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I am a fiercely loyal and patriotic American, and without flintching, without question, without hesitation I whole heartedly support all those in uniform. I have no fucking patience for those who say they are against the war but support our troops, it's BULLSHIT and I'm not in the shit business. I have no tolerance for the leftists in this country. It is my belief that the leftists are internal enemys of this country and are more of an intrnal threat than Al Queda is an external one. I have been told that I'm an extremist far to the right.....sounds about right to me! If having an extreme love for ones God, country, military, family, children, and wife...makes me an extremist then feel free to label me as such! Below is a prayer that will explain what I believe, to some, it will only bring more questions to thier minds. And some will never understand. "Oh God...Thou art my God...I will seek thee...My soul thristith for thee...My flesh longeth for thee in a dry and thirsty land...So I have seen thee in the sancuary...My soul followeth hard after thee...Let those that seek my destroy it...Shall go into the lower parts of the earth....They shall fall by the sword...They shall be apportioned for foxes...That the king shall rejoice in God...Everyone who swearith by him shall glory...But the mouth of them...that speak lies...Shall be stopped"!A poem that has special meaning for me! "Through the travail of ages...amidst the pomp and toils of war...have I fought and strove and perished countless if through a glass in darkly...the age old strife I see...for I have fought under many guises many names...but always me"Since the good lord has seen fit to keep me from the battlefield and from killing our enemys in combat, I have turned to the field of medicine and work as a medic responding to your 9/11 EMS calls. I hate the fricking work, but at least I'm helping save a life or two once in a while! If you have any questions for me feel free to ask, but I warn you....don't ask a question if you don't want an answer you may not like! I also have no use for asshole criminals coming across our borders and then demanding shit from us! I have no use for wetbacks coming into this nation who think that true Americans, the patriots of this country are just gonna let them bend us over and stick it up our asses.For those in MY country illegally, there is a reconning coming and there is no stopping it. It's a whirlwind you can't escape from and It's coming for you...and soon! If you happen to be an Islamist, you can go screw yourself, as far as I'm concearned you are all fuckin' murderers and should be exterminated like the lice that you are! Don't tell me that you're a religion of peace when you blow up your own children, bullshit someone else I'm not in the shit business! OH! And what an act of peace 9/11 was! I do not support conspiracy theories that our government was responsible for 9/11, If Clinton had done something when his worthless ass had a chance, 9/11 wouldn't have happened. Building 7 at the WTC fell due to damage sustained when the towers fell and due to other internal fire damage, not because V.P. Cheney ordered it! If you are a conspiracy believing DUMBASS or a Racist keep walkin I will not have anything to do with you! Calling illegals "WETBACKS" isn't is an accurate description!THE Patriot!