nonine recordings profile picture

nonine recordings

this is nonine, you’re safe...

About Me

brokenhopexperimentalclassicbits... and soul
the album "first raw" by sqaramouche is nominee for the
german record critics' award 2008
what the press says...

if you are bored (and rightly so) by the mass of same sounding and lame ambient and deep electro music available online around the globe, then you might want to head over to nonine records. there are some online labels that release anything that is close to what they have released before, a lot of times just too close, and they turn towards release number 75 within two years because the appeal of quantity versus quality is just too much if you want to reach critical mass with your label. most of those downloadable albums are for free then, consequently, because it is online and that means “for free” in classical greek. (ha ha, i almost wrote “classical geek” here – how fitting...) other labels are hard to find, mostly because it is very frustrating to check out five to seven releases to see if a label is worthwhile being bookmarked. also because most of the time they aren’t. 12rec is an exception that comes to my mind quickly, and so is nonine.

nonine works in the same area as 95 % of all online labels do – that kind of post-global, urban nomad, laptop working electro ambient / dub, that reflects the sounds of nighttime life from the four lane highways to the dark clubs and from the collective office space at midnight to wi fi enhanced restaurants with fusion cuisine. but – and that is important – their releases always go a long way further down a lesser trodden path, reflecting their own processes instead of being fascinated by their own surface, and confront the listener with awkward sonic situations underneath their pulsating layers of sound.
georg gartlgruber, cracked, austria 07/08
to be released in september 2008
non017. me raabenstein, sniper's delight, ep, digital

non016. taub, bedtime stories, artist album, digital

non015. patron and patron, artist album, digital

non014. me raabenstein, the whip, ep, digital

non013. neubau, rymdmyr, artist album, digital

non012. slowcream, live long and prosper, artist album, digital

non011. sqaramouche, first raw, digital
non010. what the butcher recommends might well not be of our concern, digital
non009. langer & raabenstein, sourpuss, digital

non008. me & mrs bee, questionnaire, cd...

non007. me raabenstein, swimmin' with friends, cd...

non006. members of nonine, mies in berlin, cd...

non005. the!she, indigo extended, cd...

non004. the!she, indigo, 12“...

non003. the!she, orange, 12“...

non002. the!she, burgundy, cd...

non001. fragments on the theory and practise of no.nine, cd...
the artist of nonine recordings culminate a plethora of evolutionary sounds and styles, giving leeway to the cultivation of many new and unscripted emotions.
this label ushers us from one embryonic artist to the next with it's portend warmth and cold lovers edges, re-engineering the listeners musical mind to feel like a poet; floating in the sky on his words and in these notes like a cloud knitted.
squeeze the irony and sexiness of of brussel's secrets with the music of nonine. capture your thoughts not in words, but the images of brussel's neglected and liquored walls, which have espied and learned the many things passing through within their infamous discretion. throughout the artist of nonine's fleeting wallow, watch dumbrate globes of smoke orbiting out a lovers lips following its cloven shadows.
finger the deathly valentines of london's quip laced air, disarming your senses with its astute sounds, which merge with the figment skin of an accordion ghosting its worth inventions then forecasting a worlds grin.
hailing any where from the naughty weather patterns of berlin, to the magnetic head rush of rotterdam the artist of nonine create a web of sweet mazes. you will hear the elements of each artist secret recipes, perhaps concealed tactfully in another's music, for only your training ear to indulge in and decipher.
with the narrowing markets of music, listeners are being shoved into corners, having less personal say in what they'd might listen to, a clear reminder of the many casualties without inspiration. nonine's vividly designed albums align the ambiguous nectar's of your mind, and bring to life the vicarious dreams, which through music's lost time love begins to linger. taste the music, and at night as memories sugars stir and brew.... your heart will write your mind a seducing letter, of notes, which give more texture and meaning to the world's chaotic air.
nonine is not just a label of dead sexy artist producing ass quivering melodic beats, its composed of anomalies, whom sculpt they're inventions and each carry a rare tool all they're own.
david ennio minor

My Interests


Member Since: 3/19/2006
Band Website:
Band Members: you can buy nonine releases at

non014. me raabenstein. the whip. digital ep

non013. neubau. rymdmr. digital artist album

non012. slowcream. live long and prosper. digital artist album

non011. sqaramouche. first raw. digital artist album

non010. what the butcher recommends might well not be of our concern... digital label compilation

non009. langer & raabenstein. sourpuss. digital artist album


brad and janet



decent dogs

dee banse

dj gentle

langer & raabenstein





me & mrs bee

david minor


patron & patron

me raabenstein







well hmm no


slowcream. cream master

brad and janet. bum bugaboo

me raabenstein. the whip

patron and patron. boon dog bone reprise

slowcream. suburb novel

sakuran plays kyma system

Sounds Like:

Record Label: nonine recordings
Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

nonine @ bogaloo radioshow, april 07, 2008

Bogaloo Radioshow - 2008-04-06 - Me Raabenstein (nonine) MixMonday, April 07, 2008 of Change - Trip Fall - All CityKissey Asplund - Atomic Light n So...
Posted by nonine recordings on Wed, 09 Apr 2008 08:18:00 PST