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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

MMISC, or Multi-Media Internet Sketch Comedy, is the alien-ovaposited love-child of ZEB, Ryan Gigliotti, Jason Daniel Malloy and Tommy Zadoyko. Born from their need to work together and produce something larger than themselves, yet faced with the reality of being spread across the United States, MMISC is, first and foremost, an experiment.
The Four (as an ancient prophecy called them) decided that it was time to stop whining about rarely being in the same place at the same time, and turn that apparent obstacle into a benefit; A quality that might just help them create work that can separate itself from the masses of cookie-cutter, football-in-the-junk dookie that is passing itself off as 'high-larity' on the interwebs these days.
The acronym 'MMISC' was a happy accident that managed to set the tone for the troupe; One that implied that anything was possible and any genre, any motif, any medium was ripe for comic exploitation.
MMISC welcomes you into the fold of comedy black sheep and hopes you enjoy the slurpy fruits of its labors.

Zeb, a graduate of the School of Hard Knocks, has been performing in comedic, tragedic, and educational roles for much of his life. Some of his favorites include Robin Goodfellow in ’A Midsummer Night’s Dream’ and teachng children about resolving conflict through WOW Theatre’s ’Bucket and Cutter’ series. Fascinated by the variety and skill of vaudville style performers, Zeb is constantly delving into new arenas of entertainment and performance. But at the core of his love of acting is the opportunities for exploration of his country, himself, and his fellow man that are afforded him through it’s pursuits. He is excited to be a part of MMISC and looking forward to the lessons it has to offer.
Ryan Gigliotti

Ryan Gigliotti originally attended higher education for chemistry, which naturally led to a career as a performer. After spending years as a professional sword-fighter (much like Van Damme was a professional kick-boxer), he settled in Orlando, FL where he currently works performing comedy and the occasional sword fight for the most popular theme park on the planet. Ryan has improvised with Royal Improv Comedy, Comedy Sharks, Comedy Olympics, and SAK Comedy Labs; he has been seen on stage in some Shakespeare, in some adapted Dylan Thomas, and in the premier cast of The Iliad, the Odyssey, and All of Greek Mythology in 99 Minutes or Less. Instead of sleeping, he is also a stunt performer and fight choreographer, and the Entertainment Director of the Tennessee Renaissance Festival.
For Ryan, MMISC is the opportunity to work with great friends and great talents, doing something they all love: making people laugh, and usually in a sort of bizarre, non sequitur type of way. He would like a dinosaur, please.
Jason Daniel Malloy

Against his will, Jason began writing and speaking in public at about 8 years old. He was extremely shy, so this work, religiously motivated, was a bit of a trial by fire and once he COULD stop, he did. A few years later he started back into performance and has been studying writing, improvisational theatre and physical comedy full-time since 1995. He now is extremely grateful for the direction of his early life, as it gave him a whole bunch of tools that many performers are not lucky enough to receive. He currently is a street performer and improvisational comedian in New Orleans.
Tom Zadoyko

Tom Zadoyko is excited to embark on this great experiment known as MMISC. For years, he has longed to pursue sketch comedy and at last it is a reality. Tom’s career in entertainment began during college, where he was studying marine biology (I know, go figure). On a lark, he auditioned for Mt. Hope Estate in central Pennsylvania and was actually cast! Since those bygone days, Tom has performed children’s theater, Shakespeare, improv, stage combat, and a host of other productions. His pirate comedy sword-fighting show, The Buckle and Swash Show, can be seen at Renaissance Faires across the country. Tom would like to thank Tom Laitinen (for being a madman) and all his friends and family for their support through the years. Without your laughter, where would he be?
Short answer: the asylum.

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

MMISC would like to thank The Internet Archive (at and for their amazing audio and video clips. Please support them!

My Blog

First MMISC Video with Commentary!

Here is the video that kicked off the entire MMISC idea. Once the Four knew they wanted to undertake this project, they kicked around dozens of ideas of how they could make something while scattered ...
Posted by on Wed, 12 Nov 2008 12:17:00 GMT

Growing Pains

In February of this year we had an idea.  We would use the power of the inter-web to bring four performers together.  Ideas began to flow, logistical problems were solved (logically), and lo...
Posted by on Thu, 30 Oct 2008 08:02:00 GMT

The Job

The Job is up and ready for your viewing pleasure!Someday, we'll do a Director's Cut DVD of some of our sketches, or a deleted scenes thing, and you'll see that this one has probably almost an hour of...
Posted by on Wed, 22 Oct 2008 23:47:00 GMT

Political Science Explained

Hello America,We find ourselves in the midst of another election year.And though it is said every election year, this one is one of the mostimportant elections of our lifetime.A lot of people have ask...
Posted by on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 18:50:00 GMT


That's right, Hey!  The simply yet aptly named song from Li'l AK, a newcomer on the R&B scene, is rapidly climbing the charts.  Where exactly this phenomenon of modern music came from, s...
Posted by on Wed, 08 Oct 2008 15:47:00 GMT

October is here! And so is a new sketchlet!

Hello Friends...It is just creeping into Wed-nes-day, the first of October and in honor of the Halloween holiday that is now on its final approach (despite some trying to skip directly ahead to Christ...
Posted by on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 21:30:00 GMT

Hello, Friends!

Well, MMISCreants, it's been a wild few weeks. Seem to recall that this kind of change just comes in the air with the first visits of Autumn. Could also be that it's an election year and there is plen...
Posted by on Sun, 21 Sep 2008 21:48:00 GMT

Literary Laughs

That's right, folks, MMISC is more than just hilarious, bladder-shattering video sketches (ouch!).  This week the funny comes to you in the form of what our viewers in the rotten state of Denmark migh...
Posted by on Mon, 15 Sep 2008 17:44:00 GMT

MMMMmmm... Glitchy goodness!

Greetings, friends!It has been two weeks since we last came together here at MMISC and, believe us, we've missed you. Labor Day was a busy one for each of us four and we are very happy to get back to ...
Posted by on Sun, 07 Sep 2008 22:29:00 GMT

WMSC Miskatonic University Radio

It's late Sunday night, so late it's actually Monday, and that can only mean one thing: I should have gone to bed hours ago.Oh, and there is an new video up.This one birthed out of an unhealthy enjoy...
Posted by on Sun, 24 Aug 2008 22:49:00 GMT