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Todo cambio empieza contigo mismo, en tu ser interior lleno de maravillas... Die Heilung der Welt(en) beginnt in Deinem Wunder vollen inneren Selbst... Changing the world(s) starts within your wonder filled interior self... Es menos lo que dices a los demas sino LO QUE ERES, VIVES Y BRILLAS... Es ist weniger was Du Anderen sagst, sondern WAS DU BIST, LEBST UND STRAHLST... It is less what you say to others but WHAT YOU ARE, LIVE AND SHINE... Let's WALK THE TALK so others can follow!

La meta es el camino en si....Der Weg ist das Ziel selbst....The path is the goal in itself.... VISION: Unidad... Einheit... Unity... Una vez superado el EGO solo queda AMOR INCONDICIONAL y sobrepersonal... Wenn das EGO einmal überwunden ist, bleibt BEDINGUNGSLOSE und überpersönliche LIEBE... Once overcome the EGO what is left is UNCONDITIONAL and overpersonal LOVE... El ego se manifiesta de muchas maneras (miedos, intolerancia, resistencias...) y es la causa de todo corte de flujo en tu vida... Das Ego zeigt sich auf manigfalte Art (Aengste, fehlende Toleranz, Widerstände...) und ist die Ursache aller Stockungen in Deinem Leben... The ego shows in many ways (fears, missing tolerance, resistencies...) and is the cause of all missing stream in your life....... Amor incondicional empieza contigo mismo... Bedingungslose Liebe beginnt mit Dir selbst... Unconditional love starts with yourself... La respuesta a todo está en EL AMOR DE TU CORAZON... Die Antwort auf alles ist IN DER LIEBE DEINES HERZENS... The answer to all is in THE LOVE OF YOUR HEART... Ten corage - vuelve a sentirte verdaderamente, a ser completo - y empieza a bailar, a bailar esta vida... Hab Mut - beginne Dich selbst wieder wahrhaftig zu fühlen, Deine Vollständigkeit - und beginn zu tanzen, dieses Leben zu tanzen... Dare to truly feel yourself again and that you are complete - and begin to dance, to dance this life... Para un día a día más completo... Für einen vollständigeren Alltag... For a more complete day to day life... DHARMA: conducta recta... rechtes Handeln... righteous conduct... Veracidad en todo momento... Wahrhaftigkeit in jedem Moment... Truthfulness in every moment....

LO QUE MAS ME GUSTA ES MI META/TRABAJO, ayudando a mis clientes a liberar todo lo que está entre ellos y su potencial de felicidad - con asesoramiento personal y una pedagogia terapeutica global... WAS MIR AM MEISTEN FREUDE BEREITET ist meine Aufgabe/Arbeit, meinen Klienten zu helfen das zu befreien, was zwischen ihnen und ihrem Potenzial an Glück steht - mit Lebensbegleitung und einer gesamtheitlichen therapeutischen Pädagogik... WHAT I MOST LIKE IS MY TASK/WORK, helping my clients to liberate all that is in between them and their potential of happiness - by means of life coaching and overall therapeutical pedagogics ... Acompañandoles en su muy propio camino... sie auf ihrem ganz eigenen Weg begleitend... Accompanying them on their very own path... Ayudando a curar la tierra... Helfen die Erde zu heilen... Help to heal the earth...

... Con el yoga en forma de meditaciones, consultas y acompañamiento (trabajo de liberacion en el origen del tema, estabilizacion de las propias fuerzas), conferencias, seminarios y en casas o sitios de trabajo: equilibrio de energias con el FENG SHUI profesional (tambien curacion de madre TIERRA en paisajes)... Mit Yoga in Form von Meditationen, Lebensberatung und -begleitung (Erlösung der Themen an ihrem Ursprung, Stabilisierung der eigenen Lichtkräfte), Vorträgen, Seminaren und in Wohnräumen, Geschäften und Firmen: Ausgleich der Energien mit Alpha Chi FENG SHUI (auch Erdheilung)... With yoga in form of meditations, counselling and coaching (resolution of themes at their origin, stabilization of own strengths), conferences, seminars and in homes, stores and companies: harmonizing of energies with Alpha Chi FENG SHUI (also earth healing in landscapes)...Pure Love 3

Añadir a Mi perfil | Más vídeos... Sri Sathya Sai Baba - SHIRDI BABA, SATHYA BABA, PREMA BABA; Om Sai Ram.Cada ser es un universo propio... Jedes Wesen ist ein eigenes Universum... Each being is an own universe....Mantra: GOD IS LOVE - DIOS ES AMOR - GOTT IST LIEBE.

My Interests

Honrar todos los aspectos y todas las formas de Dios... mas alla de religiones e instituciones (o sectas)...Alle Aspekte und Formen Gottes ehren... ausserhalb von Religion, Institutionen (oder Sekten)...Honour all aspects and forms of God... beyond religion, institutions (or sects)...Honrar Dios en ti, en cada ser, en todo... Gott in Dir ehren, in jedem Wesen, in allem... Honour God in you, in every being, in everything..."No hay Santo sin pasado. No hay pecador sin futuro... Es gibt keinen Heiligen ohne Vergangenheit. Es gibt keinen Sünder ohne Zukunft... There is no Saint without a past. There is no sinner without a future..." Babaji.... "He venido para quitar las divisiones entre todas las religiones. He venido para unir la gente independiente de su origen. SOLO HAY UNA HUMANIDAD... Babaji.Ich bin gekommen, um die Trennungen zwischen allen Religionen aufzuheben. Ich bin gekommen, um die Menschen zu vereinen, unabhängig von ihrer Herkunft. ES GIBT NUR EINE MENSCHHEIT." Babaji. "I have come to remove the divisions between all religions. I have come to unite people regardless of their origin. THERE IS ONLY ONE HUMANITY." Babaji."Elogia a cada uno. Si no puedes elogiarle a alguien, dejarle irse de tu vida... Preise Jeden. Wenn Du jemand nicht preisen kannst, entlass ihn aus Deinem Leben... Praise everyone. If you cannot praise someone, let him go off your life..." Babaji.2 Temple Views in LA CHISPA DE SHERAMA ... "VENERAR EL FUEGO significa venerar la luz interior. Venerar el fuego quema karma, es purificacion espiritual..." Babaji."DAS FEUER ZU VEREHREN bedeutet das innere Licht zu verehren. Das Feuer zu verehren verbrennt Karma, ist spirituelle Reinigung..." Babaji."WORSHIPPING THE FIRE means worshipping the inner light. Worshipping the Fire burns Karma. It is spiritual purification..." Babaji.... Leer libros que me apoyan en mi evolución... Bücher lesen, die mich in meiner Evolution unterstützen.... Read books that support me in my evolution....

Save The World - One Click At A Time!

On each of these websites, you can click a button to support the cause -- each click creates funding, and costs you nothing! Bookmark these sites, and click once a day!

Click here to post this on your page or 'blog... escuchar música que me apoya en mi serenidad... Musik hören, die mich in meiner Gelassenheit unterstützt... Listen to music that supports me in my serenity...

... Compartir con seres de inspiración y apoyo evolucionario recíproco, elevar la conciencia, luz y amor para todos los seres y mundos...Austausch mit Wesen im Sinne von gegenseitiger evolutionärer Inspiration und Unterstützung, Bewusstseinserweiterung, Licht und Liebe für alle Wesen und Welten...... Share with beings of mutual evolutionary inspiration and support, elevate the conscious mind, love and light for all beings and worlds... cartas TAROT Karten/cards....


... La natura, indagar en Dios en mi... Die Natur, in Gott in mir versinken... The nature, fall into God within me...(AUM, I BOW TO GANESHA) (LAKSHMI) La estética y pureza... Schönheit und Reinheit... Beauty and purity... macedonia de fruta fresca... frischer Fruchtsalat... fresh fruit salad... cerveza (si, me gusta la cerveza)... Bier (ja, ich mag Bier)... beer (yes, I like beer)... una buena comida, un buen vino... ein gutes Essen, ein guter Wein... a good meal, a good wine....(KRISHNA as a child)

Shirley MacLaine + Elvis:...i love Shirley MacLaine.

I'd like to meet:

SHORT, PROFOUND AND BEAUTIFUL (Mandala/Babaji - Deva Premal):OM NAMAH SHIVAYA - more powerful than the atomic bomb. Babaji. "THE TEACHINGS OF MAHAVATAR BABAJI":

A VERY BEAUTIFUL VERSION OF THE GAYATRI MANTRA; a very beautiful sight of devotion (Deva Premal & Miten in concert):SORRY NOT TO INCLUDE ALL FRIENDS BELOW - you are ALL much appreciated. Thankyou for your friendship. This is dedicated to YOU (Ziggy Marley/Gipsy Kings ONE LOVE):IMAGINATION... Imagination is more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination encircles the world...... i deeply appreciate all family and friends who agreed to accompany me on this journey (photo: my son, nephews - substance of my biological and heart family - and me:)Also, i feel grateful for allowing me to offer short, medium or long term company in this never ending path of evolution.

I Am one with ALL THAT IS.
I surrender to my higher self.
GOD-soul that is me.
I rise above time and space
Into infinite spirit.

In this creative center of pure consciousness.
Where all things exist.


Sobre todo de contenido espiritual puro y elevado (sanscrito) así como de los Nativos de América... V.a. reinen und hohen spirituellen Inhaltes (Sanskrit - BHAJANS, KIRTANS), sowie Indianer ursprünglich...Mainly of pure and elevated spiritual content (sanscrit) as well as of the Native Americans - AANII! - APEYA WOWASTELAKA - (with love) ...... y puede ser de todo tipo... und aller Art... and of all kind (Sai Songs, Bhajans4u, Krishna Das, Third Man, Red Thunder, Turkantam... tambien/auch/also: Bob Marley, Eric Clapton and his guitar, John Lennon, Elvis, Ziggy Marley...)



... de placer ingénuo y estético... unschuldigen und ästhetischen Inhaltes... of innocent and esthetical content....


... Bhagavad Gita, Ramakatha, Vedas, Upanishads, Srimad Bhagavatam, ...

... todas las palabras de:... Alle Worte von:... All words of: Mahavatar BABAJI, JESUS, Sri Sathya SAI BABA, AGNI....


... DIOS (los Avatares/personificaciones Divinas )... GOTT (die Avatare/Göttliche Verkörperungen)... GOD (the Avatars/Divine embodiments), Wankan Tanka, the Great and Holy Spirit...... AGNI y los grandes Maestros Iluminados (BUDDHA)... AGNI und die grossen Erleuchteten Meister (BUDDHA)... AGNI and the great Enlightened Masters (BUDDHA)... los Chamanes del Fuego/die Feuerschamanen/the Fire Chamans....... El águila blanco... Der weisse Adler... The white Eagle... La osa mayor con sus estaciones de curación... Der grosse Bär mit seinen Heilstationen... The big Dipper with its healing stations...

... SHIVA/SHAKTI... el fuego sagrado y transformador (de los cielos)... das heilige und transformierende (Himmels-)Feuer... the holy and transforming (heavenly) fire....

... los elementos... die Elemente... the elements....... el sol... die Sonne... the sun...... and, least not last, my son, Patrick. His soul once again shows pure love in dedicating part of this present incarnation to the evolution of both of us together.


My Blog

The real Guru> 08 may 2008 01:12 Blogs - The Real Guru - Sai Raj MySpace Blog Thankyo...
Posted by SheraMa on Thu, 08 May 2008 01:29:00 PST

Be what you are

Posted by SheraMa on Fri, 07 Mar 2008 06:24:00 PST

All is God’s game

..> "All is God's game It is amazing, those who get closer to their inner-God, they become humble, quiet, pretty peaceful, but little things worry them. Until they learn the lessons and become "fre...
Posted by SheraMa on Fri, 04 Jan 2008 12:16:00 PST

The limitation of words

..>    ..> ..> Why use so many? Listen to people what they say - they speak about themselves. i have a girlfriend with the habit to listen, then ask back "did i understand you right...
Posted by SheraMa on Sun, 30 Dec 2007 02:08:00 PST

Your children are not your own

..> You're children are not your ownThey are the sons and the daughters of life's longing for itselfThey come through you but not from youAnd though they are with you, yet they belong not to youYou...
Posted by SheraMa on Sat, 06 Oct 2007 02:12:00 PST

my top 3

..> One of my beloved friends (Rainbow Warrior) published a buletin, inviting to answer some questions referring to the 3 top guys (for girls) or top girls (for guys). It brought me to the idea to ...
Posted by SheraMa on Wed, 03 Oct 2007 08:12:00 PST

Imagine all the people living life in peace

..> October 9, 2007, let's get together and feel peace: ..:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />   Love, light and peace, SheraMa ..>...
Posted by SheraMa on Sun, 30 Sep 2007 01:09:00 PST

What is unconditional love?

..> ..> ..> Much is spoken about UNCONDITIONAL LOVE... What is unconditional love (love all, serve all)? We will be agreeing that it is overpersonal love, detached from emotions, ties, desir...
Posted by SheraMa on Mon, 17 Sep 2007 12:37:00 PST


..> ..> ..> Frank Sinatra sang "my way", Elvis did as well, Julio Iglesias sang it together with Paul Anka in an outstanding Spanish/English version, and many more. i lived it. Looking back i...
Posted by SheraMa on Thu, 13 Sep 2007 09:26:00 PST

God is in the people

..> ..> ..> ..> god is in the people god is not in the church god is not in the steeple..o open it up and god is in the people..god is not in a book god is not on the cross..god is the good s...
Posted by SheraMa on Tue, 04 Sep 2007 02:09:00 PST