Halloween Queen profile picture

Halloween Queen

The Good, The Bad And The Ugly

About Me

Train conductor and real estate agent. Just started in November with a new firm called teardowns.com. I basically prowl Westchester, Putnam and Dutchess counties looking for houses that I can knock down. Not me per say but teardowns.com. We like to advertise our commission which is only 2% to the seller. I am not your average "cookie cutter" real estate agent. I like to think "out of the box' and bring a new approach to my field. I like meeting new people and have no problem approaching people about listing with my firm. Being an agent to me means being a consultant, friend and salesperson. I'm not just in it for the commission. I don't like slimy "cut-throat" realtors who need to bash others to get business. Frankly, mean people suck. Check out the Zillow.com real estate discussion boards where you will meet the Doomers vs. the Susie Sunshiners and everything one else in between. Dave's a train conductor and that's a hard job. Working 10 hours a day and coming home tired and sweaty. He sure meets a lot of interesting people though. Besides our jobs, we do have our passions. David would like to write more and when I get that rare quiet moment to myself I like to curl up in a corner and read his works. He is also a very good artist and some of his drawings are hung up in the house. He's fun to be with and makes up creative learning games for the kids.

My Interests

I LOVE SUMMER!!! Fireworks at Playland in Rye, NY. Skiing. We hate snowboarders who have no sense of direction and run right over us on the slopes. Snowshoeing, hiking, fishing. Robin loves to fish even though she hates to get up at 5 AM to go. Hunting. Bike riding. Jogging. Rollerblading. Robin loves the aerial arts and hopes to take aerial silks again. Would like to move closer to Streb but we need a good school for the kids and one that has a good special needs program. Our youngest is diagnosed with PDD (pervasive development disorder). Spending time with our 3 kids. Nourishing and encouraging and loving them and telling them to follow their dreams! What else, circus arts, foreign films. Going to the opera. Making my girlfriend laugh. David is a very talented writer. Halloween is our favorite holiday. We love to decorate our house to the hilt. We take the kids trick or treating and then dress up and hang outside our house and then hit the haunted house down the street. Check out haunteddeadend.com for our pic. We were honored to win one of the adult best costumes. We also do the parades with the kids. Nyack, Chappaqua. Nyack is the best. Dave won't go to the city since we almost got mauled to death one year after I dressed up as candy and condom girl. Check out the youtube video for Nyack Halloween parade. Look for the geisha and the sumo.

I'd like to meet:

We would like to meet people who have the same interests as ourselves. Nasty, angry people need not apply. We consider ourselves to be liberal and creative. Also, would like to meet anybody involved in circus arts. I would like to get the children more involved in this discipline because to develop and accomplish a skill that seems hard will allow them to accomplish anything in life. To me, there are no limits or boundaries. I am definitely a risk-taker. This is what I would like to instill in my children.


Jazz, 70's rock. Would love to see Andrea Bocelli in concert. Josh Groban, Tony Bennett. My daughter and I like Kelly Clarkson. Aerosmith. Boston. Anything that sounds good on the radio where I can jam with my kids in the car. How many headbanging 5 year olds do you see these days?


Wizard of Oz is our favorite. Polar Express is a close second cause Dave reminds me of the conductor in the movie. He doesn't sing and dance on the train but he has been known to play the harmonica. He is really entertaining to watch.


When we get a chance Ugly Betty, Heroes and Ghost Whisperer are our favorites.


Wuthering Heights and Ben Hur.


My kids

My Blog

Trulia - Buying a Fire Damaged House

I just won best answer on Trulia.Personally, I think the real estate agent from Miami should have won.http://www.trulia.com/voices/Home_Buying/WAS_THIS_HOUSE_ BURN-58548--
Posted by Halloween Queen on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 10:05:00 PST

Courage Is

Went to Back To School Night at my daughter's new school which is absolutely fabulous. Way better than her old one. She is in second grade. All the kids had to write a book about what courage is al...
Posted by Halloween Queen on Fri, 19 Sep 2008 09:11:00 PST

Bus Stop

Is it just me or do other moms get "hit on" when they are at the bus stop with their kids in the morning? Actually I was quite flattered. I didn't know that I looked that good at 8 AM. The guy kept...
Posted by Halloween Queen on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 06:00:00 PST

Just Wondering

We are on vacation this week on the North Fork of Long Island.  On the way out we stopped at Hooter's to eat.  I thought it was funny and ironic that is was next to BJ's.
Posted by Halloween Queen on Sat, 02 Aug 2008 02:54:00 PST

*CaiTiE LoLa*

OMG!!! I am so excited!!! My 22 year old niece just got engaged. He proposed on Myrtle Beach. I love the way James proposed. They were walking on the beach writing to each other in the sand like "...
Posted by Halloween Queen on Mon, 07 Jul 2008 09:03:00 PST

Not once but TWICE in one night.

The next time you go fishing on a party boat and the captain tells you not to overcast your line, PLEASE listen. Last night we went fishing off Captree Island near Robert Moses State Park. It was a ...
Posted by Halloween Queen on Mon, 30 Jun 2008 04:03:00 PST

Worst Day EVER!!!

My 5 year old gets beat up on the playground by a marauding mob of boys. He is small but fights back. Go Mat! One of the kids who beat him up complains that Mat fights back. Guess what sweetheart ...
Posted by Halloween Queen on Sat, 31 May 2008 07:35:00 PST

Citrix ICA Xenapp? English Please

Give me a break. I am only a real estate agent. I have a Mac and can't access the local MLS without Internet Explorer but can access the MLS using the new Citrix Launcher called Rapattoni MLS XenApp...
Posted by Halloween Queen on Tue, 27 May 2008 09:49:00 PST

Almost Busted For Picking Up Boyfriend

OMG. I cannot believe this happened tonight. My boyfriend is a train conductor for Metro North. I had the car tonight so I drove to the yard to pick him up. The only people allowed in the yard are...
Posted by Halloween Queen on Thu, 24 Apr 2008 10:36:00 PST

New York Giants World Champs- Nail Biter of a Game

YAYYYYYYY!!!!!!! My whole family went to a Super Bowl party tonight at my boyfriend's brother's house. My secret weapon was to jinx the New England Patriots which actually worked every time they pla...
Posted by Halloween Queen on Mon, 04 Feb 2008 09:35:00 PST