AGHIATRIAS profile picture


About Me

Aghiatrias is Czech so called "integrated music" ensemble from Prague of composer and polyinstrumentalist Vladimír Hirsch and sound-engineer Tom Saivon , started in 1999 as more abstract sprout of their sympho-industrial band Skrol, stressing the work with rich arsenal of sound structures. It is based on grasping both ways in a manner (contemporary classical music v. dark industrial), which would allow them to partake of each other's principal formal attributes, both on the basis of violent confrontation and of mutual empathy, which should lead to a unification of seemingly irreconcilable worlds. This happens through their transubstantiation into a indivisible essence, which act represents the metaphorical and philosopical principle of the formation's work.
Vladimir Hirsch (composer, keyboards, samplers, drums, vocals, computer) and Tom Saivon (noise generators, samplers, computer, lyrics) joined their creative efforts in this project, which is a kind of extrapolation and the combination of contemporary classical music (Hirsch) and noise (Saivon) tendencies, which was eventually, through mutual infiltration by basic theses and antitheses, brought to life as a fully homogenous structure by both members of the group.
After more than seven years of existence, the band is widely known in the European industrial scene and regularly performing at prestigous European festivals. The ensemble regularly appears in Czechia, Poland, Slovakia, Netherlands and Germany, in Czechia it generally limits its performances to the regular Prague industrial festival. Aghiatrias has been on long and succesful tour in the United States (June 2001).
Conceptual albums:
FIELD MASS, CatchArrow Recordings, CD, 2000 (47 min.) ,
EPIDAEMIA VANITATIS, Integrated Music Records, CD, 2002 (45 min.)
REGIONS OF LIMEN, Epidemie Records, CD, 2004 (69 min.),
ETHOS, Epidemie Records, CD, 2006, (54 min.)
Collection of unreleased tracks:
RELIQUARY, Integrated Music Records, CD-R, 2007 (40 min.)
Live recording:
LIVE AT MIDDLE EAST, CatchArrow Recordings, 2001, Boston, USA, "Middle East" Club
A Rainy November Day In Wroclaw (SYNCRASIA), Ars Benevola Mater, 2004
Collection of unreleased tracks. Limited edition 100 pcs - compact disc in special digipack. Total time cca 40 min.
© 2007 CatchArrowe Recordings; produced by Ars Morta Universum
Tracks :
1 - Ratiomorph
2 - Electroaxon
3 - Syncrasia II
4 - Eschatology

My Interests


Member Since: 4/9/2007
Band Website:
Band Members: Vladimír Hirsch
Tom Saivon
Sounds Like: Field Mass (2000)

Live At Middle East (2001)

Epidaemia vanitatis (2002)

Regions Of Limen (2004)

A Rainy November Day In Wroclaw (2004/compil.)

Ethos (2006)

Reliquary (2007)

Vladimír Hirsch
Record Label: Epidemie Records
Type of Label: Indie

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