Internationally Acclaimed Singer, Author, and Professor
Cristina Andersson is a native Finn, born, raised and educated in Helsinki, Finland
Her extraordinary career as both a gifted soprano and an accomplished academic has taken her from classrooms at University campuses to giving Command Performance singing for Heads of State.
A true International ambassador of learning, winning and music, Cristina shares her secrets about success in her acclaimed book, The Winning Helix, the art of learning and manifesting your true potential. The techniques described in her book are so efficiently presented that UK led Silver Fox Venture Partners made it 'required reading' for their entpreneurship academy.
Cristina is a Consulting Professor to Institutions and Corporations. She applies her methods, theories and ideas about learning in various training programs including leadership, strategic planning, coaching and teamwork. Through her lectures, she takes clients through the winning process, creating inestimable value both in human and organisational applications. Nothing succeeds like success and the feel good factor brings rewards across all dimensions.
In her role as a singer, Cristina has performed in several solorecitals including music from ie. Jean Sibelius, Richard, Wagner, W.A. Mozart, Toivo Kuula in a repetoire that spans as well the operatic catalogue as classical lied-repertoire. Singing to critical acclaim, Cristina is the epitome of the 'renaissance woman' who enthusiasm for excellence in all fields is contagious. As a consultant or in her capacity as a singer, Cristina's ability is acknowledged by her clients and fans alike
About Cristina's book:
You are welcome to learn more about the Winning Helix at
Start Unfolding Your Winning Helix!
Carl Rogers said:
"The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change"
Learn to learn, to change and to win is what my book "The Winning Helix - the art of Learning and Manifesting Your True Potential" will help you to achieve!
The feedback received tells that the Winning Helix has helped many people to learn and to win both in their lives and in their businesses. The learning process described in the book is universal and can be applied in organizations, teams as well as with individuals; no matter age, education or social and cultural backgrounds.
You can also find the Winning Helix from Amazon
Please visit: Winning Helix to learn more about the book and the authors.