Mormons believe that anyone who rejects the Book of Mormon is of the spirit of the Devil. "No man will be angry at the words which I have written save he shall be of the spirit of the devil." 2 Nephi 33:5
I am of the Devil. I have been told, by none other than a Mormon. So it must be true. They know. They have visions. They talk to God. Who am I to argue with that. It's just incredible what they can do. Amazing!
In reality Mormonism is the spirit of the Devil. Joseph Smith's teachings are totally opposed to the Christian scriptures and anyone who believes in the Christian Jesus must deny Mormonism in its entirety.
If your are considering becoming Mormon, or are a Mormon, read some of the stuff on this site. It just may help you exit from a very destructive Cult or stop you becoming one of its brainwashed followers.
Joseph's Plagiarism in Book of Mormon and Other Revelations -- Early Mormon Apostle Orson Pratt made a statement concerning the Book of Mormon: "The Book of Mormon must be either true or false. If true, it is one of the most important messages ever sent from God ... If False, it is one of the most cunning, wicked, bold, deep-laid impositions ever palmed upon the world, calculated to deceive and ruin millions... (Orson Pratt's Works, Divine Authenticity of the Book of Mormon, Liverpool, 1851, pp. 1, 2.)In Search of a 2000-Year-Old Man -- Doug Davies, is searching for a 2,000-year-old man but didn’t find him in South Australia. The Bible Dictionary of the Mormon religion under the heading "John" says: We especially have a clarification of John 21:20-23, ascertaining that John did not die, but has been allowed to remain on the earth as a ministering servant until the time of the Lord’s second coming. The "John" here referred to is the Apostle John, one of the twelve Apostles who preached with Jesus Christ almost 2,000 years ago!Is Mormonism Christian? -- This is a very important question. The answer is equally important and simple. NO! Mormonism is not Christian.
Lying for the Lord refers to the practice of lying to protect the image of and belief in the Mormon religion, a practice which Mormonism itself fosters in various ways.
How to resign from the Mormon Church -- This site was created to provide members of the church with information on how to resign from the church.
Mormon Belief Interferes with Rational Decision Making. -- A Meditation on the Thoughtful Mormon’s Choice Between Passing on Inherited Irrationality and “Leaving the Foldâ€
Are Mormons Christian? -- "The Bible and LDS Scriptures Prove Conclusively that Mormons Are not Biblical Christians" Historically, only until recently have Mormons wanted to be called Christians, preferring not to be included with Christian denominations, which Joseph Smith said were, "all wrong ... all their creeds were an admonition in his sight, and that those professors (Christians) were all corrupt" Pearl of Great Price, Joseph Smith, 2:18-19.
Is Mormonism Christian? -- This question can be phrased in several ways:
1. 'Is the Mormon church a Christian denomination?' NO!
2. 'Are Mormons Christians?' LIKELY NOT!
3. 'Can a Mormon be a Christian?' POSSIBLY!