Andy is gonna run for congress! profile picture

Andy is gonna run for congress!

I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm a native Texas born in Southwest Houston, who moved to the Magnolia area to attempt to escape the crime and bs associated with the city. Now I'm ready to move further out. I'm a rock n roll junkie who enjoys spending time with my wonderful soulmate Skyhippie. I can't imagine life without her. I consider myself to be a strong conservative who realizes this country is going in the wrong direction fast. I wish more people would wake up to what's going on and get more involved.

My Interests

Sex! What do you expect, I am just a guy.Guns! I like to shoot and when the budget allows I like to shop and acquire.Rock N roll! I am a music junkie. I just can't get enough (no pun). I like to play my guitar, I'm not great at it but I like to pop in cd's and jam along. I did play in a couple of bands back in high school. I spend 12-15 hours a week in my car, and my 40 gig mp3 player keeps me company. I've attended at least 200 concerts over my life. I am 34 years old and started going to shows at 7. My first show was Charlie Daniels in 1980. I will attend an arena/pavilion show If I can front seats, but I'd rather be at a club pressed up against the stage. It's more intimate and personal for me. A few highlights include sitting on stage with Pantera and Junkyard in 1990. Any show I've seen with Anything Box, they are so nice and down to earth. By far the funniest example I can think of was Pantera at Ozzfest. We had floor seats, and my wife led my to the barricade. She said "it's ok we'll be in front of the pit" I said, "Baby, this is Texas and this is Pantera. There is no front, back or side of the pit, there is just a pit." Three notes into Cowboys From Hell and she learned. When budget allows I go to shows as often as I can. Back in high school spring break I did 7 shows in 10 days. I've seen Judas Priest/Slayer/BLS in two cities in two days. Like I said I'm a junkie. I also like to sing karaoke as often as I can. I am not that good of a singer, but like I say. I'm not the best one up there, but there is always some drunk idiot who makes me look not as bad.Classic cars. Love the muscle cars mainly mopar like Charger/Roadrunner, or Pontiac Firebirds and GTOs. I also like other GM stuff like Novas and Chevelles. My top three dream cars from movies or tv. The General Lee, The Bandit and the Mercury from American Graffiti

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who shares similar interests. Music, muscle cars, shooting guns, politics, etc...


check my friends for bands I like. I am very eclectic. Rock: anything from Journey/Styx to Slayer/Pantera. Country: Mainly the Texas singer/songwriters like Roger Creagar and Pat Green. industrial like KMFDM and Ministry


Mainly comedy, but I enjoy action and horror Faves include Almost Famous, Rock Star, Eurotrip, Blues Brothers, Private Parts, Team America, Boogie Nights, The Jay and Silent Bob series, Crossroads (Ralph Macchio),cb4, Strange Days, Rock N Roll High School, Pulp Fiction, PCU, basically all kinds of stuff


People who aren't afraid to say what's on thier mind even if it offends somebody else. PC pisses me off, it's killing our country.

My Blog

2006 Texas state Republican Party Platform

2006 STATE REPUBLICAN PARTY PLATFORMPLATFORM COMMITTEE................................................... ............................................................ ....................7PREAMBLE.........
Posted by Andy is gonna run for congress! on Mon, 03 Mar 2008 04:31:00 PST

Council of Foreign Relations

If you ever wondered who the heads of the beast were here is the comprehensive list. WOW. Now we know who to "deal" with. A few strategic "moves" would do much to restore our republic and send the mov...
Posted by Andy is gonna run for congress! on Wed, 02 Jan 2008 11:12:00 PST

War on terror?

I am sick of the term "was on terror". Terror is a tactic. We are at war with islamo-fascists. We need to stand up, protest this North American Union and SEAL our borders. Why are people from the ...
Posted by Andy is gonna run for congress! on Fri, 19 Oct 2007 06:59:00 PST

Ron Paul supporters

Please read the following blog.  This was taken off of Ron Paul supporters are not being taken seriously because of some bad apples out there.  PLEASE DO NOT respon...
Posted by Andy is gonna run for congress! on Wed, 10 Oct 2007 09:36:00 PST

Energy and enviroment

First off I don't believe in global warming, it's a load of crap.  However I do feel we should conserve energy and look to alternative sources of energy.  I have used green mountain energy i...
Posted by Andy is gonna run for congress! on Fri, 03 Aug 2007 05:57:00 PST


If we to want to make any change in this country we have to get involved.  Blogging, listening to talk radio and talking about the issues is not enough.  First inform yourself.  Look to...
Posted by Andy is gonna run for congress! on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 03:18:00 PST

immigration reform

This country needs real immigration reform.    1) SEAL THE BORDERS 2) Take away inentives for illegals to stay in this country 3) Punish those who enable illegals to stay in this country. 4)...
Posted by Andy is gonna run for congress! on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 08:18:00 PST

ways to reduce crime

1) Seal the borders.  Deport all illegal aliens in prison (aprox20-30 percent of population)  2) Legalize drugs, prostitution and gambiling.  Commute sentences for anyone serving time f...
Posted by Andy is gonna run for congress! on Tue, 31 Jul 2007 08:11:00 PST

Republican prez candidate

It is WAY too early to figure out who will win the nomination for 2008.  You will notice that I have more than one candiate on my friends list.  These are candidates that have ideas that I f...
Posted by Andy is gonna run for congress! on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 01:22:00 PST

wussifacation of Ameica

What is it with our society today?  We are so afraid of hurting anybodys feelings.  Where in the bill of rights does it say we the right not to be offended?  People observe middle easte...
Posted by Andy is gonna run for congress! on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 12:05:00 PST