About Me
VladimÃr Hirsch is a composer working with new forms of contemporary
classical, dark ambient and ambient industrial music. His creative direction
aims toward the modern form of classical music. Through the instrumentation
and exploitation of new sonic characteristics created by the force of
digital techniques upon classical instruments and the integration of these
sounds into ambient structures, his music characterizes the contemporary
post-industrial likeness of our world. Through these techniques, Hirsch strives to reach an organic incorporation of seemingly distinct and irreconcilable elements into a living form which he calls INTEGRATED MUSIC.
These principles represent the central idea of
his work, which rests in the collision of two spiritually opposite worlds
inside an individual. The author refuses the broadly accepted materialistic
and anthropocentric view of the world and challenges the spiritual
repression brought about by humanities transcendental nescience.
To the question of why his music is so dark, Hirsch answers, „I don..t reason about in similar categories. It is the subject of the slant, addictions or standards of individual perception. The artist can nothing else, than search for meaning of life, for its matter, disregarding what will be and without pretension to its fruition. For what remains the substance of light does not exists without the dark. I am in conviction that my music wants to be first an authentic scan of my mind. I reject all kinds of pinchbeck affirmation and optimism. It fills me up more darkness than the blackest expression of despair.â€
Main works :
SYNTHETICS - THEMES, op.17, experimental space-ambient
SYMPHONY No.1 in E, Op.20; symphony for synthesizers
ORGAN PIECES; organ compositions
7 PARTS OF DESOLATION, op.29; piano cycle
INTERMEZZA, op.37; piano compositions
SIMPLICITY OF HERESY, op.37; suite for integrated ensemble
SYMPHONY No.2 „Defensa", op.47, symphony for integrated orchestra
SYMPHONY No.3 „Brands Of Tyrany", op.52; symphony for integrated orchestra, organ, percussions and mezzosoprano
DIVERTIMENTO No.1 & 2, HYMNUS No.2; orchestral compositions
SENSE GEOMETRY, op.54; experimental thematic opus
DANCES & MARCHES, op.57; suite for organ, piano and orchestra
EXORCISMS, op.61b; suite for integrated ensemble
SYMPHONY No.4 „Descent From The Gross“, op.67; symphony for integrated orchestra, soloists and choir
DE REGIONIBUS LIMINIS, op.68, thematic dark ambient work
NONTERRA, op.73; suite for integrated ensemble
LES SCÈNES ARDENTES, op.75, thematic album
CONTEMPLATIO PER NEXUS, op.77, composition for integrated techniques on the selected theme from "Teologia spiritualis II. Mystica"
TORMENT OF NAISSANCE, op.78, thematic album
Entertainments :
OUT OF YOUR OBJECTS, op.22; progressive rock album
CASUAL CRIME, op.51; jazz album
ARSENICA, op.40; experimental industrial-electronic album
LESS THAN NOTHING, op.58; experimental industrial-electronic album
DREAM MONSTERS EXORCISM, op.61a, experimental dark ambient-industrial project
Scenic music & soundtracks:
MUSIK FÜR DIE METAMORPHOSE, op.45; scenic music for stage addaptation of Franz Kafka story „Metamorphose“
PHANTOMYSTERIA, Teatr Novogo Fronta
ZWICHENMENSCH, Teatr Novogo Fronta
TOBRUK, op.83; soundtrack to the movie the same name
In April 2008 will be released 3rd album of VladimÃr Hirsch solo works collection by Italian label Ars Benevola Mater
with subtitle "DESCENT FROM THE CROSS"
Symphony for integrated orchestra and choir, op. 67. 2001-2005. Musicians: Czech integrated ensemble and choir, cond. by author. Soloists: VladimÃr Hirsch-pianos, keyboards, digital technique, programming, Martina Sanollová, Dominika Karcovská - vocals. Produced by Tom Saivon. Cover artwork: Jan Vávra.
Part I: After Expiry
Part II: Night Under The Gross
Part III: The Descent
Part IV: The Pass From Golgota
Part V: Entombment
Part VI: Apotheosis
Part VII: Marc VI/16
Thematic work, inspired originally by Dostoevski’s interpretation of Hans Holbein..s painting of the same name. “It is a polemic with his questioning of the Christian faith in Christ’s resurrection, since the level of cogency in portraying a truly dead body is strikingly exposed in the work of the German artist. Also because of this the symphony may be understood as a sort of filling of the gap between Christ’s death and laying into the grave, i.e. the process, which is not given much space in the bible. The author is trying to create a deeply immersed, painful perception here, dominated by uncertainty and doubt, but through the belief in spiritual strength inclined to hope and strife for the fulfilling of the faith’s thesis. In expressive terms the work combines expressive means ranging from classical to ambient and noise, in a totality which up to now represents the author’s concept of the so-called integrated musical form the best.“ (excerpt from the review by Jan Blanicky)
Since September 2006 has been stepwise released the collection of 7 VladimÃr Hirsch solo works, partially separately, partially as a box set with the name "THE ASSENT TO PARADOXON". The set includes following albums: SENSE GEOMETRY, CONCERT INDUSTRIEL POUR ORGUE, SYMPHONY No.4, NONTERRA, LES SCENES ARDENTES, EXORCISMS and CONTEMPLATIO PER NEXUS by Italian independent label Ars Benevola Mater
VladimÃr Hirsch..s work is represented not only by his solo projects - he is founder and leader of avantgarde orchestral industrial and dark-ambient music ensembles AGHIATRIAS (VladimÃr Hirsch, Tom Saivon), SKROL (VladimÃr Hirsch, Martina Sanollová, Tom Saivon), LUMINAR AX (VladimÃr Hirsch, Dove Hermosa) and ZYGOTE (VladimÃr Hirsch, Martina Sanollová).
In 1999 VladimÃr Hirsch (composition, keyboards, vocals, computer) and Tom Saivon (noise generator, computer, lyrics) joined their creative efforts in this project, which is a kind of extrapolation and the combination of contemporary classical (Hirsch) and noise (Saivon) tendencies, which was eventually, through mutual infiltration by basic theses and antitheses, brought to life as a fully homogenous structure by both members of the group.
FIELD MASS, mass for integrated enseble, version 1
REGIONS OF LIMEN, thematic album
ETHOS, thematic album
RELIQUARY, selected compositions
The ensemble SKROL was formed in 1995. Their inspiration derives mainly from Slavic melodic and harmonic techniques, reflecting the pursuit of proper ethnical musical roots, i.e. also music, which is founded on these traditions. This direction aims rather at the modern form of classical music, both through the instrumentation and exploitation of sound possibilities and through its integration into ambient structures, characteristic for the contemporary post-industrial likeness of the world.
MARTYRIA, 10" vinyl
HERETICAL ANTIPHONY, integrated conceptual album
DANCES & MARCHES FOR THE ORPHAN AGE, integrated suite, album
LUMINAR AX is a conjoint experimental project between VladimÃr Hirsch and American singer and poet Dove Hermosa, founded in the summer of 2007. It represents integration of dark ambient and dark industrial components with rock structure of composition. Dove Hermosa & VladimÃr Hirsch are contemporarily have finished their first fully conceptual album "Optem Spectris" and working on two next titles "Beyond The Waves Of Desire" and !Out Of The Ax".
BEYOND THE WAVES OF DESIRE, conceptual album
OUT OF THE AX, album of remixes
In 1998 VladimÃr Hirsch founded ZYGOTE project, when he composed a large collection of compositions, where the fictive, geometric symbolism of certain mechanisms of the human psyche is applied. The author calls this musical form of mathematical theory “fractal musical geometryâ€. Zygote was originally a solo project, thanks to its successful stage presentation with vocalist Martina Sanollová and different creative orientation it was constituted as a detachment.
GEOMETRIE NEVEDOMÃ, experimental conceptual album
EPIDEMIC MIND, conjoint album with Japanese cyberpunk writer Kenji Siratori (will be released by Italian label Ars Benevola Mater).