cooking, home brewing, sewing stuffed creatures, drawing, tattoos, dancing. hikes. intense music. the wind. repentance. dinosaur porn. sexy ugly. bass guitar. tattooed elbows. fancy goldfish. choco tacos.
older men. younger ladies. tattoo artists. tattooed maniacs. fucking machines. chefs. dance partners. changitos. one-armed women. one-legged men. naughty librarians. an accidental protege. doctor schnabel. naked dinosaurs. record label PR reps. strippers. heavy drinkers. amanda hugginkiss. people with cute pets. writers. photographers. band members. massage therapists. heshers. the motorcycle boy. john lurie. tom waits. taxi drivers. country singers. gay robot. nick swardson. dax shepard.
discordant sound scapes.. pounding bass.. industrial.. metal.. hardcore.. noise.. ambient.. folk.. rock.. country.. psychadelic .. garage.. electro.. ; SEE: Klangstabil, Godflesh, Current 93, Legendary Pink Dots, COIL, Death in June, SUNN O))), Scorn, Orbital, DMX Krew, Front 242, Leaether Strip, Boyd Rice, Jawbreaker, Samael, Pelican, Techno Animal, Spiritual Front, Aphex Twin, KLF.. The Smiths, Fad Gadget ..
john waters
crispin glover
johnny depp
jim jarmusch
Red Dwarf, Father Ted, Fawlty Towers, Black Adder, Dexter
Philip K. Dick, Iain Banks, Anton LaVey, True Crime
The Jerky Boys