Below are a few photos of my family in order of their appearance in my life ...the two boys are now one grown up and one in his mid-teens, but here are just some little kid photos of them and then of my husband:
Also, Current Events (did you notice?)
THE ONLY THREE candidates we have been allowed to hear at any length (over our own air waves which technically belong to all of us) ...those three candidates are owned and controlled by the same interests which keep U.S. troops in Iraq right now, and as of 4/10/08 have decided to indefinitely halt troop withdrawal starting in July.
The occupation of Iraq has cost the U.S. several thousand lives plus thousands more tragic injuries, as well as roughly 1/2 TRILLION dollars in the past five years [can you get your head around what "trillion" means ?].
If anyone is still at all doubtful about the (hijacked) U.S. government's intention of soon going into Iran - not just McCain's project but also Hillary's and Obama's - please go to YouTube and view a few short clips from the Democratic debates, and you'll notice that even those two supposedly anti-war candidates are busy paving your psyche for aggression against Iran, by reiterating the "terrorist" accusation in multiple refinements of phrasing.
And of course it is deception, remarkably similar to the deception employed in the runup to Iraq.
To begin with, Ahmadinejab has been misquoted. This has been known for nearly two years and even a sometimes burned-out wingding like myself had little trouble finding that out, well over a year ago. But you'll never hear it on FOX, CNN, or any of the other propaganda machines:
So long as we continue to cede power to the Executive branch of this government which it was never intended to have, we can expect further abuses of the same kind we've seen, no matter which party wins an election -
particularly the way elections are being conducted at the present time.
How is Ron Paul different ?
Because he insists that the Constitution be the arbiter of each question, rather than leaving it up to whichever person and their "signing statements" or what not.
That has made him less than popular with the scum who have risen to the top of both major parties, and of course the corporate media which has lost no opportunity to obscure, marginalize and ridicule him.
Many current problems seem to have their common source in the system of debt-as-money.
We have to abolish the Federal Reserve, that's all there is to that. Anyone who takes a little time to find out about it will see that it's a racket:
*It was sneaked through Congress when everyone was rushing out for Christmas break in 1913.
*It's completely unconstitutional (the U.S. Constitution stipulates that the GOVERNMENT should take care of that function; the Fed is not a government agency but rather a corporation for private profit of the bankers).
*Nearly all of the revenue from income taxes goes to pay INTEREST to the Federal Reserve for their "loans" of currency based on nothing. Did you think it was used to build roads or pay teachers ? Hah !
*The Federal Reserve enables atrocities such as the Iraq War, by providing the so-called "money". If interventionists had to ask the American people to finance most of their projects, they would never get a "Yes". So it's much easier to get funds appropriated and obligate future generations to pay it all back with interest.
Here are some quotes worth noting:
“I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies. If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around [the banks] will deprive the people of all property until their children wake-up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered. The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs.â€
- From a letter to Secretary of the Treasury Albert Gallatin by Thomas Jefferson (1802).
"The bold efforts that the present bank has made to control the government, the distress it has wantonly caused, are but premonitions of the fate which awaits the American people should they be deluded into a perpetuation of this institution. If the people only understood the rank injustice of the money and banking system there would be a revolution before morning. You are a den of vipers and thieves."
-Andrew Jackson
"The idea of a central bank is to so enslave the people of the country to a debt money system that you continue to collect taxes continuously which just covers the interest. The duped people of the United States are paying about $300 billion dollars per year to the IRS which is the collection agency for the Federal Reserve." Ken Matto, Ph.D.
"Wake up, you idiots ! Whatever made you think that PAPER was so valuable ?" Kurt Vonnegut, in Galapagos
Also the following, which should be of marked interest to anyone who likes to avoid doctors, Rx drugs, and so forth:
Other Interests:
* My wussie workout
* My new website, which is ALMOST out of the red after only two weeks
* Piano
* Taking evening walks in the neighborhood or afternoon in the mountains. Well actually my favorite walks are at NIGHT.
* European history
[Both of the beautiful productions above were done by Kat Black]
You, if you have read this far.
Also, I'd like to meet a few of my MySpace friends in person. I'm not very social most of the time, but some of them mean something to me.
Even though people like to complain about MySpace or make fun of it, I have met some of the best people here of anywhere I've been on the Internet.
Below are some of the live conversations on the morning of 9/11/01. Since that day they have been neither seen nor heard on the corporate-owned news.
Noteworthy, isn't it ...
that such a large number of diverse persons were reporting that they heard sounds like explosives going off sequentially that morning:
Finally, my TOP FRIENDS got completely messed up recently after I accepted the invitation of what I guess was some kind of *mole*.
If you used to be on it and you don't see yourself there now, just give me some more time putting it back together. Presently MySpazz won't let me post more than the 32.
Guitar (Classic) Rock, mostly from the mid-1960s up to the end of the 80s [I had many bands listed here before, but I change my profile songs so you can go by those], blues occasionally ...
also a small amount of classical especially Bach - and starting to like some music now which is *a little different*.
Among my favorite ones, starting with oldies:
A Place In The Sun
Gone with the Wind
Far from the Madding Crowd
Dr. Zhivago
Ryan's Daughter
The Godfather
The Deerhunter
Wuthering Heights (all 3)
Les Miserables (all 3)
The End of the Affair
Legends of the Fall
The Remains of the Day
A Bronx Tale
The Patriot
Life is Beautiful
The Indian Runner
The Crossing Guard
The Deep End
Beauty and the Beast (both Disney animated and the Cocteau)
Brokeback Mountain
One more thing: I'll watch a pretty terrible movie so long as it has decent cinematography of the ocean
Hardly even turn it on anymore except when working out or watching it with my husband. We watch movies and the shows "Madmen" and "The Sopranos" & then the law shows such as Law & Order, Cold Case, Without a Trace ...also Frasier reruns.
When I'm alone working out I'll watch surfing or ice dancing, America's Funniest Videos, CSPAN, or EWTN.
What comes to mind:_________
*Night Country* and *The Star Thrower* by Loren Eiseley
*God Bless You Mr. Rosewater* and *Dead Eye Dick* by Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
[I've read most of his books but those two are the best imo, and the worst were *Slapstick* and *Jailbird*. I sure enjoyed Vonnegut even though I disagree with some of his views, and I'll miss him].
*A Moveable Feast" by Ernest Hemingway_________
*The Brothers Karamazov*, *Notes from Underground*, and *Crime and Punishment* by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
*The Phenomenon of Man* by Teilhard de Chardin
*Miracle of the Rose* by Jean Genet
[careful there ...not helpful for young people]
*Nausea* and *Saint Genet* by Jean-Paul Sartre
*Madame Bovary* by Gustav Flaubert
*Death in Venice* by Thomas Mann
*The Trial* and *Metamorphosis* by Franz Kafka
*De Profundis* and *The Soul of Man Under Socialism* by Oscar Wilde
*The Occult* by Colin Wilson
A lot of the Bible, a good bit of the Bhagavad Gita, lots of poetry.
Most of Alan Watts' and Jack Kerouac's books.
And a lot by:
Would be a long list; but in the personal realm they are:
My grandfather,
My husband John,
Both my sons,
Edward B.
Mickey K.,
Amanda M.,
Cathy M.,
Peggy V.,
Jeannie M.,
Vickie S.
Some heroes of our times are Ed and Elaine Brown, and all the other people who are sitting in prisons now, convicted of violating unconstitutional "laws" that in certain cases cannot even be found.
Some more quotes for ya:
“All laws which are repugnant to the Constitution are null and void†(Marbury vs. Madison. 5 US (2 Cranch) 137,174,176, (1803)
“Where rights secured by the Constitution are involved, there can be no rule making or legislation which would abrogate them.†(Miranda vs. Arizona, 384 US 436 p.491.)
“An Unconstitutional Act is not law; it confers no rights: it imposes no duties; affords no protection; it creates no office; it is in legal contemplation, as inoperative as though it had never been passed.†(Norton vs. Shelby County 118 US 425 p.442)