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art, oil painting, drawing, sketching, photography, photoshop, lightroom, graphite rendering, art museums, art galleries, art shows, traveling to wilderness areas, Theology, reading, eating out at nice restaurants with my sweet fiancée Holly, walking downtown under the lights at night, collecting blown glass and handmade pottery
Tim McGraw, Gary Allen, Haley Westenra, Josh Groban
From Here to Eternity with Burt Lancaster, Yankee Doodle Dandy with James Cagney, The Treasure of Sierra Madre with Humphrey Bogart
Gunsmoke, MLB Major League Baseball, college baseball, college basketball, college football, NFL, ESPN, The Animal Channel, Turner Classic Movies, HGTV, The Apprentice, Big Brother
The Art Spirit by Robert Henri; Holy Bible; Rembrandt's Eyes by Simon Schama; General Patton A Soldier's Life by Stanley P. Hirshon; Re-imagine! by Tom Peters; The Essential Theodore Roosevelt edited by John Gabriel Hunt; Ivanhoe by Sir Walter Scott; The Starbucks Experience by Joseph A. Michelli; Classical Drawing Atelier by Juliette Aristides; Ansel Adams Guide, Book 1, Basic Techniques of Photography by John P. Schaefer; Outdoor Photographer, Landscape and Nature Photography with Photoshop CS2 by Rob Sheppard; Team of Rivals by Doris Kearns Goodwin; Photoshop Classic Effects by Scott Kelby; AAA National Park Photography by Tim Fitzharris; Outdoor Photography magazine;
Rembrandt, Clyde Butcher, Karl Brenders, James Charley "Hoss" Green, my granddad, soldiers, Ansel Adams, Jesus Christ