Member Since: 6/30/2007
Band Website: This is it! Congratulations!!!
Pop Whore 3: Alkie
'The Hype Can'
Known for his brave, yet tender, performance earning him the "best feathered livestock juggler in western europe" award at the 2002 livestock fair in portugal. It is not known what he does in the band and several of the band members insist they do not know him.
Pop Whore 2: Suzy Pop Whore
'Banging The Skins & Laying Down The Rythm'
The Pop Whores drummer is best known for her talents with nail guns, whipped cream, and spatulas. These talents are important to the pop whores vision and painstakingly yet delicately & tastefully added to each show.
Pop Whore 1: Johnny Pop Whore
'Making Sweet Love To The Guitar & The Microphone'
Pop Whore 1 is a brutal taskmaster who constantly drinks cheap beer in a paper bag and talks to himself - mostly about 'the old days'
1 Miller High Life
2 Schlitz
3 Old Style
4 Pabst Blue Ribbon
5 Old Milwaukee
6 Colt 45
7 Milwaukee's Best
8 Magnum
9 King Cobra
10 Anything in a 40 oz
the Misfits, Eddie Cochran, the Ramones, Buddy Holly, AC/DC, Sonic Youth, Black Flag, the Pixies, Mr. Bungle, The Beastie Boys, Syrup, Dewy Cox etc.
Richard Pryor, R. Crumb, Office Space, Fight Club, Cartoons, Gary Coleman & Willis, Skateboards, Mr. T, Cookies, Cake, Ice Cream etc.
Neil Diamond, Death, Winger, Taxes, Brittney Spears, Constipation, REO Speedwagon, Having A Ruptured Appendix, Yanni, Politicians, Def Leppard, Environmental Disasters, New Kids On The Block, Poison Ivy, Oak and Sumak, Bon Jovi, Totaling Your Car, EMO, Vomit, MTV, Insurance Companies, Michael Bolton, Mosquitos, Mariah Carey, Telemarketers, Poison (Both Kinds), Flies, Jimmy Buffet, Salespeople, INXS, Ticks, Bobby Brown, Fleas, Leaches, Bed Bugs, New Country, Food Poisoning, Christian Rock, Boils and Blisters, Soft Rock etc.
The secret to mixing your influences and coming up with something special and original, says Pop Whore 1, is to take several influences like, say Neil Diamond and imagine him spanking a christian rock artist with a spatula while Yanni plays a pan flute cover of a Slayer song. Then you've got something special that people can really feel.
Here's how all the magic started kids ... pop whore number 1 met pop whore number 2 and pop whore number 3 in the year *&^%$_+=* in a nearby galaxy on a planet called beer. As the vital beer resource began to dry up, the fearless trio set their sights on earth, noting it's abundance of great beers such as schlitz, old style and pbr and fine malt liquors such as king cobra and colt 45. Their mission is to hypnotize the inhabitants of earth using beer powered amps and malt liquor powered microphones in order conquer the earth's beer supply. This heroic trio also share a love of listening to James Brown naked, defecating on Neil Diamond albums and engaging in various forms of pyromania with Britney Spears memorabilia. That's how they roll. Several arrests, a jar of peanut butter and many cases of beer later the LP You'll Take It and You'll Like It was born. Hits like The Pussy Whip, Warm Beer Sucks, Fun With Fun Bags and Too Drunk to Care became standard classics in Armenia, Cuba and Iceland as well as on planet %$@!~(7). To date The Pop Whores have sold 33,784,583,069 Records which is really impressive considering the fact that the World Population is only around 6.6 Billion. That means that every person on the planet owns an average of 5 Pop Whores Albums. That is also very impressive considering the fact that The Pop Whores have only released one Album at this time. Many fans are not satisfied with only one recording and own The Pop Whores "You'll Take It and You'll Like It" album on Record, 8-track, Cassette, Compact Disc and Mp-3, decifering the subtle differences and aguing the merits of hearing The Pop Whores in each format. The Pop Whores are not merely satisfied with selling billions of records, being intergalactic heroes and icons to legions of fans and groupies, they sincerely want you to Grab a 12-Pack and Enjoy listening to The Pop Whores on your favorite format!!!!!
Sounds Like: Electric Beer.
The Lp is called:
You'll Take It and You'll Like It.
Record Label: unsigned
Type of Label: None