The Age of Kali Collective is a group of persons who practice Krishna Consciousness, Sanatana Dharma, The Eternal Religion of the Universe.
Founded on the Srimad Bhagavatam , the Vedic wisdom of ancient India, the teachings of Krishna Consciousness transcend all cultural, racial, and religious boundaries, presenting only the essence of all true spiritual paths.
Bhagavat-Dharma is the yoga in particular that aims at attaining the shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
God, according to the Srimad Bhagavatam , is realized in 3 phases.
1. The all pervading collective consciousness
2. The witness in the heart of all living beings
3. The personal form of God, who resides in His spiritual abode enacting spiritual pastimes, accompanied by His eternal spiritual associates.
Main points of Krishna Consciousness Philosophy:
1. Reincarnation:
The eternal ever-existing soul is passing through 8,400,00 species of life. The soul naturally passes through plant life, insect life, beast life, and finally to human life. Human life is a rare chance to understand the transcendental position of the soul and to act on this understanding. Repetition of birth and death is an ocean of suffering for the bewildered soul, who simply wants eternal happiness and bliss. Instead, the materially illusioned soul aquires a miserable material body with temporary mirage-like feelings of happiness in the material world. This is all due to karma one gets by falsely identifying with the temporary material body.
We must understand that consciousness is not due to a material combination of chemicals. Consciousness has spiritual origins. By the practice of bhakti-yoga, the soul can free himself from the influence of the material energy and regain the original spiritual status of Krishna Consciousness. The yogi can then end the wheel of birth and death and enter into the Transcendental Universe with Krishna and His divine associates.
2. Bhakti-Yoga
The are many paths of Yoga and they are all ultimately aimed at attaining samadhi. Samadhi means full absorbtion in the transcendental reality. Bhakti-Yoga is the yoga of divine love. The most crucial factor in our life is the desire to find perfect and lasting love. But our attempt in this world only leaves us in frustration. An intelligent persons observes the material nature and sees that it doesn't allow room for expansion of our loving propensity. Bhakti-yoga directs this propensity to Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead.
If one wants to water a tree by putting the water on the leaves, one will end up in frustration. But if one waters the root of the tree, then all of the branches are nourished. Similarly, a person who directs this loving service attitude to Krishna can fulfill all desires for lasting love.
Krishna is God. Krishna is in everything. Krishna is the original fragrance of the Earth. Krishna is the taste of water. Krishna is the light of the sun and moon. Yet, Krishna is beyond all of these things. Krishna has a spiritual body and a spiritual abode, and if one desires, one can join Him there for eternal blissful life. But only those who take shelter of the process of devotional service to Godhead can enter itno that divine abode.
3. Vegetarianism
Eating flesh is not for civilized human beings. Spiritual life means compassionate life. The eating of meat, fish, eggs are prohibited for Krishna Conscious practitioners. In order to advance spiritually, one has to give up this cruel practice of maintaining slaughter houses. One who does not may claim to be this-or-that religion, but their so-called claim to spirituality is simply a farce. A devotee does not even kill a plant unnecessarily, what to speak of a cow who provides her milk.
4. Chanting Hare Krishna
God has millions of names and each are invested with transcendental powers. Allah, Buddah, YahWeh, Christos, and Govinda are some. The easiest and most universal method for attaining God consciousness in this age is the congregational chanting of the Holy Name of Godhead.
Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare
Krishna means "all-attractive", Hare means "O' Energy of God", and Rama means "O' Ocean of pleasure"
It is a prayer asking God for unmotivated devotional service. Chanting purifies the mind and cleanses the heart. No other process of spirituality is as effective or universally acceptable for this age.
5. Accepting a Guru
There is a saying, "Tell me who you associate with and I'll tell you who you are." This is the most important factor that determines the quality of our lives. If one is a serious seeker of Truth, one MUST find similary interested persons. One MUST also give up the association of materialistisc persons. Even a short moment with a true saintly person can radically change one's life. One has to seek a pure spiritual master and serve him to gain access to spiritual reality. The genuine spiritual master is free from selfish motive and is addicted to understanding and serving the lotus feet of Godhead.
I'd like to meet:
People who don't value money over truth, vanity over humility, or materialism over spirituality.
NO mainstram media for me thank you
Srimad Bhagavatam
Bhagavad Gita As It Is
Sri Caitanya Caritamrta
Sri Sri Isopanishad
Nectar of Instruction
Nectar of Devotion
Sri Brahma Samhita
People who aren't afraid to do the right thing even no one else appreciates it.