Paul groover started in 1995 as Saul groover for a charity gig in local drinking hole.I was experimenting with electronic music on a amiga computer so i thought i would try it out live it went down with a mixed response.I suppose nobody had tried to do it this way at that time so they were not prepared for it.After that day i knew i was heading in the right direction for me.I joined iuma in 2000 and released over 30 songs on iuma over a 3 year time line.With a very good reponse especially from the States and Canada as i was doing a lot of rap hiphop breakbeat and dnb. My music was going in a different direction from the commercial side when iuma went pop.So i went underground for 2 years experimenting with some fresh ideas.Trying to create my own freedom of expression and identity.A huge thanks goes to the gaslighters Anjuli and Steve for there help in making Spacesuits the song it is. Again thanks go out to Myndi Anjuli and Steve Murdoch who helped me with Hope Street.Released Control Panel A collaboration with Myndi Anjuli thanks goes to Steve Murdoch for his help in production.Sept 1st 2006 released Delicious Malicious a collab with Anjuli from the Gaslight District also big shout to Steve Murdoch for his help in production and engineering. Thanks goes to Special one for the nu myspace page
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