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For those about to Barack, We Salute You!

About Me

FYI Upfront: I do NOT accept friend requests without an accompanying message. Even if you think I know who you are. It's the equivalent of knocking on my front door, and when I open it, staring at me silently without a greeting or an introduction. Rude. Anyway.....
Right now I am shooting a feature film that I wrote. Yes, kids, you too can do it! In fact, do it right now! Get out there and Do It, I say!
And in general.....
When everyone's sitting around Talking about doing something, I'm the one who actually makes it Happen. You wanna get shit done, I'm That girl~ ;)
"It is never 'too much'; it is only 'not enough'! Bite your teeth into the ass of life, and drag it to you!!" - Big Night... "What do you do for work? Bite things?" - the Indonesian mountain guides. Yes. As a matter of fact, yes I do. "The one important thing I have learned over the years is the difference between taking one's work seriously and taking one's self seriously. The first is imperative and the second is disastrous." -Margaret Fontey... "Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage." -Lao Tzu... "You can do and have and be things that people once told you were impossible for you to do and have and be." -Morris Goodman... "Keep those feet movin' or somebody might steal your shoes" -William =) ... "If you're really sexy, you're allowed to annoy people." -Guatamalan guy on ecstasy at the Dresden (please picture him saying this whilst Marty and Elaine provide soundtrack... priceless!)... "We like to call you The Gentle Dominatrix" -girl who takes my yoga class, speaking on behalf of a few of the regulars. I'll own that! =) ... "Everything melts, and then you get flowers." -old Russian saying (according to my Russian facialist)... "Don't ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what makes you come alive. And then go and do that. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." -Q(tm)... "Keep them guessing, and keep them gagging on your individuality. LIVE, BITCHES!!!! There's only one you." -LimpWristed... So true... "You try too hard, is that the answer to the riddle? Instead of doin' so much, why don't you do just a little?" -Tribe Called Quest... And my new favorite quote: "I, like God, do not play with dice, and I don't believe in coincidences." -V For Vendetta
I am endlessly fascinated by people in general! Drunk people or stoned people, however, I find pretty tedious. They're hilarious for about ten minutes (witness the Guatamalan above), but then I get Really Bored. I love Originality, kindness, humor, and Courage!
For some reason, I seem to attract monkeys and midgets, no one knows why. For you astrological types, Aries rising, moon in Scorpio, so it's fire on a lake, kids, fire on a lake. I benefit hugely from some Earth to ground me.....
And deep in the core of my being, I believe that Music. Makes the People. Come Together...
Oh, and one more Very Important Thing:
You Are a Night Person
For you, there's nothing worse than having to get up and moving early.
In fact, you probably don't hit your peak until well after the sun has set.
So if your struggling to make it on a normal schedule, realize it's not your fault.
You just weren't meant to do anything during the day! Are You a Morning Person or Night Person?

My Interests

Speaking truth to power. Through humor ;)

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

And this one has boobs!

See more funny videos at Funny or Die

New "Trenches" trailer, narrated by "that guy" Lol!
Whenever you see the kicking of 'nads, I'm wearing that shoe ;)
Trenches Studio Trailer

My new series! Watch:
And check out the trailer for this pilot I shot in May! I'm eeeeevil ;)
TRENCHES TEASER TRAILERLaughter. Dancing. Shocking people. Costume parties. Creating stuff. Crazy crazy yoga. Seeing and hearing things I've never encountered before. Moose, reptiles, Great Danes, benevolent sea cratures, furry land creatures, laser hair removal, and Mae West (the woman AND the snake). The kicking of ass and the taking of names (in a peaceful, loving way...). Courting infamy, avoiding ignominy, and shedding ignobility. All forms of spirituality that don't require exclusivity. Burning socks with my brother. And speaking of ass kicking:

Mercy encounters Ken
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I'd like to meet:

Open people! Honest people! People who can feel fear and walk through it. People with passion! People who can tell me things I've never heard before. People with some JOY! People who love livin' life and believe in frickin' Hope! People with follow-through! And anyone with the guts to introduce a Bill of Impeachment against that freak in the White House. What is going ON, good people?! Head 'em up, move 'em OUT!


To hear live: Muse, George Clinton, Black Eyed Peas, Ozomatli, Sting, Simple Plan, Fiona Apple; To play at home: Dave's True Story, Maroon 5, Sublime, Prince, Tribe Called Quest, Christina Aguilera (I don't care what anyone says, that is THE voice), The Smiths, Bob Marley, English Beat, The Cure, The Police, Michael McDonald, Ladysmith Black Mambazo, 311, Etta James, early Beastie Boys, early Michael Jackson, Aretha Franklin; To play on guitar: G 'n R! =) Mad props to: Naked Rhythm, TRIPPP, Ernie Halter, Monique DeBose, Soul Traffic, Rhinobucket, Mahalia Jackson, and, uh, that Mercy Malick chick... Current Song Faves: Bathwater (No Doubt), St. Agnes and the Burning Train (Sting), After Hours (Tribe Called Quest), Latin Girls (Black Eyed Peas), The Choice Is Yours (Black Sheep). And then, of course, there's this: ..> Crazy Indian Video...Buffalaxed! on ..>


Tales from the Catholic Church of Elvis! Beetlejuice, Spinal Tap, Fear of a Black Hat, V for Vendetta, Michael Clayton, What the Bleep, Why We Fight, Hustle and Flow, Kung Fu Hustle, Hotel Rwanda, Cry Freedom, Bullets Over Broadway, Rear Window (the original!), Signs, Gosford Park, In the Heat of the Night, Amistad, Big Night, The Swimming Pool, The Opposite of Sex, Waking Ned Devine, Oh Brother Where Art Thou?, Snatch, Outrageous Fortune, Drumline (guilty pleasure- cut me some slack), Best In Show, Dominick and Eugene, Crash, Unbreakable, Bourne Supremacy, A Christmas Story, Amelie, Run Lola Run, Fahrenheit 9/11, Hudsucker Proxy, Memento, Adaptation, Soapdish, Passionfish, Fish Called Wanda, Long Kiss Goodnight, Kiss Kiss Bang Bang, Spanish Prisoner, and anything I'm in (what a freakin' narcissist, yeah, I know... bite me)
how jedi are you? :: by lawrie malen


American Dad, Family Guy, Harvey Birdman, Venture Bros., Entourage, The Closer!!!, Medium, Sealab, Sleeper Cell, Chapelle Show, Without a Trace, X-Files, Soap (back in the day), Home Movies, Law and Order(s), the Andy Milonakis Show, Space Ghost, Sopranos, Six Feet Under, Lost, InuYasha, The Shield, Twin Peaks, Band of Brothers, Futurama, Aquateen, anything featuring Triumph the Comic Insult Dog, Hogan's Heroes!


An Instance of the Fingerpost, A Prayer for Owen Meany, The Tipping Point, Ellen Foster, Damascus Gate, Geek Love, Moo, The Game of Life and How to Play It, The Poisonwood Bible, To Kill a Mockingbird, Children of the Arbat, Crime and Punishment, Dude Where's my Country?, Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them, Harry Potter(s), various Agatha Christies and Tony Hillermans, the dictionary (I love that thing!)


Hogan's Heroes! Rev. Sheila McKeithen, Benazir Bhutto, Fr. Louie Vitale, Molly Ivins, Gen. Wesley Clark, Helen Thomas, Al Gore, Cindy Sheehan, Greg Palast, Randi Rhodes, Michael Moore, Stephanie Miller, Stephen Colbert, Albert Hague, Reggie Boyd, Hazel Payne, Marianne Pearl
You Aren't Cutthroat
You definitely have ambitions and drive, but you also have integrity. You'll get where you want to in life, and you'll do it the right way. For you, the ends never justify the means. Are You Cutthroat?

My Blog

Bali 2007, pt.II: Everything You Ever Need to Know About the Simians

Yeah, I've been back from Bali for five months and I'm just getting around to Part II. So bite me. Which is a nice segue into...Monkey Forest 2007Here is the most important thing to know about monke...
Posted by Mercy! on Thu, 13 Dec 2007 02:40:00 PST

The secret’s out: I used to be a genius

So, faced with another probing questionnaire for a hosting job, I decided to out myself: I used to be a genius. Yep. I'm pretty sure I'm not any more, so don't start asking me to solve math problems...
Posted by Mercy! on Thu, 18 Oct 2007 02:17:00 PST

How I grew a pair and booked another national commercial

Okay, this is the story of me finding some balls and being richly rewarded for it:So week before last I happen to find out that I have a commercial callback on one of the days I'm shooting Date Night....
Posted by Mercy! on Sun, 23 Sep 2007 01:19:00 PST

Bali 2007, pt.I: THE RETURN!!!

Well, kids, I'm back!  Be forewarned, if you haven't read the Bali Blogs 2005, some of the references below will not make sense.  So get readin'!  Not sure how long this session at the ...
Posted by Mercy! on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 07:27:00 PST

More Insane Adventures! (and a few random facts about me)

So, I had to answer this questionaire for a hosting job I'm up for, and some of this stuff is pretty amusing, so below please find... More Insane Adventures!!!***What's your wildest stunt?1. Well, I ...
Posted by Mercy! on Thu, 12 Jul 2007 05:07:00 PST

Did anybody else see this?! Thank GOD it's not 1957!!! Ha!

From the AP today (the punchline's in the third paragraph):TULSA, Okla. - Hundreds watched Friday as a crane lifted a muddy package from a hole in the courthouse lawn: a 1957 Plymouth Belvedere buried...
Posted by Mercy! on Sat, 16 Jun 2007 07:18:00 PST

Because Q asked, and who can refuse Q?? But I am So Tired, y'all...

TAG!Here's how you play: Once you've been tagged, write a blog with 10 weird, random things, facts or habits about yourself. At the end, you choose 10 people to be tagged, listing their names, and why...
Posted by Mercy! on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 03:26:00 PST

Bali pt.V: 9 months out, the Bali Wrap-up, with Lesbian (anti)Climax!

Now, you may say, Shit, girl, who cares after all this time? But the fact of the matter is that several of you persist in requiring the culminatory installment in my Balinese molestation experience, ...
Posted by Mercy! on Wed, 24 May 2006 02:29:00 PST

Bali Pt.IV: omg, i LOVE roosters!; or; there's a gecko in my pants, everybody party!

Last night I caught a rooster on my actual balcony.  But I do not care.  Because i LOVE roosters!  LOVE 'em, I say!  That's your teaser.  Read on. Today marks the last blog b...
Posted by Mercy! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST

Bali Pt.III: I left my toooooooth... in Indonesiaaaaa...

And on the evening of the third day... I broke off my front tooth. But first, a word about dogs.  (note: here's how this installment is gonna roll- 1.cultural insights,, 3.lesbians...
Posted by Mercy! on Mon, 01 Jan 1900 12:00:00 PST