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slowcream album released on nonine recordings
non012. slowcream. live long and prosper. digital artist album
some people say
a well-integrated fusion of classical samples and electronic elements.
textura, 08/08
rich overtones generally spring from moments of quiet insistence, ambient evocations of the stark majesty of the north, out of which swell sensual electronic sounds and mellow grooves, themselves counter-pointed by fluid piano semi-quavers, violin and cello passages of sedate pacing, and evanescent shivers that shift the digital space.
max schaefer, cyclic defrost, 07/08
beheerste versmelting van klassiek en elektronica van ene me raabenstein.
svs, rifraf, belgium, 07/08
here is some reason to think that “live long and prosper†is a wish just as much directed at anyone as at the album itself as well and also that it remains an album that can be returned to on and off over the years without feeling bad.
georg gartlgruber, cracked, austria 07/08
interessante mischung aus klassischen elementen und minimal-elektronik, hin und wieder durchsetzt mit spoken word.
tina manske, titel-magazin.de 07/08
“live long and prosper†has enough going for it to keep you locked in for an hour, even if you're experiencing crushing anxiety over a meaningless fear. 6/10
john ganiard, foxy digitalis, 07/08
"live long and prosper" verbindet samples aus klassik und neuer musik mit elektronischen beats und sounds zu einer dunklen, stark filmischen musik, mit einflüssen aus dub und hip hop, jazz und geräuschmusik. richtig stark ist das album in seinen experimentelleren und geheimnisvolleren momenten.
asb, de:bug, germany, 07/08
a good amount of tension in it.
fdw, vital weekly 631, uk, 06/08
love slowcream!!. "nob" & "dylan for a day" are very modern & cinematic sounds!!
toshio matsuura, formerly united future organization, tokyo, japan
nonine says
The connection between classical and minimal electronica is saturated with spaces of redefinition. Slow cream smears the frames of classical music with a funky delicious fringe, polarizing certain fragments of its best qualities, allowing it to be readmired, by this rediscriminating the sounds of music into new categories.
When heard, once undistinguishable qualities appear, giving sight to pleasures which would otherwise perish unobserved over the course of music’s advancements.
Within this album me Raabenstein seeks to continue an epic of music. Bringing a sound and quality all its own, while a new tale is ignited.
Slow cream is a modern day extension on the potential’s of classics soul.
Electronic touches on the finer details which conventional instruments are unable to produce on they’re own. Reminding the music world that computer’s too, in the right hands are indeed another instrument.
Slow Creams impedes is advancing on the passions of Bach and Stravynsky themselves, humbly cultivating that which oodles of composers alike, would they themselves perhaps utilize were they alive and funky today.
The pieces remind of the belief that our much beloved classical genius’s would see the endless soul touching potential’s of electronic music. For a time we’ve lived to
guess-create the spaces between our selves, which so admire what they have done and that which we’d hope they would do today, or even what they could have been imagining. This album is both a creation of its own fine elements, giving light to uncharted territory, but also a glimpse in the past and thirdly a tribute to music’s incandescent future.
David ennio minor
me raabenstein says...
glueing the tight spirit of minimal electronica
with the shimmering warmth of classical elements
and some handsome noisy spheres...
trying to find the fitting mix of structure and emotion
melting this into rooms that transport these ideas...
and make you see my pictures behind the compositions
I love Wagner, but the music I prefer is
that of a cat hung up by its tail outside a window
and trying to stick to the panes of glass with its claws.
Charles Baudelaire