Reading, traveling, socializing, discovering, playing, walking, laughing, dancing
People are often amazed at the range of my friends. I see the good in most people. And I love it when people have the courage to really be themselves.
brazilian, but most anything in the right mood
In the Name of the Father, Best in Show, Amelie, In America, Documentaries, In the Mood for Love, films that make you think, feel and question or else laugh your ass off.
Television is for movie watching almost exclusively, although I have admittedly started to watch Grey's Anatomy.
The Alchemist, Eleven Minutes, Veronika Decides to Die, The Zahir - okay, anything by Paulo Coelho. He must be the most inspirational writer today. Also love books that are social criticism or wake you up to the problems of the world around us such as Our Stolen Future or Overdo$ed America. And then there is always a good philosophy book, especially loved Schopenhauer and Hume for some reason.
People who stand up to abusive authority. People who don't lie to themselves or to others.