oori profile picture


percussions, installations and resonating objects

About Me

Körner Park, Berlin - now exhibiting, everyday 8am - 9pm

Interaktion1: real-time music with trees, mini-festival organized by the-Tilt coming was in June
"to Sing a Forest" project will be making made it's debut performance there
More details on the web site: www.interaktion-festival.de

Going on..

- the Tilt - installations and music projects , multiple projects. a lot of info in our web site
- to Sing a Forest - real-time music with trees - Amelia Cuni, Seth Josel & Junko Wada. audio/video samples on-line
- Sotavento - trees communicating through the internet - sonic installations, this year, two new works in TU Berlin and Körner Park
- 4th Race - see the band's myspace
- Working on instruments (soon, some videos..), like the computer-controlled tunable frame-drum, controllers, sensors, max/msp, bad electronics, too many cables and a rabbit in my headlight.
for more stuff:
www.ooish.com www.the-tilt.com
................ -- the Birth of a Ship
Solo on the big ship, Deutsches Technikmuseum Berlin.
................ -- to Sing a Forest , with Amelia Cuni, Seth Josel & Junko Wada
Ballhaus Naunynstr., Berlin
................ -- UNDERGROUND, session with Vlady Bystrov
................ -- Video excerpt from TILT CONCERT at the festival eigenarten
Hamburg, November 2006
................ -- Videos excerpts from concert with Nadishana and Farhi

My Interests


Member Since: 1/14/2006
Band Website: ooish.com
Band Members:
Influences: many people along the way. specifically for drumming, i would say: barre philips, jack de johnnette, sensors and max/msp, the pixies, michael agre, rami fortis, paul motion, listening, primus, ecm, india, low latency, dead kennedys, israel, j.krishnamurti, ravens.
Type of Label: None