Canada profile picture



About Me

Bonjour, je suis le Canada; you can call me Canada, Cansy or 'perfecto' (italian for 'Canada'). I enjoy being the greatest country in the world, humbly and slowly ruling the planet and just chilling out as i smell, feel and look beautiful.

My Interests

I enjoy being myself

I'd like to meet:

Mike Simms, he's probably my greatest ambassador and he can click his fingers extremely loud.body { background-color:FFF6F7; background-image:url(' /canada.jpg'); background-attachment: fixed; background-position:top center; background-repeat:no-repeat; scrollbar-face-color:086887; scrollbar-highlight-color:ffffff; scrollbar-3dlight-color:086887;


"Canada's what happens when love, falls in love."


God, for creating me so perfectly