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I played at the last 3 Glastonbury Festivals by pushing my battery powered amplifyer in a wheelbarrow through the mud, staking some flares in either side and performing unofficially! I love doing things like that and usually the spontaneous events are the ones that turn out to be more magical. I sold out of my CDs and the crowd grew untill I couldnt see through them while the full moon (in 2005) shone over us all and it was the best gig I'd ever had. There are some great messages describing what I did on my website's message board and on the official glastonbury message boards which proves you don't need to be 'booked, signed or arrive in a helicopter to make an impact'.
If you visit my website and like what you hear, please spread the word by leaving a message on the message board there (and here of course!). I have a full biography there too so I won't repeat it on here but basically I'm a singer songwriter who performs acoustically at present. I've also busked for years and my speciality is midnight performances powered by the moon and 12 volts. These happen in busy city centre streets in the hectic Midlands and in beautiful fields at festivals in the South West of England when the 'official' stages are closed.My album is called Raw Live Real and is made from purely vocals and guitar which I sell from my website for 11 quid. I under-produced rather than over produced the album because I didn't have the resources to do otherwise and it seems to be going down really well! I guess people like the fact they're good tunes and its not cluttered. Saying that I'm gonna produce this album to reflect my wide range of influences with bass guitars and old synths (I covet squelchy sounds) as soon as I find the right people to work with, so get it in this format while you can!
I also sing over instrumental records in friends DJ sets,Mr Dj D?.C.I? being the main man. It's a different style to my acoustic stuff and you can listen to some of the songs on my website in the 'live with djs' section where my 'mash ups ' are streaming. (The track 'How Old RU Baby?' (it's about the music business..) is uploaded here on myspace to listen to, but strictly no downloading as I only own the copyright to the vocal melody and lyrics of this track - the intrumental track I'm M-Cinging over is called Joy and Pain by Moa and I'm seeking permission to release it as an official Mashup.)
Keeping it raw keeping it live keeping it real.
I've just made 2 Songs available free for download from this space for a limited period.
To order the full 13 track album for 10 visit or buy it now using PAYPAL (Most secure form of payment on the web!)
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My Top 8: I believe all these artists are the Cream andhave the skillz to take it right to the top. Cream rises right? First off: 1. STUCK IN THE PIE - Fresh sounding, beautiful lyrics and melodies, like a cross between blur and the beatles...sort of. Check out tune: 'Miss Stuckinthepie'2. 1ST BLOOD LIVE BAND The best live hiphop band around I reckon. Original catchy melodies, no fillers on their 20 track debut album which is some feat!!! Check tune: Damnfiner3. BEN E.G. A 'Myspace' find, cross between Billy Brag and Greenday but original. Check out tune Derby Lad.4. LOUIS CYPHER Member of first blood live band, amazing lyrical style and accent. check tune: Operation5. FLICT See em live and overload that Bass chakra. (for those not enlightened by such terms...mashed up metal jungle hiphop whateveruwannacallit crossover..Check tune: Fem Le6. ILLAMAN Member of Flict, The vocalist/mc/noisemaker..amazing lyricist, Check tune: Problems7. DEALMAKER Nottingham Record label, specialising in Hiphop aswell as other cross overs. Yes Im meant to be doing something for you, will sort it soon so watch this space. Mean time Check Tune by the Lost Projects8. Nine Inch Nails - Should need no introduction.....