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World Action Foundation

Help Us Help Children in West Africa!

About Me

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Our Mission is to provide economic and educational assistance to both at-risk children and young adults within the West African Region.
We are a new 501(C)3 charitable organization operating from Portland, OR. Our mission is to give aid to at-risk youth and young adults in the West African Region, starting in Ghana.At this time, we will be focusing our assistance with the purchase of school supplies (pencils, paper, books, etc.), school uniforms, shoes, and school fees. Potentially, we will direct some effort toward school renovation, repairs and upgrades. Our future plans will also expand to address other areas, such as non-traditional forms of education, micro-economic & vocational development, and greater resource assistance to children already living on the streets.We are an all volunteer organization committed to creating a positive change in the lives of as many West African children as possible. We believe that only in breaking the chains of poverty, by obtaining an education, can this be accomplished. Sometimes a huge life change only requires a few dollars and a supportive environment.An education is vital for all children, and in West Africa it can make a difference as much as night is to day. Statistically, in Ghana there are approximately 33,000 street children in the capital Accra alone. These children range in age from 5 -17 years of age. The majority between the ages of 14-17. Of these children 75% are girls. Among this group in Accra "It seems that the economic hardship these regions face, affects girls more then boys. At the national level, there are only minor differences in the enrolment rates of boys & girls. However, among street children, 70% of the girls have never attended school while the same is true for only 9% of the boys. This means, that if girls attend school, the likelihood of becoming street children is substantially reduced." (FAFO Research Project on Trafficking and Child Labor, 2005 - Please see our website "Learn More" page at for the link to the full report.) This illustrates the need for an access to education and resources.We started this charity because we were frustrated at seeing things that could be fixed and yet are not being fully addressed. This is our chance to make a significant difference in many children's lives. With your help we can.

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We would like to meet people on My Space that are interested in learning more about social issues in West Africa and those who may want to help make a change! Do you have an interest, an idea or a skill that you might want to help us with? - Or perhaps make a donation to help us help children!
** To Make A Donation Please Go To: - Click On The Donation Page! You Can Donate With A Visa/Mastercard, PayPal or by Post! Even A Few Dollars Goes A Long Way In Africa! And We Are Grateful For Any Donation! **


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