WeLL i WouLDN'T MiND MeeTiN MySeLF To See WHaT iM ReaLLy LiKE... oR aT LeaST SoMeoNe WHo CaN GiVe Me WHaT i WaNT
oTHeR THaN THaT HeRe'S a FeW oTHeRS iN No PaRTiCuLaR oRDeR i WouLDN'T MiND MeeTiN aS THeY HaVe aLL iNFLueNCeD Me iN SoMeWaY... eVeN THo MoST oF THeM WouLD PRoBaBLy THiNK iM aN aNNoYiN LiL BaSTaRD...
ian curtis(joy division), steven hawkins, jesus, robert smith, anton szandor lavey, scar13, seymore butts, david bowie, adolf hitler, alister crowely, wayne kerr, david beckham (just so i can smash his obnoxious face in), derren brown, chris tarrent, john holmes, liz vicious, freddy kruger, siouxsie siouxe, beavis+butt-head, jon lydon, sid vicious, captain sensible, dave vanian, micheal jackson, grub smith, ashley halmes, worzel gumage, noel edmunds, mr blobby, evil edna, dougal, dylan the rest of magic roundabout, the mighty boosh, ghandi, john major, tony blair, bin-laden, the queen, god, satan, willy wonka, charles manson, david berkowitz, ted bundy, marilyn manson, jenna jameson, beetlejuice, teenage mutant ninja turtles, thomas the tankengine, hulk hogan, the undertaker, ultimate warrior, zippy, bungle, iggy pop, blah blah blah and the list goes on...