I'd like to meet:
Several reviews of past actions made by bands themselves :
"Great tour and awesome start in New year for VADER! Every evening we played for plenty of Metal Freaks (average 550 Fans) and VADER were welcomed like kings. THANX SO MUCH FOR ALL OF YOU INDEED! This is only a part of what we plan for the upcoming album and tours in late months 2009. We have spend great January with the whole Massive Music Team - who were working pretty hard every night to make every show in quality. The Winter Offensive destroyed everything totally! Those who were know that well. Special greetings for all Fans in Slovakia and Poland, where 800 throats raised Hell every evening!" (Peter from Vader is speaking about their European tour with Deicide, Samael, Vader, Order of Ennead and The Amenta. Apocalypse Winter Death Fest. 4 in Bratislava was a part of it)
"The place is packed, probably beyond max capacity, and the people in the front row are screaming at the top of their lungs right in our faces. Fists are in the air all the way to the far back of the hall. When we shake hands with the guys in the front rows they even refuse to let go of our hands! Totally crazy show and one of the best so far."(Carl from
Devian is speaking about their European tour with Deicide, Vader, Samael, Order of Ennead and The Amenta. Apocalypse Winter Death Fest. 4 in Bratislava was a part of it)
"We we're met at the Art Klub with smiles and warmth. A thing to keep in mind! They might be pale skinned, but their minds bathe in warm colours! Met some nice people and learned some much usefull words and phrases which we all have forgotten... Of CURSE! We're idiots! Played for the sweetest crowd, and if you have no clue about women of Czech and Slovakia, I must add the hint. GO ON! One hell of a night at the hotel being the wise guys running around half naked drinking and yelling!" (
Saturnus is speaking about their European tour with Mar De Grises. Apocalyptic Doom Festival vol.1 in Trnava was a part of it)
"As for the gigs, the atmosphere in Bratislava, the energy in Maribor, the ferociousness of Katowice, and the family feeling of Leeuwarden come to mind. And going home has never been more difficult than that last night." (
Kampfar is speaking about their European tour with Elite. Apocalypse Fest. 9 in Bratislava was a part of it)
"I’m not sure how many came to our shows on the average, but if I say around 150-200 that wouldn’t be too wrong. The best show was either the one in Slovakia or the last one in Leeuwarden (Netherlands). I’m having a hard time to decide, hehe." (Torger from
Elite, interviewed by Mortem zine, is speaking about their European tour with Kampfar. Apocalypse Fest. 9 in Bratislava was a part of it)
"The EPHEL DUATH have just returned from the best ever tour: 10 000 km through five countries. The turnout was great with peaks of welcome in Slovakia where the interaction between the audience and the band was very special." (Davide Tiso from
Ephel Duath is speaking about their European tour. Apocalypse Fest. 11 in Trnava was a part of it)
"We did not know what to expect from shows in Romania, Czech Republic, Hungary or Slovakia so we were very surprised at how great and insane the crowd were and that they were real supporters of Melechesh."(
Melechesh is speaking about their European Tour. Apocalypse Death fest in Trencin was a part of it)
"Yet another tour is gone. This way by far the most extensive in our history, and with only a few incidents, it went well. We are grateful to all the people who came to see us playing, we hope you enjoyed our performance, and we promise next time we'll do better." (
Negura Bunget is speaking about their European Tour. Apocalypse fest in Trencin was a part of it)
"First show in Bratislava Slovakia, was absolutely BLAST. More than 400 ppl watched Amon Din, and we would like to thank everyone for showing us support. To be honest we didnt expected such a great response. We hope we achived more fans, and we realy hope to come back soon to Bratislava."(
Amon Din is speaking about their European Tour with Nile, Grave and Belphegor. Apocalypse Death Fest. 3 in Bratislava was a part of it)
Apocalypse Pagan Fest : www.incipitum.sk
Apocalypse Pagan Fest : www.incipitum.sk
Apocalypse Pagan Fest : www.fobiazine.net
Apocalypse Pagan Fest : www.photomusic.cz
Apocalypse Winter Death Fest. 4 : www.oravarockfest.sk
Apocalypse Winter Death Fest. 4 : www.innocence-music.com
Apocalypse Winter Death Fest. 4 : www.metalswamp.com
Apocalypse Winter Death Fest. 4 : www.incipitum.sk
Apocalypse Winter Death Fest. 4 : www.incipitum.sk
Apocalypse Winter Death Fest. 4 : www.metalopolis.net
Apocalypse Winter Death Fest. 4 : www.mortemzine.net
Apocalypse Winter Death Fest. 4 : www.mortemzine.net
Apocalypse Winter Death Fest. 4 : www.metalirium.com
Apocalypse Winter Death Fest. 4 : www.volumemax.net
Apocalypse Winter Death Fest. 4 : boogiesound.blogspot.com
Apocalypse Death Fest. 3 : www.musiczone.cz
Apocalypse Death Fest. 3 : www.incipitum.sk
Apocalypse Death Fest. 3 : boogiesound.blogspot.com
Apocalypse Death Fest. 2 : www.musiczone.cz
Apocalypse Death Fest. 2 : www.pianoclub.sk
Apocalypse Death Fest. 2 : www.incipitum.sk
Apocalypse Death Fest. 2 : www.innocence-music.com
Apocalyptic Doom Festival vol.2 : www.xichty.cz
Apocalyptic Doom Festival vol.1 : www.szene1.sk
Apocalyptic Doom Festival vol.1 : www.incipitum.sk
Apocalypse Death Fest.1 : www.metalopolis.net
Apocalypse Death Fest.1 : www.pianoclub.sk
Apocalypse Death Fest.1 : www.innocence-music.com
Apocalypse Fest.11 : www.metalopolis.net
Apocalypse Fest.9 : www.incipitum.sk
Anaalocalypse Party : www.incipitum.sk
Apocalypse Fest.7 : www.incipitum.sk
Apocalypse Fest.7 : www.mortemzine.net
Apocalypse Fest.7 : www.pianoclub.sk
Apocalypse Fest.7 : www.incipitum.sk
Apocalypse Fest.4 : www.incipitum.sk
Apocalypse Fest.3 : www.incipitum.sk
Apocalypse Fest.2 : www.incipitum.sk
Apocalypse Fest.1 : www.incipitum.sk
Deicide (unknown) : www.youtube.com
Vader (Shadowsfear) : www.youtube.com
Samael (Slavocracy) : www.youtube.com
Nile (unknown) : www.youtube.com
Belphegor (unknown) : www.youtube.com
Grave (unknown) : www.youtube.com
Cryptopsy (Worship Your Demons) : www.youtube.com
Immolation (The Condemned) : www.youtube.com
Saturnus (Inflame Thy Heart) : www.youtube.com
Decrepit Birth (unknown) : www.youtube.com
Negura Bunget (II) : www.youtube.com
Kampfar (Various) : www.youtube.com
Devian (God To The Illfated) : www.youtube.com
The Amenta (Erebus) : www.youtube.com
Unmerciful (unknown) : www.youtube.com
Mar De Grises (Recklesness) : www.youtube.com
Adultery (Navia) : www.youtube.com
Depresy (Cosmic Tragedy): www.youtube.com