Dark-Surreal-Twisted Soundtracks of a Tortured Soul.
Heavy Gyrating Beats and Tribal Rhythms Penetrated by Hypnotik
Organic Pulsating Bass with Spiralling Hallucinogenic Melodies...
Originally, Crawlspace was formed by
Nimbus the Noodle , solely to remix ' The Giant Eyes .
It soon became obvious that this inspiring task had opened
the doorways to many new ideas as past met present.
Crawlspace consists of many different musicians that have
collaborated either with The Giant Eyes and/or Nimbus .
The most prominent of these musicians being Luc Stefan,
co-founder member of Crawlspace & Thirsty UK .
The two are aided by the wonderful psychodelic guitar talents
of Wobbly Bob from Daddy Fantastic .
In 2001, Brighton's Radio 4A broadcast 30 minutes from ' Save Yourself ',
as part of their Easter Mass Special.
Purchase Crawlspace Music
Crawlspace sporadically team up with good old friends
Yutang of Varispeed Recordings
At secret locations in the UK they perform Sound-Duel's or Sonic-Battles.
Many hours of material has been achieved with various line-up's & guests
including =ENERVATE= & Biffida .
The Outcome sometimes sounds like...
Crawlspace also indulge in Cyberspace-Collaborations
with Mr Spagandy from Singing Lawn Chairs
& Annastatsea
The first project is dedicated to our heroes .
It can be heard HERE!