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TRUTH-the new social doctrine Professinal Photographer & Web Designer

About Me

First let me give praises to the most high. I am currently in New Orleans, to help with the rebuilding of the city-time to start some of these businesses but I am originally from Virginia (hence the 757) and professional photographer (hence the photo). As you all know it is impossible to sum yourself up in one page. I feel that my art work says more then what I can write here, so please check out my site, . We have been trained to be so wrapped up in our lives that we have become a passive society, we don’t question anything anymore. Lets reform ourselves- create a new social doctrine. A new doctrine where human rights are more important than property rights. A doctrine where all are respected regardless of race, gender or class. A doctrine where the true meaning of family is respected, even for the people who are not in your immediate. A doctrine where we think about how our actions affect people all over the world, not just U.S.(pun intended); we are all in this together. Use your talent, whatever it may be, as your voice. I put myself through collage along with the help of GOD. I have a BA in professional photography majoring in Industrial and Scientific photography and my minor Digital Imaging. I have been place on earth to help my people (the poor). To do that I must be an entrepreneur, own my own businesses, create leverage for my self so that I may spread my wealth and knowledge with others. I am big on real estate and in the future I plan to have cashflow properties (low income properties to help people get out of that state of mind and sale them their first home) I also plan to open up a few small business, a non profit school and a magazine. I consider myself a Jake of all trades and a master of none. Damn Right I Am a Dreamer and I am not letting go. Now my goals are not centered around money, I DESPISE money but most places require it to live. I don’t come from a family that provided stocks, mutual fund, trust and CD..s for me but there is too much free/self education out there for you and I to stay blind. It all starts in your mind and you don..t need a damn degree or school for that, (o I DESPISE institutionalized education too, bunch of bull but you got to do what you got to do). Invest in your future. Please learn about your history. Being Hispanic (Black and Guatemalan-but everyone is from AFRICA, so it doesn’t really matter), we got to know our history goes back further then slavery. Africa had the greatest empire; we are spawn from kings and queens. And to my Guatemalans our history goes back further than the guerilla warfare that is trying to take our homeland. We are descendants of the Mayans, who were doing math that included thousands upon thousands upon thousands of numbers making one of the most accurate calendars to date. STAY BLESSED and ONE LOVE.. ..

My Interests

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My Blog


Wow, I finished my pictures last night, like done with the retouching and all. A lot of me was happy. I had been working on all of them for like three months now. However, it is site time, time to red...
Posted by TRUTH on Mon, 11 Jun 2007 12:57:00 PST

Sowing seed

Ok I don't really do too much cus I am always working. If I am not working I am working on some images or getting some much needed rest. However this last Saturday was different. It was the bartender'...
Posted by TRUTH on Wed, 30 May 2007 02:45:00 PST


Posted by TRUTH on Wed, 16 May 2007 12:07:00 PST

The Creator Still Moving

OK to get the full story you really need to read The Creator Moving (part 1),part II and part III. However they are long as hell so I wont feel bad if you don't. God is good yall. I got a new job on t...
Posted by TRUTH on Wed, 16 May 2007 08:51:00 PST

The Creator Moving (part I)

This is when I wish I were a writer, to be able to put my words together in such a way that would make you feel what I feel. These last five days the CREATOR has been moving on a level that really mak...
Posted by TRUTH on Sat, 05 May 2007 02:55:00 PST

The Creator Moving (part II)

I want to have all kinds of art and most done my black/people of color. I meet some photographers and they fussed me out for not having my, then we went over to the gospel tent, got my p...
Posted by TRUTH on Sat, 05 May 2007 02:47:00 PST

The Creator Moving (part III)

We began to talk, by the end of the conversation, I had a Jill Scott photo he had taken at the fest, he wants me to redo his website and he also has some camera equipment that he said I could use. God...
Posted by TRUTH on Sat, 05 May 2007 02:38:00 PST

jilly from philly

I just saw Jill Scott live; I cried my life will never be the same. I am speechless.
Posted by TRUTH on Mon, 30 Apr 2007 10:37:00 PST


Ok came home, about 15 minutes into my oyster plate that I got from Captain Sals (for all the people in the NO pick up your month and go get you own plate (they pack it on, I like to eat and I still h...
Posted by TRUTH on Sat, 28 Apr 2007 05:32:00 PST

Answer ?

Be-rasheet (Gen.5; 2)  Yeah I am going to check that link out but I thought of the mark as a spiritual mark too, did not know people had said anything diffrent. Well they do not talk about a chil...
Posted by TRUTH on Mon, 29 Jan 2007 08:49:00 PST