Not a staunch Demo nor a staunch Republican.
My platform:
1. Pro Choice (Ladies, it is your body do with it what you will).
2. My god is not your god and vice versa.
3. Guns. I like them.
4. Stem cells are good.
5. Environment... I drive an SUV.
6. Military, give them more money. It's a shit job, with shit hours, shit food and shit pay. I know. Been there.
7. Foreign policy - Isolationism is a good word. We'll take care of ourselves.
8. Immigration - We're full up. If you want to be here, do it legally or face harsh consequences. And don't go parading around our cities with your countries flags demanding to be citizens of this country... if yours is so great and you're so proud to be from there... go back. Simple. My parents were immigrants.
9. Death penalty. I think the punishment should fit the crime. If you rape kids and women you'll be brutally beaten and raped by big, large cocked men in prison daily until you start to like it, at which point you'll be hung publicly.
10. Equality - no more lines in the sand. Everyone gets treated equal regardless of race or religion.