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La cantante Esther Fonseca apaez nel añu 2002 nel panorama musical asturianu con un discu –Agua- que supón una propuesta orixinal y nueva na nuestra tierra: l'averamientu al mundu de la balada céltica y les nueves músiques.Nun yera ésta la primera esperiencia musical nin discográfica d'esta cantante moza. Lloñe quedaben los sos años de neña como integrante de los conocÃos grupos de música pa neños SeliquÃn y Xentiquina, asina como la so participación como voz solista nel discu Xaranzaina, grabáu n'andecha con un garapiellu de músicos mozos del Conservatoriu del Nalón. Ensin embargu, la nueva propuesta musical d'Esther Fonseca, algama un saltu cualitativu mui importante na so carrera musical y un nuevu camÃn qu..axuntar a los yá abiertos n'Asturies , nel tarrén de les nueves propuestes musicales en llingua asturiana.Anguaño, Esther y la so banda trabayen nun nuevu proyectu que va ver la lluz anantes que termine l'añu.----------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------------------------ -----------------------In year 2002, Esther Fonseca took a definite step into the musical scene of Asturies with Agua, which meant an original and unexplored proposition in our country – the approach to the world of Celtic Ballad and New Age. Agua was not at all this young artist’s first musical or recording experience. Back in the past, when she was just a little girl, Esther had already belonged to SeliquÃn and Xentiquina, two popular children’s groups in Asturies. Also, she was the solo voice at Xaranzaina, a collective work recorded with a small bunch of young musicians of the Valle del Nalón Conservatoire. With Agua, however, Esther achieved a very important qualitative leap in her musical career and opened a new way within the flourishing scene of music performed in Asturian language. Esther and her band are now working on a new project that should come out before the end of the year.Create your own visitor map!