Tinkerbell profile picture


i just wanna sprinkle a little bitta magic all over!!

About Me

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Hi, I'm Natalie, and welcome to my little space! I'm on here because I love the thought of meeting all kinds of people all across the globe! Please be careful with my wings - yes they are adorable, but be gentle please, they are very fragile!!A little bit about me...

I'm a party girl
I love to go out dancing and really going wild. Anyone who has seen me on the dance floor would probably agree with that! You put the music on, and I'll be there - stand back though please, I'm gonna need some room!

I think about food all the time! Literally ALL the time!
I'm easily influenced. A friend could call up when I'm asleep in bed, and I can actually be convinced to go out.
I think Posh Spice has issues
I don't like people who think they're better than other people!
I want to be one of the lucky ones! I don't want to admire other people's lives from afar - I want to BE one of them. And I will be... or I am.... it's what I call positive thinking!

I wish I loved my job!
Ah, this is where I could really bitch and moan, but I wont! Ok, so I admit, I do NOT like my job, but I can deal with that because I know that it will all change and soon I will turn around this negative part of my life.

What do I do for work I hear you ask??
I'm an office assistant in a really boring company, and I basically feel uncontrollable urges all day long to want to staple financial reports to certain peoples heads.

So, what am I going to do about it?
Well I’m writing my own future! I saw that movie called The Secret, which you may have heard of. Anyway, I created my own future by making a 'mind movie' - I watch it every morning when I wake up and every night before I go to bed. Have a look at the video on the top of my page, it explains it all

Let me know if you make one! Trust me, you’ll love it, it's sooo uplifting....

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor

My Interests

Eating, drinking. Drinking, eating. Dancing like there's no tomorrow, singing, staring at other people to see what they're wearing, laying in the sun...aahhhhhh

Here's my mind movie which i watch every day!

I'd like to meet:

People who have found their happiness!!


Black Eyed Peas
Gwen Stefani
Cold Play
Gnarles Barkley
Missy Elliot
John Butler Trio
Lupe Fiasco


Good Will Hunting
Dirty Dancing
Shawshank Redemption
Vanilla Sky
American Beauty
Spanish Apartment
The Secret


I really cant resist Wentworth Miller, so that makes me a Prison Break addict! Yum! Also Sex and the City, Friends and the Sopranos (even though I dont like violence, I love that show! Go figure!!)


'The Law of Attraction' by E & J Hicks - amazing!


All the happy positive people I know - you rock!!!