"the death of barra" by harold nono - on Rack & Ruin Records (see above blog for details)
Various Artists - Radure 4 - The Iki [rain026] - "chime.shoremix" (luigi turra remix) by harold nono - available now at : www.usirecords.ovh.org
Harold Nono tracks on KPFK 90.7 FM's "The Dark Room" Los Angeles (11.5.08) - a Podcast is available for the next 7 days
the track "a shining space" from the album "to the river lounge" also appears on the compilation cd V/A : BEARSUIT RECORDS - "A WEEVIL IN A BISCUIT" (see bearsuit myspace site for "...Weevil" reviews)
"TO THE RIVER LOUNGE" by HAROLD NONO (details - above blog) :
"...it delivers in truckloads. A great piece of ambient work. He deserves to have this album truly break into popularity and establish him as a leading artist in his field. " (Bandidge)
"...A son zénith, Harold Nono talonne de très près la magie d'Epitaph de Kazumasa Hashimoto, en pondant un Tacky Tigers bucolique, pièce de néo-classique joliment orchestrée et titillée avec malice par les outils numériques.
...Une belle petite découverte que ce To The River Lounge, bande-son sereine pour voyageurs immobiles." (Sébastien Radiguet - ondefixe + benzinemag)
"extremely beautiful and glistening slices of minimalism" (BGN - WHITE_LINE)
"...light touches of an electronic kind leave hairs on end and ears gently strained... this is a laid back album, with a menacing undercurrent..."
"...there is an eerily intriguing quality to this album.
...A Marie Celeste-like air of mystery hangs over To The River Lounge, and that's all to the good." (The WIRE)
"It's completely unique and I have never heard anything like this before... a high intensity listen..."
*"strange and beautiful ...haunting"
(Julie Christensen and Stone Cupid)
"To The River Lounge is truly a great album" (We Heart Music)
"Un disco strano, ma molto carino tanto che per quel che mi riguarda si è trattato di una sorpresa, per di più non neppure troppo semplice da incasellare" (Sodapop)
"To The River Lounge' permette di entrare in contatto con la ricerca di un artista brillante, un musicista autore di composizioni..." (Rocklab)
to download/buy the album : "to the river lounge" : £7.00 - (via Paypal)
to buy the CD on Bearsuit Records - at £10 (incl p&p) contact harold nono directly here or at
[email protected] (or go to Bearsuit Records)