Peace be with you brother/sister.
One Roman Catholic and one Protestant have come together to help anyone who wants to save LDS from the lies of Mormonism. Mission Satement-Our sincere intent is to reach out to the Mormon people in a loving manner and to be in service to the Christian community by educating them about the deception of Mormonism and to equip them for service so that they might be an effective tool for God.Watch this new video about mormonism!Most Members of the LDS faith are unaware there is no archelogical evidence which exists to support the Book of Mormon.
Many years have been put forth in search of Mormon ancestory. But Mormon Anthropolgists and Archeologists, such as Thomas W. Murphy and Thomas Stuart Ferguson, have come up empty handed.The Book of Mormon claims the Lamanites and the Nephites are from Israel and inturn the Native Americans are the decendants of the Lamanites. But Science has demonstated through DNA Testing the Lamanites ARE NOT the ancestors to Native Americans as the Book of Mormon leads us to believe. Rather the Native Americans are decentants of Siberians.Dr. Simon Southerton - Molecular Biologist and former Mormon Bishop:Mormon Anthropolgist Thomas W. Murphy on more DNA Evidence: