Samantha Keely Smith: Painter profile picture

Samantha Keely Smith: Painter

spellbound strays

About Me

The work addresses that which is at the core of human experience, and always has been. Rather than speaking of specific social issues, this work explores the idea that there are universal experiences, needs, and desires that have existed throughout the history of human beings, and therefore bind us together – something we share that stands outside of time, culture and place.
This work also investigates our continual struggle to integrate the dual worlds in which we exist: the external world which is the sum of our sensory experiences, and the inner world of our mind and emotions, and our physical and visceral existence. It looks at the interdependence of contrasting and often contradictory realities or viewpoints; the idea that in order to truly appreciate beauty and light, one must allow for the necessity of the dark truths that are as much a part of our lives as the innate pull towards hope. Order and chaos, the cerebral and the instinctive, sacred and profane– each requires the other.
Formally, there is a push and pull between the two-dimensional and three-dimensional that is achieved through organic abstraction. Visually this presents what can be seen as a sense of place. However, this is not any identifiable place, but rather a space where there is the opportunity to begin to accept chance and accident. A place where one can surrender, if only for a moment, to loss of control and the freedom that this can bring, and where the boundaries of place and time are not relevant.
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WEBSITE OF MY PAINTINGS (press/bio, paintings from 1998 -present, etc):
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*All images Copyright of Artist Samantha Keely Smith. Images cannot be reproduced without the permission of the Artist.
above: SEGUE, 48" x 64", oil and varnish on canvas, 2008.
above: ENTWINED, 44" x 56", oil and varnish on canvas, 2008.(SOLD)
above: UNDERTOW, 36" x 36", oil and varnish on canvas, 2008. (SOLD)
above: WANDERLUST, 36" x 36", oil and varnish on canvas, 2008.(SOLD)
above: SIREN, 64" x 66", oil and varnish on canvas, 2007.
above: WAKE, 64" x 72", oil and varnish on canvas, 2007.
above: VELOCITY, 60" X 68", oil and varnish on canvas, 2007.
above: SURRENDER, 60" X 68", oil and varnish on canvas, 2007.
above: EMBRACE, 64" x 84", oil and varnish on canvas, 2007.
above: VOLITION, 56" x 64", oil and varnish on canvas, 2007.(SOLD)
above: ASUNDER, 56" x 64", oil and varnish on canvas, 2006.
above: CRADLE, 56" x 64", oil and varnish on canvas, 2006.
above: REMEMBRANCE, 48" X 66", oil and varnish on canvas, 2006.
above: TANGLED, 56" x 72", oil and varnish on canvas, 2006.
above: SMOLDER, 78" x 84", oil and varnish on canvas, 2005.
above: ENTREATIES, 60" x 84", oil and varnish on canvas, 2005.
above: GLIMMERING, 60" x 84", oil and varnish on canvas, 2005.(SOLD)
above: BRIGHTNESS FALLS, 64" x 84", oil and varnish on canvas, 2005.(SOLD)
"Her paintings convey the permanent evolution of natural space into a dream space, more beautiful than its counterpart... Smith's artwork represents a bridge of reconciliation between the outer world, the sum of our sensory experiences, and the inner world, that of our mind and emotions."
- Westwood Gallery, 2007
"The paintings of Samantha Keely Smith draw heavily on this lineage...of the safe place of the supernatural, where dreams and visions are made concrete and whole...exuding otherworldly power and emotion. It's strong stuff, heady and exhausting, as Smith is the first to admit...The result is a sort of fantastical abstract genre that looks and feels ageless, simultaneously very old and new."
-Benjamin Tischer, FINE Magazine, 2003.

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My Interests

**the raven above is from my painting: THE GUIDE, 84"x60", oil on canvas, 1999. (see my website for more figurative work)

"the artist knows the right moment, and also the relentless, tireless, depth-probing urge. the moment is a flashing spark. the relentless urge is the everlasting holy fire."
- Emil Nolde.

painting (more like I can't live without it), music (essential, especially for the painting), books (mostly historical novels), films, real conversations about things that matter (not good at small talk), passionate creativity, thunderstorms, the cooing of the mourning doves on my fire-escape, the smell of oil paint, buying new art supplies (i'm like a kid in a candy store around all the paint, brushes, canvas, etc)

SOME PAINTERS I LIKE: Anselm Kiefer, Frank Auerbach, Antoni Tapies, Klimt, Joan Mitchell, Egon Schiele, Cy Twombly, Mark Rothko, Chaim Soutine, Whistler, Turner, Delacroix, Ingres, Caravaggio, Courbet, and of course, the genius, loads of others i am forgetting right now!

"the knowledge of the soul - knowledge in eternity, without reference to the here and now - not hidden behind the language of the intellect."

"In places like Universities, where everyone talks too rationally, it is necessary for a kind of enchanter to appear." - JOSEPH BEUYS

"Nature is pitiless; she never withdraws her flowers, her music, her fragrance, and her sunlight from before human cruelty or suffering. She overwhelms man by the contrast between Divine beauty and social hideousness. She spares him nothing of her loveliness, neither wing of butterfly nor song of bird. In the midst of murder, vengeance, barbarism, he must feel himself watched by Holy things; he cannot escape the immense reproach of universal nature and the implacable serenity of the sky. The deformity of Human laws is forced to exhibit itself naked amidst the dazzling rays of eternal beauty. Man breaks and destroys; man lays waste; man kills; but the Summer remains the Summer; the lily remains the lily; the star remains the star."
- Victor Hugo, from "Ninety-Three" 1873.

I'd like to meet:

creative people with similar interests and art lovers/collectors. Musicians, Writers, Photographers, Painters, Actors, Filmmakers, Inventors, Scientists, and anyone who creates and thinks outside the box. I'd especially like to meet people who share my love of 19th C. lit. or historical fiction, so that we can exchange book recommendations. I'd like to make new friends


The Beatles, Martin Grech, David Sylvian, Japan, Nine Horses, Rain Tree Crow, Lloyd Cole, Charlie Sexton, Will Scott, Talk Talk, Mark Hollis, The Blue Nile, Kate Bush, Peter Gabriel, The Cure, David Bowie, Richard Butler, The Psychedelic Furs, Akira Rabelais, Ryuichi Sakamoto, Bryan Ferry/Roxy Music, Tim Bowness, No-Man, Billy Corgan, Smashing Pumpkins, Sweet Billy Pilgrim, Antony and the Johnsons, Arvo Part, The Police, Roy Harper, Bob Dylan, Ben Harper, Raphael Saadiq, Tom Waits, Led Zeppelin, Porcupine Tree, Steven Wilson, Black Field, Billie Holiday, David Byrne, The Wolfgang Press, Geniuser, Louis Armstrong, The Pixies, King Crimson, The Smiths, D'Angelo, Theo Travis, Black Crowes, The Jesus and Mary Chain, Etta James, Annie Lenox, Michael Brook, Trash Can Sinatras, Van Morrison, Charles Mingus, Tears For Fears, Thelonious Monk, Echo and the Bunnymen, Chet Baker, Ella Fitzgerald, Nusrat Fetah Ali Khan, Citizen Cope, The Animals, Maxwell, AC/DC, old Aerosmith, The Specials, Terry Hall, Marvin Gaye, Sarah Vaughn, Coltrane, Radiohead, Stevie Wonder, Joy Division, New Order, The Glove, Neil Young, Preacher Boy, Lesli, Amos Lee, Emmylou Harris, Sigur Ros, Shannon McNally, Chris Isaak, K.D.Lang, Robert Fripp, Prefab Sprout, CocoRosie....etc.


too many to name, but generally films by Directors like: David Lynch, Ang Lee, Julian Schnabel, Sidney Lumet, Woody Allen, Clint Eastwood, Terry Gilliam, James Ivory, Terrance Malick, Coppola, Louis Malle, Scorsese, Orson Welles, Hitchcock, Elia Kazan, Spielberg, Mike Nichols, Jim Sheridan, Tim Burton, Ron Howard, Fassbinder, John Huston, Pedro Almodovar, Sam Mendes, Wim Wenders, Kubrick, Lasse Hallstrom, Mike Leigh, Polanski, Darren Aronofsky, Gus Van Sant, John Sayles, Stephen Frears, etc.....


mostly PBS, or the late night shows (Letterman, Leno, Conan, etc), and The Office, Curb Your Enthusiasm....and re-runs of Seinfeld, and That 70's Show. I don't have Cable TV.


some favorite authors: Hugo, Dostoevsky (the Pevear/Volokhonsky translations are great), Dumas, Wilke Collins, Thomas Hardy, Balzac, Zola, Stendhal, Tolkein, Trollope, Ayn Rand, Flaubert, Ondaatje, Camus, Sartre, Tolstoy, Fowles, Hamsun, Steinbeck, George Elliot, Radcliffe, Kundera, Orhan Pamuk, Iain Pears, Paul Auster, David Mitchell, Paul Eluard, Susanna Clarke, J.K. Rowling, and R.F. Delderfield. there are many more authors i should be including here but my memory is going...all those paint and varnish fumes are frying my brain. Thanks to everyone who has given me book recommendations so far, i really appreciate it!


true artists of any and every kind.

My Blog

new painting & close-ups : SEGUE

ok, this is the new painting - SEGUE, 48" x 64", oil and varnish on canvas, 2008.** in case you are inerested ;-) segue [ sé gway ]intransitive verb (3rd person present singular segues, present pa...
Posted by Samantha Keely Smith: Painter on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 06:45:00 PST

some favorite literary quotes (inspiration)

VICTOR HUGO "Music expresses that which cannot be said and on which it is impossible to be silent.""Laughter is the sun that drives Winter from the human face.""The fact is that love is like a tree, ...
Posted by Samantha Keely Smith: Painter on Wed, 06 Sep 2006 10:35:00 PST

quotes about making Art and being an Artist (more inspiration)

some quotes i have collected about Art and the making of Art which have inspired me (from various sources and in no particular order):ART -a record of progress that promises morestands outside of time...
Posted by Samantha Keely Smith: Painter on Fri, 09 Jun 2006 09:13:00 PST