About Me
You know my heart.
oF aLL tHE tHINGS iN tHE wORLD, i mOST eNjOY.... that I'm fucking going to RADIOHEAD twodays in a row, bOBA(osmanthis lite sugar large with aloe vera...if you love me), kISSING(all sorts of things), cHERIMOYA(back in season), rECOVERY(thankyou.), tEAtREE(my extendian being, my soulmate), vEEEgUNZ, cHARLES bUKOWSKI, Henry Chinaski, mYnUMMY, thomyORKe(let me breathe your breath), pAINTING pAINTEDS, gREEN (green and pink...together...at the same time :* ),sALENDGER & Holden, lAMA, bEANS, fLOATING, being an Entomologist, breathe, breathe in the air, gLOWiNtHEdARKsTARS, pHOTOgRAPHI, Mr. MojoRisin, Big Sur,14mm, sMELL, mINNO, meoo zeumz, mADREgRANDE, Dandayamana Dhanurasana, tRIFTsTORES(thankyou god for the joining two of my loves...for APRL's animal rights thrift store), kOMBUCHA, french, questioning, seeking,
SLR,ISO100,SPF50,B100, CS2,6, lAVENDAR, qUAILS, gRAPEfRUIT, dECEMBER, decemberists, sand in bed sheets, defectives of many characters, oLDtYPEwRITTERS(the type that are old), tEMPRApEDICmATTRESS mmmmm, Coconut oil, pHOTOcOPIES, my collection of collectors(my fav is record collectors but I'll trade for a dust collector), stick bugs and snails (of the Giant Land variety), I guess that you are reading this, i enjoy that, anything with an uNDERbELLY, sheep that say 'blaaah', swapmeets, orchid mantid, presents, presence, warm spots, large format, oRGANIC, learn, unlearn, relearn, times when time does not exisit, past the breakers, small life that is normally disregaurded, Quantum physics, being real, too real, adventures,glass doorknobbs, ____ in shear ____, Korean lettering, talking, err um and Baculum Species. Oh yes, and Truth/EVERY SINGLE THING that has EVER happened, the Grant orchastration of events,that has lead up..to....THIS EXACT MOMENT (and how that is a beautiful answer to the question "why?"). open doors, "high diving into an ocean of nectar,"
CURRENT MOON lunar phase