The interests of a book are extremely limited as we're constantly encased in the same story everyday. Sometimes my readers take me to places like the beach, but the sand always gets stuck in my crack and I hate when that happens. I've been on rutted city streets and washed out mountain roads that shook my spine and rattled my mind. I've been dropped and thrown and sat on til I moaned, since hot butts in July can make a Green Beret cry. I don't need interests, that's what Duff's for, but I do like pretty girls, green, leafy vegetable matter...and oh yeah, chocolate.
Simon or Shuster. Barnes or Noble. Mr. 20th Century Fox. Mr. Universal Pictures. Kevin Smith. Johnny Knoxville. Eddie Van Halen. Ari Gold. Babe Ruth. Arnold the pig from Green Acres, Scooby Doo, and maybe a midget since I haven't puked since 1984. Jessica Alba, Nicole Lenz, or Dawson Miller. They can have any part in my movie they want. Anyone who can make me more than I am today, 409 pages of goofiness and funny shit...literally when it comes to Mouse, who's cleverly disguising himself as Vinnie on my friends list.
Click here to read excerpts about me at Google Books
I was born earless and will never be able to wear glasses but Van Halen always gets my pages turning, and Jackson Browne's lyrics make me think. Yes I'm earless and deaf but my best friend was written in braille, and she's a mighty fine teacher with exceptional rhythm and grace. Have you ever seen a book do the hospital hobble? I'm friggin' amazing, if I don't trip and land face first in the begonias.
Check me out at my place 2GIMPS.COM
I hope to be a movie someday so I can watch myself.
Duff props me up on the couch and makes me watch different sports and car races, pretending to be a man. He also, however, watches a few shows on the Food Channel...big sissie. He refuses to order the Playboy channel for me to enjoy so you be the judge. Is he a big flamer in waiting or just a cheap bastard?
I AM a book.
Joe "Duff" McBride. If it wasn't for him and his warped sense of humor, I would be one of a million stories never told or gone unread, gathering dust in a closet or...HEY I am kinda dusty over here. Duff, get off your fuckin' ass and sell MY crazy ass like the pimp that you're not, but like the whore that I am. Turn me out on the streets Gimp Daddy, I'm ready. Then we'll have a chat about that hero crap.