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Brian Vassallo

"The Official MySpace Site Of Brian Vassallo / Composer Producer / Sound Designer

About Me

" name is Brian Vassallo and i was born and grew up on the island of Malta located in the mediterranean sea. I’m a Musician, Composer, Producer & Sound Designer and i use the internet alot for my work and to interract with my fans! This site is about my music, news and me-related merchandise - if you’re not that familiar with who I am and what I do, i invite you to just listen to my music! And for more about myself please continue to read.......
I was between eight and ten years of age when i remmember probably my first touches on a piano. From there on i continued to carry that passion and taking music lessons for a short period ,although i consider myself more as a self thaught artist.
But even if the whole picture of what was to develop later on in my artistic carreer was at the early stages and that maybe i was not even yet aware of where i would arrive as well.... in the meantime during my childhood years i continued to get inspired for everything related to the cosmos , to futuristic sc-fi etc......... And so it happened that i started searching and to grab all that was related to all this,from magazines to documentaries, cinema etc.......
Between the age of ten and sixtheen at this point in my life ,i started to get curious and interested into sound more profoundly by getting curious more about sound designs ....I remmember moving the knob of my radio set in my bedroom between frequencies and to listen to the sound effects that i was hearing while a massive stream of influences started to captivate my attention by the first synthesiser sounds and from the diverse artists and genres that i was listening to. One of the first impressions that left an impact in me if not a very important one , was probably from the french artist Jean Michel Jarrewhen watching probably for the first time what synthesizers ,sounds ,visuals and lasers can do together. But probably the view of the machines that i was watching and listening to as well .These machines so expressive with what you can create with them that would later on be my instruments as well that i would use in my own productions. And so at around seventheen years old i baught my first synthesizer, the yamaha dx11........
Film Music was always something that i wanted to convey in my works as well ,or to combine in a way. I remmember seated at the cinema listening to soundtracks with movies fantasticly changing the feel of the whole picture i was watching... Music for film is for me a very important factor to convey emotion into images .. with well-crafted sounds,atmospherics and of course the music.
The 90's arrived and for me i began to notice another sound and beat..It was the beginning of what would become another long stream of inspiration for me and therefore with many artists that soon followed ...The' Techno Music Scene'.......
But In 1998 with my modest bedroom midi studio with just three synthesizers to create sounds from and with an amiga computer at that time i finally decided to translate all my inspirations from all those years that i carried with me from the 80's & 90's ,from images,movies,people,artists, the passion for the cosmos....therefore all this to convey in my own way my first music project with the title 'Beyond'
'Beyond' was to be a theme on the mystery of the cosmos...A tribute perhaps to my now very long known passion that accompanies me during my life.
Titles such as 'Are We Alone?', 'Where Are We Going?', ' Distant Stars 'titles which all speak for themselves accompanied by sounds and atmospherics specially created and sculptured with passion coming within me for this huge mystery using my synthesizers .
The album was released locally and on the internet with critical acclaim with reviews in newspapers and online internationally. In this same year i was also very pleased to have been approached to have my music from this album played for the new year's eve festivities held locally here in Malta in 1999..........
In 2001 my second album was produced .This time a studio album leaning substationaly towards chill-out & upbeat rhythmic music .Electro beats evident in tracks like ''Senses'or techno electronica songs such as the trackVoyager. The album by the title 'Flashback' was released later on in 2006 with two new tracks included, Reflections&Night's Tranquility
Today i see myself involved into remixing for the first time by for example having the opportunity to remix Jarre's track from his album TEO & TEA(C) & (P) AERO PRODUCTIONS A project created on WAT.TV in collaboration with AERO Prod, Warner France , in April of 2007.
Amongst many great musicians and artists that i have come to discover and to know since my presence here on Myspace, i had the pleasure to collaborate on songs specially composed by me. Collaborations include working with the soprano artist 'Amethyste' on a track that i have composed & titled 'From Tears to Paradise'. This inspiring cinematic style track was released on the 27th of September 2007 with amethyste's ethereal voice superbly panning along my composition .And where lately i also had the pleasure to be invited to remix 'Ehron VonAllen's new track titled 'Enigma'.
In the upcoming days and months ahead i intend to explore more styles ,to create new sounds designs and release single tracks together with a new studio album set for 2009.
Keeping in my heart all the inspirations of the past and of the moment with the enthusiasm to produce and to share my music works and my vision with you all.......... This brief history of myne is to be completed by finally thanking each and every one of you for each word,e-mail that you send me. All your support that really means alot for me...
I wish to thank all the artists listed here amongst many others for the inspiration that accompanied my life since i was young from many music genres & artists such as but not limited to : Jack Nitzsche , Trevor Rabin, Steve Jablonsky,The Art Of Noise, Michael Cretu (Enigma), Sandra , Ralf Hildenbeautel, Sven Vath , Vangelis ,Popol Vuh, Cosmic Baby, Hans Zimmer,Mark Snow ,Jan Hammer and many others.. To all the Creative persons & human visionaries that inspire me. I thank you therefore all for the inspiration that was conveyed to me all these years of my life and that continues .......
And finally but not least to GOD & to All My Family "
Transmitting...from the blue dot, called ...EARTH

My Interests

Music Creation / Graphics Design / Cinema / Fashion::

Movies:: The Abyss / 2001 Space.. Kubrick / Jesus Of Nazareth / 2010 The Year We make Contact ..and many other movies "... ::

I'd like to meet:

"You are welcome"



The Right Stuff.
Men Of Honour.
Jesus Of Nazareth.
2001: Space Oddissey.
2010: The year we made contact.
The Island.
The Abbys.
Blade Runner.
The Passion Of The Christ.
The Mission.
Close Encounters Of the Third Kind.
Capricorn One.
& continues...........


The X-Files.
Miami Vice.
Project UFO.
Italian TV.
& continues...........


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My Blog

::: Collaborations & Remixed Projects

Special Thanks To:JEAN MICHEL JARRE,AERO PRODUCTIONS,WARNER FRANCE ." TEO & TEA" Composed , Produced & RemixedByBrian Vassallo2007. ..Special Thanks To:EHRON VONALLEN. &  E R H  (additional e...
Posted by Brian Vassallo on Fri, 27 Jun 2008 04:53:00 PST