer, go outside and try some reality for a change. Take the
Video Game Addict Test
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The Juggalo Zodiac Quiz
You were born in the year of The Ringmaster. Which means you run the show, anything you say goes without question.Relevant Years:1952, 1958, 1964, 1970, 1976, 1982, 1988, 1994, 2000. Most Compatible with The Amazing Jeckel Brothers.
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Singing, Karaoke, Video Games,Horror Movies,especially Vampire Movies!, Kevin Smith Movies, Metal,BBWS,Tattoos,Boobs,Big Butts,Lips,Tongues,Blood,Coffins,Bats,Graveyards,Tombstones,
Black Candles,Demonology,UFOs,Ghost,ESP,Anything to do w/ the Paranormal, Old School Punk,Old School Metal, Old School Goth/Death Rock, ICP,Twiztid, Psychopathic Records, Wrestling, Anime, Comics, RPGs-Final Fantasy,Suikoden,Breath Of Fire,Xenogears,Parasite Eve,Tales Of Destiny,Grandia,Lunar-The Silver Star, Dragon Force,Albert Odyssey, Legend Of Zelda, Castlevania,Legend Of Dragoon,Star Ocean, Legend Of Legaia,Persona 2,Shin Megami Tensei-Digital Devil Saga,Tecmo..s Deception Wild Arms, Vandal Hearts, Vagrant Story,Skies Of Arcadia, Silent Hill, Resident Evil,Metal Gear, Devil May Cry, Goldeneye, Perfect Dark, Timesplitters 2,Darkstalkers:Vampire Savior (Morrigan RULES!!!), Street Fighter, King Of Fighters,Guilty Gear, Mortal Kombat,Tekken, Soul Calibur, Virtua Fighter,DOA,Crash Bandicoot,Gex, Ratchet & Clank, Jak, Kingdom Hearts, Golden Sun, Mega Man, Sonic, Mario,Morrowind, Need I say more?!! lol
Any cool Goth, Metal, or cool old school punk people for friends and chatting. Also, any and all hardcore video gamers, like me!!!! AND Juggalos or Juggalettes that want to chat about Psychopathic, ICP, TwiZtid, ABK, or Blaze Ya Dead Homie and shit!!! Woop Woop!!! F A M I L Y, F A M I L Y !!!!