All Animals, Animal Rescue Organizations, My Oil Paintings and Watercolors, Other people's Art, Being a certified and licensed professional caregiver, Writing and Poetry, Harley Trikes, Mountains and Rivers, Building a Log "Green" B & B Inn, Cross-country skiing (I'd like to try it)
Rosa Bonheur
Green Day, Sweet Seduction, Ozzy Osbourne, Depeche Mode, December Flowers, The White Stripes, Pink, Sarah Brightman, Remy Zero, Nine Inch Nails, Judas Priest, Cranberries, Alice in Chains, Metallica, Sisters of Mercy, Andrea Bocceli, Wyndham Hill, gypsy fiddle music, Amadeus Mozart, Violin
Love Song for Bobby Long, Brokeback Mountain, Phenomenon, Grease, Legends of The Fall, Dances with Wolves, Thunderheart, Amadeus, Vampire's Kiss, Last of the Mohicans, Valley Girl, Say Anything, The Wedding Singer, The Man Who Loved Cat Dancing, Dance Me Outside, Say Anything
Bill Maher, Chris Matthews, Discovery Channel, Animal Planet, Steve Irwin, Deadwood, Raines, The Geico Cavemen, Smallville, Dog the Bounty Hunter
Carlson's Guide to Landscape Painting, Richard Schmidt painting books, The courage to Create, The Power of Alpha Thinking, East of Eden, Expecting Adam
..and so many more..I am a voracious reader...Most recent interesting book, The Energy Break
People who rescue even the tiniest bug out of the dog's water bowl and who stop and shoo snakes out of the road before someone malicious comes by. People who ask if they can help, when they see someone with a problem. Yep. Do-gooders and compassionate people.SHOW MERCY AND MERCY WILL BE SHOWN TO YOU