carol profile picture


hello and you are??

About Me

I may come off as someone with an attitude problem, but trust me.....I have NO problem with my attitude.. I know what I want in Life and place alot of value on what I already have. Get to know me BEFORE you pass judgment... I assure you I will do the same thing

My Interests

I am interested in everything that doesn't bore me, and several things that do.

I'd like to meet:

Bruce Lee, Will Farrell, Leonardo da Vinci, Rameses II, Imhotep, Buddha, Jesus Christ, the Dalai Lama, someone who will give me the next winning lottery ticket numbers


Music is my thing. I love all kinds of music and if I like a song, it doesnt matter much to me whether or not anyone else agrees.


I prefer a good comedy above all. I don't mind drama here and there, but I really don't like horror films. I am just not a fan of watching human suffering, and it seems that they can't make a scary movie without mutilating people or subjecting them to some sort of torchure.


I don't watch a lot of TV, but when I do, its usually Gilmore Girls...shut up!


I love reading classics, but I have been reading more contemporary authors as well.


My hero is anyone who can face all of the challenges that a day has to offer and stay focused on the important things in life.