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We are being watched but we watch back.

About Me

"Planting the Evidence" Live at R3v3rb, Visual Edit by Robert L. Pepper

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Magic Zorillo Perform "Intergalactic Rape Scene" Live at R3v3rb, Visuals by Robert L. Pepper

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Magic Zorillo Perform "Space Jesus" Live at R3v3rb,

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Alien Police Mind Control Implements
Instructions in the event you retain autonomy during imminent alien takeover. Telltale signs of alien takeover: a) increased presence of security control mugs (see figure 1).
b) Diffusion of mind control instructions written in alien code (see figure 2).
c) The appearance of disembodied alien fingers. And d) Alien/police state communication and psychic broadcast systems (at your expense). The presence of Security Control Mugs is to be considered a much more serious threat than that of average mugs, who are parasitic indirectly. Security Control Mugs, however possess the necessary alien equipment to trigger the deadly alien police mind probe implanted in your brain. These mind probe activators are considered much more dangerous than all other alien agents. They possess the ability to reduce your minds and bodies to infested host organisms. Alien mind control instructions are imprinted in these deadly capitalist alien police codes. Deciphering these codes reveal the insidious plans of alien police to slowly and painfully acquire control of your mental processes in the most vulgar methods possible. These codes give the locations and functions of deadly alien police secrets on mind torture and swift subliminal submission of your persons to the deadly parasitic control virus. Disembodied alien fingers come to signify those among us who are currently under the domination of aliens. We are as yet uncertain as to the foul insidious function of these deadly parasitic alien fingers, however speculations suggest they are to help install the cursed alien police mind implants or the related parasitic virus’ which activate the abhorred deadly implants. Other scientists claim that these hideous disembodied fingers are to regulate the more delicate instruments inaccessible to the diseased mutated Security Control Mugs and their deadly guest virus’. Foul and insidious alien police state communication and psychic broadcast systems are installed at your pain as the virus’ procure the various parts painfully from your central nervous system and reproductive organs. They are synchronized by the stagnant alien death tone, subjecting its victims to the tortures of the damned for the rest of their reality resolution tunnel of alien viral infection. Broadcast mechanisms work by destroying neurotransmitters and replacing them with the evil virus. These mechanisms work to replace your genetic code with that of the deadly mutant alien police viral entities. This information will be useful in recognizing the foul plot to gain control of your mind and perhaps save future generations from a fate more painful than death: the imminent eradication of all human life as we know it by the evil capitalist alien police state virus and agents working in our midst. They must be stopped at all costs, before it is too late.

My Interests


Member Since: 6/28/2005
Band Website:
Band Members:
Lawry Nathaniel Theophilus - keyboards , theremin , sequencing , vocals
Robert Randy Hasan - keyboards , sampling , sequencing , vocals
Eric Eddie Barak - guitar , devices , steriods

Alien Police State Mind Control War

Master control mindlock network collapse mechanisms implanted for your security at costly installments by aloof sentient beings converging upon psychic grinding, cash producing masterlock motor control of space tourists and psychic vagrants. The imminent torture of leisure class pleasure victims in the penumbra of psycho-active all out race/class/gender/age war in the subliminal underworld. Thick streams of amniotic weaponry are being perfected against televangelical bigotry, against your biological fish-hatchery of explosive shock rhetoric to consume.

This of course should come as no surprise after centuries of slavery Patrons of filth besmirch you with brain locking feedback loops dropping you into sync-tone coma. Now is the time to take subscription, with extreme confidentiality. Future generations will rejoice in the lack of prisoners in the vast waste and by-product facilities. We hereby reserve the right to experiment and subservient all of your personalities when and where we choose for the duration of your commercial psychic police state resolution tunnel of vicarious reproduction. Rejection of disintegration possibilities enforces deadly ganglion police state brutality. We then subject your maternal gene pool with upon contact with the deadly viruses. The viruses were the lucky ones; they were spared the fate of watching the apocalypse crack super bowl packed tight for the next eon. The rest of the planets population that wasn’t absorbed by the tremendous rip-hit of 1923 was eventually flushed away after laborious unclogging. Yet there still remain some of the old mutants from previous incarnations. They’re known to have the ability to infect your mind with the rehab disaster virus and are to be considered more dangerous than common AIDS infected varieties. At all costs avoid contact with them and employ critical analysis of suspected mutants.Dr. C.A. Upinsides

Magic Zorillo Live at Don Hill's New York, November 19 2007, Performing "A Chorus of Cats"

Magic Zorillo Live at Don Hill's New York, November 19 2007 2

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" Muslimgauze R.I.P " live @ Don Hills

Magic Zorillo Live at Don Hill's New York, November 19th 2007

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"The Nazi in Question" Live at CBGB Lounge

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"Ei of Einstein 2" Video

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"Ei of Einstein 1" Video

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"Kuntrollatron" Video

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Sounds Like:

An ever changing mechanical dream like synesthesia designed by three individuals who care enough to make your mind a better place to live . Knowing unchartered territory can be both treacherous as well as enlightening , they explore sound and psyche to create a unique experience both beautiful and frightening . While writing about taboo subjects , ironic juxtapositions and the subconscious , the Magic Zorillo catalog continues to grow as a sublime mirror into the unknown world of dream logic.

Record Label:

Sneezing Elephant

Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

Review on ITUNES

If it can make this guy feel like SHOULD BUY THE ALBUM NOW! :) "Why can't there be more kind of bands with this creativity...This CD is AWESOME! It's awesome like the first time you touch ...
Posted by MAGIC ZORILLO on Fri, 30 May 2008 07:15:00 PST

Answering Your Questions !

HelllllOOOoo to YOU !Just to answer the questions being asked about the new material.1) Yes, there is new material being recorded . We are somewhere in the middleof the recording proocess. Half of th...
Posted by MAGIC ZORILLO on Tue, 02 Oct 2007 11:31:00 PST

A positive (yet dubious) review of Kraut Bastards by VICE Magazine!

"A CD is handed to you by a ponytailed dude with stretched earlobes at an industrial-noise show in an art gallery. It's got a goofy album title, a photoshopped scene from Hellraiser on the CD cover, a...
Posted by MAGIC ZORILLO on Fri, 25 May 2007 04:12:00 PST

"Kraut Bastards in the Black Forest" now available on iTunes!

Magic Zorillo's new album "Kraut Bastards in the Black Forest...or...It's Uncle Frank!" is now available for purchase and download from the iTunes online music store. Enjoy!
Posted by MAGIC ZORILLO on Sun, 24 Dec 2006 12:49:00 PST

New CD Out Now!

We finally got "Kraut Bastards in the Black Forest...or...It's Uncle Frank!" together! Please buy a copy to support the band!Thanks
Posted by MAGIC ZORILLO on Sat, 25 Nov 2006 08:34:00 PST

New My Space Magic Zorillo Videos

Hey folks, We have just posted two videos for our new songs "Ei of Einstein 2" and Kuntrollatron." They can be found on our my space page. Please check them out and make some comments! Thanks and be ...
Posted by MAGIC ZORILLO on Mon, 03 Apr 2006 02:54:00 PST

Purchasing a Magic Zorillo CD

Hello, Some of you have been asking where to buy a Magic Zorillo CD. Right now "Wlislo Picasso" can be purchased through The Connexion.Here is the link:
Posted by MAGIC ZORILLO on Fri, 31 Mar 2006 08:04:00 PST

Looking For Shows

Hey folks, Thanks for adding "Magic Zorillo" to your friends lists. We are currently looking for new venues to play. If anyone has any info please let me know. Thanks Robert...
Posted by MAGIC ZORILLO on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST