everything - especially the future. And that includes science too. Try this. Imagine "a vibration" that has "a common denominator" with -every- molecule in the Universe. That is a theory they teach about in the 4th year of college - physics and engineering. Just something in theory that they teach about. Speculation. Ahhhh. But is it just: a theory ? If it were real ... what could it do ?? And how powerful would something like that be ??? Shhhh. Mountains rumble. Okay so, after the earth quaked the mountain fell and the mudslide ate a village. They said it was ... just a Theory. The waters get deeper. Next question. -- If you are not A Good Person - don't waste any OF my Time, please - ever. It's way too precious.
Almost everyone, in person. As Destiny creates: the Cross road -- you find ... you made it here. Friends are kept close to heart - and off the Big Brother radar. Decided I would only put new people here if there is something honest about them. In the opinion of "The Pen" ... (based on fact) honesty - on this Earth: is hard to find. You all know this is true. The World we live in. If a person is that kind of special, then - they do belong here.Now someone special said this little piece below should be shared with the World. That is the only reason it becomes included. So you can skip it or you can ... read it and become one thing -- "all the wiser." No -questions asked- on this. Like i said, it is here because it was given a green light. And it is written in Stone. begin ...Saw a write up on a page (not saying where) answering a question about "what is God" and about all religions coming together that made a lot of sense. It also, somewhere along the route, addressed the issue of: evil. People are confused in today's world. This gave something to think about.What -is- going on ... New York City had been Springtime in Winter. First weeks of January 2006 it was as high as 61 degrees out. Then it is cold out. Then it is warm again. So what do I wear today ? And as went into 2007 all that the Politicians have done is create more hate around the World, massive hate. And the coincidences of Floods, Quakes, Heat waves and more say a lot. All in the depths of Karma -- and Timing. Show me a real Spiritual Leader. It is time we woke up. Okay, this material -when I saw it - made me think a little more. Someone asked the question: what is God ? And what to do with so many religions --This was the response.About religion ... make like a cocktail and put them all together. Then you come up to speed for what will be and is -- the future. The time we are in. Not to live in the past. Or to live with fables that are thousands of years old and have no proof to them. This is a time when Life gave the computer, the camara, the video - all to preserve the truth. And to forever have hardcore proof ... that LIFE is Magic. In all religions: there is a common denominator. And it is not necessarily some invisible existence of a being. TO understand religion, the easiest way is recognize it as: A Timeline Of Human Culture. There, when you put it all together, you find something new that serves modern times ... and all time. For me - my religion is: Totally Cool. Now ask yourself what is Totally Cool to you ??? Any answer you find to that question works - and is a correct answer. If evils are not attached. And see, whatever is the answer ... it becomes part of your religion too. Part of your Life, part of your everyday living. We are in "The Vortex of Time" -- where all things come together.Want to sort it out ? First understand what God really is ... then the rest will come to you. Okay -- God. Think of THE WHOLE UNIVERSE as "one body." One complete body. Like you - one body. You are -as a fact- an active mind that lives in one body. So the Universe is, in fact: one body, possessing the element of Time. And like you - why can would it not have within it a powerful active mind ? Living. Alive. On the Inside. Just like you. Now understand ... one all powerful living mind Alive in the body of the universe and in the body of that thing called time - with an added math equation of Pi. There ... now you have found ... God. And God very much alive. The living mind of the body we call The Universe. At that point you are halfway there.HERE, this will give you something MORE to ponder. Was dealing with an old jewish woman who was a member of the legal community. Her husband died some time ago. But based on her religion, her mindset was that: when you die you get buried - everything goes dark (black), and it is all over. I could not move her to the idea that there was more after death - MORE AFTER THE LAST BREATH. That in fact you go somewhere else. Or that maybe, based on this encounter - interaction, her husband was trying to give her a message. She just wanted to believe he was dead. And dead means at her understanding "end of report." A quote that I love most is ... "To think that dead does not mean alive is: an error." But best to show things by having a real life example. Like Darwin, we evolve. Darwin only went as far as he could for the times he was in. Here we are in the time that goes one step further. To The Full Extent of Understandings. So here is what to ponder. As with the little old jewish woman -- she would not come to reach or understand the idea when someone is dead ... they are very much alive ... just went forward, onward: to another place. A caterpillar to butterfly transition (so to speak). Just made a change. Again, it is best to show understandings and examples based on things of "absolute fact." And some things are absolute. This is what was said to her ... In every moment - "In every moment of your life: you are going somewhere." This can not be argued. It is fact. "Whether you are going to the file cabinet, going to the desk, going to make a phone call, going home, going to the store, going to the bathroom, going to watch tv, going to take the next breath, going to eat something" -- In every moment you live it proves, "you are always going somewhere" ... just plain fact. It is a Law of Nature (unbreakable) and part of the function of all elements, science, the Universe - and any thing alive. To make her understand what happens after the last breath these words were spoken. "So if every moment of your life you are always going somewhere - then ..... why would it be any different after the last breath ??? Why, why would it be any different when you die ?" "It is a function of The Universe. You are - always - going somewhere. So ... you go somewhere." The little old lady finally got it. She looked up as the light bulb went on in her head and said, "what a wonderful point. You .... are .... right. You are 100% correct." Her associate who was making the point responded, "See ... a scientific fact. Not just belief. You are always going somewhere." She can see now, as a fact -- maybe you don't just wind up in a dead dark hole when you die. As life has been proving to you your whole life: you are always going somewhere. You go somewhere. In every moment of Life -- you are ... always going somewhere. And you go forward. Okay so, here is the statement: "The first thing you learn after your last breath is you are still alive." What else happens ? Since in that fact you are still alive -- then, as you go on ... You learn !!! Because you are still alive ... you learn a lot more things. Of course. Because you are still alive. You do not die, in the sense of an end. It is just a Transition. And after you take the last breath, for a while, you reach a place (go to a place) where you as a living being, can actually: rest in peace. Then it might be (would be) that -after that- you come back out into a world like this. Where life shows itself to be more. A 3-dimensional world where you can feel, and touch, and hug, and experience all that much more.So now look at this. In fact, religion of the past is just a base of Foundation to get people where they are going or what is good for them in this World called Earth at that particular time - whatever time it is. So strip it all away and deal with basics. The Universe is in whole -- one complete body (like you) - inside that body is a mind and profound energy. Give it a name. Some call it God, some call it Allah, some call it other things -- to see it is real. A living mind inside the Universe ... functioning. Like you, the prime example: thinking inside. Evil is more about: people. There is always a balance. With the good is the bad. Like Love and hate. Have to have both to know the difference. And to know: "what not to be like", and, how to make yourself a better human being inside. Or any other way ... life would be without dimension. And nothing would be learned - or really experienced. Okay hope this was fun for you. Be at peace with your own collective knowledge that you carry with you each day as you go forward in this time. And then what happens ? At that point, then ... You are -more- than halfway there -- in the realm of Pure Knowledge ... and Understandings. On that road you become 2 things: "all the wiser", and, in fact - truly "enlightened." Cool baby. Totally Cool. Did you wake up ... yet ? And are you now: Really Alive !!!!As I said "my religion is ... Totally Cool." Now think about that statement. It can be read two ways. My religion - whatever it is - is: Totally Cool, like yours. Or my religion is some thing new. Respecting all religions and bringing it all together. Its new name ... like christianity, buddhism, jewish, muslim ... is: "Totally Cool." It is also called and known as: "The Highest Order." Guess what ? Now Life becomes even more fun ! And filled with - absolute truth. As it all is in the palm of you hand.Maybe one day this World we call earth will get to a better place that is called and needed ... The Truth. And the deepest of understanding. Based on Facts and pure absolute truths. Not lies and illusions or only "hollow beliefs" of fables or fiction someone tries to sell you - or wants you to ........ "just believe." Sent with love. Enjoy.PS: want more ??? Then Ponder. Use your mind. Think. If you are -always- going somewhere -throughout ALL of Life- then (as a fact and function of all life) ... if you are always going somewhere that means, in turn -- you are coming from somewhere. That you come from somewhere. Going to somewhere, come from somewhere. Which, in that scientific math equation- for you to have been born: you had to come from somewhere. "We are travelers through Time and Space." A big thought. But it is a big Universe. With all the time in the world - and all the time in the Universe. To teach you a lesson and for you to experience what is real. When it is a nice night out - go outside and look up at the stars and stare into Space. You will enjoy it and your own life ... that much more. See how vast Life can really be and how vast The Universe you live in is ??? Who knows, maybe with all that you have learned here - it will help somebody. As YOU tell them about it. The truth of the simple fact that you are "Always going somewhere." Think about it. An interesting concept. And so so true. So why would it be any different afer you die ? You are going somewhere. And also -- WE ALL GO TO THE SAME PLACE. Only thing anyone else can offer to contradict this is an argument of: denial, a hollow assertion. The concept that "you are always going somewhere", as it is Life's function -- will give everyone something to think about. Moreso, it is very true - in whole, without exception. Religions are the timeline of human culture. God is a living mind (and energy) within the Universe, a living existence inside the body called: all the universe (known and unknown Universe). And evil is something that helps defines what good is. Know the difference. Truth or lie. Real or Fake. Some things are actually -absolute- facts. Not spin doctoring of what the liars call themselves: "just words." In truth, words are to have meaning. Not to be baseless - or ... hollow. Life does have meaning. Like night and day, up and down, left and right, in and out, north and south. Always a balance. Life is dimensional. Peace and War. The World can do without HATE. Someone should try promoting that idea. I do hope you enjoyed this. It was brought to you by The Universe. For you to learn something and understand the greatest truth of all. You are ALWAYS going somewhere. We all are.Okay -- so the above was written somewhere else. Thought it made some good points. Could not argue the fact we are "... always ... going somewhere." Even if we are going to: sit down. Think about it. You are -always- going somewhere. The word to note in that statement of fact is: "always." It might show in life there are some absolutes. And functions that are undeniable. Even after the last breath.Opinions are not necessary here. This is set in stone. And when you pull the sword from the stone, make sure no one is looking.: )Hey lady ... you made the call - so here is the piece. A serious piece. (ps: oh and by the way ... on the flipside, we do know someone who was put in a "choke hold" and stopped breathing completely - from 9:30 to 9:45 on a Friday night. What happened after that ? "A breath from nowhere filled the lungs of a lifeless body." When you want to know what happens after the last breath - ask someone who has taken the last breath.) Here you learn. To ... Realize. http://www.totallycool.net/Realize.html ---- Now what was the deep side of all the above - the real point to be made ??? Two. 1) you have just learned -by scientific example- that all your dead relatives and / or friends who have passed away ... are still alive, really alive ... as they just went, are, somewhere else. Waiting for you. And the most important point - 2) that a person, in this World that we live in now, may think they can be - Deceitful, Hurt People, NOT live up to their Word, or TRASH on the earth anyway they want. Because they think: this is -the only life- they have, or will have. And that when they die they just wind up in a box or as ashes. So they can do whatever they want on this Earth - thinking they do not have to answer for the things that happened in this life or the things they do. Well, anyone thinks like that has got another thing coming. As a fact, each and every human being will still be very alive after they take their last and final breath. And each human being will answer for the things they do - one way or another. And they will remember. They will in Life after the Last breath remember everything they did here, in this world and in others. That is a fact also. And you may have to answer for it - answer for what has been done- for a very long time. (Beyond your: imagination). It, your life, does not end - just like that. Now maybe the whole World should start thinking about being ... a World of Heartfelt People - good people. Or else, what will happen ? The Time Has Come. See the world the way it is today ??? A lot of weird things have happened since the turn of the new millennium. Paranormal events like School Shootings, West Nile Virus Mosquitos, The World Trade Center, Anthrax, The Tsunami, New Orleans, Massive Earthqakes, Mudslides, Weather, and much much more. The time you are in is called: intense. And there is more to come. A bunch more ... if we don't get it together and if we don't learn to live in Peace, without War. Face the facts. Facts do not care about what you ... Believe !!! It is about true balance. True Power. The Power of Life. Not someone's silly political power or self serving belief - sales pitch. Signed 4. aka "The Pen." ---------------------------------------------------- very " Special Thanks " goes out to MySpace.com ... just for being there for all of us. "Thanks !" -------------- Simply put, it was best said like this: "We are Spiritual Beings having - A Human Experience." -- It is all about the SIGNS ! See it to the End.
Get this video and more at MySpace.com... in case ya don't remember that was Tesla and Shampoo. Thanks everybody. Appreciate it. Totally Cool: Rocks ! Okay we have a little bit of Space here so let's have a zone for new and very fresh hot off the press stuff. Call it the ... En Core Zone. This is pop and rock. "Nicola" - a live performance recorded Friday April 7th, 2006 at the Pussycat Lounge in Manhattan. Enjoy.
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not enough space to list
everything on a really big screen - imax here we come
?????????????? most of all things that make people laugh. Plus HBO, Starz, CNN, Disney, www.TotallyCool.net, Discovery Channel, History Channel, TMC, Sci-fi Channel, MTV, VH-1, Digital Cable ...
science fiction that becomes real. Like Jules Verne - "20,000 Leagues Under the Sea." It was fiction when written. Became real later. Like ... "From The Earth To The Moon." Same author. Also ... "The Magic of Believing" - Claude M. Bristol - some of it: mental art pictures, mirror techniques, suggestion, women and psychic power. Like ... Mother's Intuition. Some things look like Fiction then they become real or are real. Things of this nature. But still with one's feet placed firmly on the ground. Poems. And ... the Dictionary. Words should have meaning.
the good, the bad, and the whatever - Thomas Edison. Alexander Graham Bell, all the Prophets in human culture (including musical talents, inventors, philosophers, researchers, great artists, and good minds), the Museum of Natural History in Manhattan ... and at the very top of the list, the very most important: truthful honest people. Try this test ... pass it around. Interesting to see what peoples' answers are. Amy asked for 10 questions. These are ... the questions. Do you have the guts to answer them ? Dare ya. 1. If after you passed away -- you were to come back into a world like this in another time and place somewhere in the Universe what would you want to be ??? 2. If you could meet The Holy Spirit what would you say to that entity ??? 3. If you meet God after your last breath on this earth what would you say ... or ask ??? 4. If you met a close relative after you died what would you say ??? 5. If you were to have a first child what would you want, a boy or a girl ??? 6. Why ? to question 5. 7. If you had a choice of taking a million dollars or saving someone's life which would you choose -- knowing if you took the money people would die ??? 8. Do you think this test is just words or is Life really testing you ??? 9. If Life were to reward you somewhere in all of time what reward would you want ??? 10. If you could be forgiven for something you did what would it be ??? Life never said the test would be easy : )
| View | Add FavoriteNext comes the Video Zone. THE "F" WORD. This is a funny piece about the "F" Word. Can't tell ya anything. Just watch. All the credit goes to Kenneth Cole. Captured on location by Richard Renda aka Totally Cool. Special "thanks" and Hugs go out to Deborah Hughes (NYC PR) ... with love.
Get this video and more at MySpace.comCan't tell about this either. You have just got to see it. Funny !!! The Catwalk sickness. "Catwalkers Anonymous." Concept by Kenneth Cole. Shot on the runway -live- handheld by Richard Renda aka Totally Cool. Sorry if it shakes a bit. Was laughing. Tried not to but one or two times just couldn't help it - had to laugh. Enjoy !
Get this video and more at MySpace.comWasn't going to put another video here - don't know if the page can handle it. Hope so. Was happy with the amount that are in now. But people are watching this in the video library, and getting much out of it -- it is not fair not to be included here. So before i start the video run this is something that has to be done. Totally Cool: Talks ... live. What about "Respect" ?
Get this video and more at MySpace.com"Ramps and Amps." This video is "Ramp & Amps." High flying ! And it is real. Hint: load into machine and watch once. Then play again for smoother results. It is 30 fps for broadband. (There is a 15 fps Bingo Brother video at the very bottom of the column for slower machines. And it too is really fun.) At the "Ramps and Amps" event it IS the first and only time a 900 degree spin on a Skateboard happens in the History of New York State. This video includes Tony C. and The Truth "Ball & Chain" at the New York City South Street Seaport and Jeremy Scott Fashion Acrobats. Special Thanks to People's Revolution PR - Kelly Cutrone and to Meredith at Bragman Nyman Cafarelli PR. Video edit and camera work by Richard Renda - also known as "Totally Cool." It you find this on a download credit me please "Richard - Totally Cool." Everything is always shot "Handheld", without a tripod. So be kind - forgiving, thank you. Enjoy the vid !
Get this video and more at MySpace.comFisher - "Beautiful Life."These videos come from the scratchboard. The "playground" so to speak. A quiet corner tucked away in Space. Well, maybe not so quiet. Turn the volume UP ! The Playground is the where things are looked at and perfected for the Friends Community ... "MySpace -- The Network That Grows." And then it comes here to this page. This presentation is meant soley to enhance your experience on MySpace and broaden the horizons of life. As technology gets better through the Future we will get better too. We hope that you enjoy all that is brought to you. None of the videos or any editorial material presented by your me may be used for commerical or promotional use -- in any way. It is my works and my copyrights. Like I said, it is here for you to enjoy and make YOUR FRIENDS NETWORK at MySpace.com all that much more interesting. As we go forward great Fashion Vids created and shot on location by "Totally Cool" will be included. Because so many times the talent of each and every hard working Model gets overlooked. If you see something with a musical talent featured - all that is asked is that you be supportive of them. The gifts life has to offer ... the talent of the human being. Thanks. This video is Fisher. While making her video in The Big Gotham, New York City, we were invited to shoot. It is 30 fps. If in any video you would like a 15 fps version for slower machines just ask and will be happy to post it for you at the MySpace video page. This song is called "Beautiful Life." Iris Records is the label Fisher is on. I always give credit where credit is due. Call it a good "Habit" - more courtesy. "Beautiful Life" is a pretty song with a lot of meaning. This video was shot on the westside of Manhattan at the edge of the Hudson River and produced by Richard Renda courtesy of Fisher, Pam Workman, and Iris Records. Again if you download my work please credit me. Here the credit should read: "Music by Fisher, Iris Records. On location video by Richard Renda - Totally Cool." Fisher is also available at MySpace.com, i tunes, and Amazon. Enjoy.
Get this video and more at MySpace.comRollin' along. This is the Central Park Skaters. And the Central Park Dance Skaters Association. Will write more later. Tired. But for those of you go with the flow ... will put the video up. Back in a while.
Get this video and more at MySpace.comWhat Music Do I Like:Almost everything. Almost -- This is Bingo Brothers "Call of The Wild." 30 fps. Courtesy of Richard Renda and Luna Sound Studio. Shot at the New York City Halloween Extravaganza in Greenwich Village. A lot of Fun !!! Video produced by Richard Renda.
Get this video and more at MySpace.comAgain I Mention: If you download any of the works please credit: camera and edit - video produced by Richard Renda a/k/a "Totally Cool" ... The Original Totally Cool : ) and most of all credit the Musical Talent ! If you would like to feature one of these presentations on your profile page don't hesitate to write a request. Maybe you'll get the approval. Much love.Now this next video is also the Bingo Brothers - "Walk With A Zombie" - 15 fps for not so highspeed connect. Courtesy of Luna Sound Studio and Richard Renda. Camera work and Video produced by Richard Renda. Enjoy.
Get this video and more at MySpace.com"TC Rocks 5." This is Amazing. If you like Fashion and History and Rock Music. The 1st mixture of rock music and fashion in a public broadcast ever. Vintage vid clips. And live runway. Super Models. High Profile designers. KMFDM Juke Joint Jezabel from the mad great Mortal Kombat Soundtrack courtesy TVT Records. Video by and courtesy of your one and only Richard Renda aka Totally Cool. Special Thanks to all Those who helped make this happen : )
Get this video and more at MySpace.comHere Let's Put Up A Little cutting edge Fashion Video ! This is a very "exclusive" end of runway view of the very 1st Fashion Runway presentation in all the History of the famed New York City Music Hall. This is "Baby Phat" Spring / Summer collection 2006. Hope Partlow is the music talent featured. She is on Virgin Records. And you can download her at MySpace Music or check her out at itunes. Many thanks and hugs go out to Russell and Kimora. Hey ... enjoy the Show !!! Video, edit, and camera by Richard Renda aka Totally Cool. This is Totally Cool !
Get this video and more at MySpace.comWelcome to The Rotation Zone ... Ringling Bros. Circus Band ... who even knew they had a live band. The 1st Story ever done on them in 125 years. Includes the Legendary "Triple" on the flying trapeze (made Famous in the movie "Trapeze" with Burt Lancaster). Includes Making of Die Hard. Exclusive Footage from an angle the Film company does not have. Watch the person -running under the car- as it goes over the wall.
Get this video and more at MySpace.comDedicated to all those who participated in the 2006 Olympics and to all the make it happen. Grand Central Station New York City Laser Light Show -- on the Ceiling. Video shot and edit by Richard Renda - Totally Cool.
Get this video and more at MySpace.comWill the real Steven Tyler please stand up !!!
Get this video and more at MySpace.comSEE SPOT RUN ...
Get this video and more at MySpace.comAt this point YOU have reached A Special Presentation Dimension - now showing ... Victoria's Secret: Walk This Way. Victoria's Secret live Runway. Special Presentation. Featuring Aerosmith. Video short may not be used for any commerical or promotional purpose. A taste of a real runway. Honoring History, Music, and Victoria's Secret. Edit by R. Renda. Shot by house cameras and Richard Renda on location. Aerosmith "Walk This Way" is courtesy of and available on Sony Records. Many a Thank You goes out to Full Picture Communications and to all the Models for their overlooked hard work. Scrutiny Under The Lights. Now -- Walk This Way ...
Get this video and more at MySpace.comNow if you watched "Walk This Way" - here you will see Victoria's Secret has come a long way. And if you did not believe in Angels before YOU WILL NOW. Life created this - The Vortex in Time - to prove that "Angels are Real" in this world and the next. This is the Proof. And -- I always bring my friends with me in a time of Revelation. Especially ... The Angels. This is chock full of goodies, including Totally Cool Kathy Hilton (mom) as we enter the exclusive. Victoria's Secret live Runway. Special Presentation. Extended Edition. This video may not be used in anyway without permission - writing. A taste of a real runway. Edit and Video courtesy of yours truly: The Original Totally Cool aka Ruchard Renda. Big Thank Yous go to our friends at Full Picture, to ALL the production people, and to all the girls. Now say the 2 magic words and let the Genie appear.
Get this video and more at MySpace.comMr. Fred. A Lesson To Be Learned. It speaks for itself. Sacred Spirits.
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