
Warren "The Ape" Demontague

Acting is happy agony.

About Me

Exclusive IFC Webisodes: "The Warren Dynamic"
Check out more Warren & greg at IFCTV.com
The Warren "The Ape" Biography:
Warren Demontague is a theatre-trained thespian actor with a checkered and mysterious past. His origins seem to change with every story he tells, but the common threads indicate he came from a small English town called Wainscotting. Born with a natural talent for the craft of acting, Warren came to the states after some minor success in all-fabricated road-show productions of Shakespeare and a brief run on a BBC radio drama, that ended promptly when "scandal" revealed his true identity as a puppet. This traumatic career event soured the Ape, and some suggest it was the first trigger for his relationship with substance abuse and vice, a trait he has become known for.
Warren has been involved in every possible fringe of the fabricated-American's roles in popular culture, as well as a few unpopular ones. He has worked in children's theatre, biblical productions, summer stock, nature documentaries, experimental film, soft-core porn, exploitation films, American and British television, and appears on the cutting-room floors of several eclectic movies from our counterculture. Warren is best known for appearances in many British cult films of the 60s and 70s, ranging from all-puppet exploitation and horror (some of them with fellow actor Frederick Blah) to the early works of Mike Leigh, John Boorman and Mike Hodges. Rumors of his social interaction with many of Swinging London's bad-boy elite as something of a "token puppet" abound -- from his fabled breakup with Twiggy Lawson to his week-long binges with David Hemmings and Michael Caine.
Currently Warren is involved in a dramatic breakup with his on-again/off-again partner of ten years, former "Miss New Hampshire 1982," Maggie Demontague - a human trophy wife of questionable morals and even more questionable breasts. Separated for over six months, Warren is near bankruptcy and living with former sitcom co-star Greg the Bunny. Fresh from his latest stint at recovery from alchoholism, Warren has placed much of his personal angst into a screenplay entitled, "Postcards from the Shitstorm" (working title) which he is currently producing (with the help of his agent, Pal Friendlies) into an independent feature. Meanwhile, he makes a few bucks doing "Greg the Bunny" parodies for the IFC.
************************************************************ *************************************** "An actor is at his best a kind of unfrocked priest who, for an hour or two, can call on heaven and hell to mesmerize a group of innocents."
- Alec Guinness
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"I do not regret one professional enemy I have made. Any actor who doesn't dare to make an enemy should get out of the business."
- Bette Davis
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I am not a bear or a dog, so please stop asking. No questions about the helmet, please. Autographs are $5 for b&w, $15 for glossies. --Warren

My Interests

Theatre, fine literature, art, foreign erotica, antique torture devices.

Hear a track off my debut CD:

I'd like to meet:

Someone who enjoys the finer things in life. An aged wine, a good book, rubber sheets. Be funny, intelligent, open to new experiences. Must be an animal lover. Must be financially secure and looking for an encounter of the "NSA" variety. 420 friendly a plus. Please, no more amputees. If you can't walk, we can't talk. Unless of course you're a total slut.

Warren's Acquaintances, Confidants and Familiars...
Warren has numerous acquaintances.

Greg the Bunny

Frederick "Count" Blah

The Wumpus




Sexy Actress

Master Dandelion


Pal Friendlies



View All of Mr Demontague's colleagues


Anything recorded after 1949 is a waste of my time. Though I do enjoy a good Tone Loc single now and again.


Mommie Dearest, A Woman Under the Influence, Arsenic and Old Lace, Alfie (No, not the Jude Law version), Gorillas in the Mist, Anything I was in ;)


...is the death of entertainment. I abhor the medium, even if it does put a roof over my head.


First and foremost, any of the great works by one William Shakespeare. Secondly, Unconditional Self Acceptance.


Warren Demontague: A Glimpse Beneath The Helmet:

July 2005 Interview with POST GAZETTE:

IFC TV's Greg the Bunny Site:

Fall 2004 Video Interview with UGO.COM:

Official Site for the 2004 Fox DVD:

Clip of ME at the Tables in Vegas from our IFC reunion special:

Visit the Greg the Bunny Official Web Site:
(Down right now until the boys upstairs make some improvments...)

Where is Tardy?


Peter O'Toole, Michael Caine, William Shatner, Adam West, Bonzo, Robert Altman, Charles Bukowski

My Blog


  Warren here.  A little somethin' from the boys upstairs....   GREG THE BUNNY FAQ Hey everybody, we've put this FAQ together to answer a few frequent fanquestions.   We know we've...
Posted by Warren "The Ape" Demontague on Thu, 26 Jan 2006 09:41:00 PST

i don't owe you an apology

i dont care what step of the program i'm supposed to be in, i don't owe any of you an apology.  Whatever I did, I must have had a damn good reason.  To the guy who took a shot at me in the s...
Posted by Warren "The Ape" Demontague on Fri, 14 Oct 2005 04:59:00 PST

cigars and serenades

To those who read my first post, please disregard as I was in something of an altered state.  It's been known to happen and I've stopped fighting the impulse.  We are as we live and I live w...
Posted by Warren "The Ape" Demontague on Tue, 20 Sep 2005 09:47:00 PST

Another Day...

Nineteen Minutes into another goddamned day.  Twenty.  And....twenty-one.  Only twenty-three hours and thirty-nine more of these goddamned minutes until I'm right back where I...
Posted by Warren "The Ape" Demontague on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST