Newts interest me a lot. Also frogs. I ate some of those in China too. I don't feel bad about that though.
I'd like to meet people that do not have a hidden agenda; that are not bitter about things that happened to them in the past; that do not carry with them whole sacks full of emotional baggage that they blame on others and never themselves. I'd like to meet people that are not afraid to be honest and trust others; people that wear their hearts on their sleeves and are not afraid to cry; people that recognise that there are far more important things in life than money and possesions. I'd like to meet people who are unafraid to dance, even though they know they can't; people who would make me laugh until we both cry; people who will sit up all night to watch the sunset and not care about tomorrow.
Yes I like music. It soothes the soul and makes boring car journeys go quicker.
Yes I like movies too. We call them films here. I once watched one with Jim Carey in it. He was this guy in a TV show and he didn't know it. I always wondered what happened to him after he got out. Tears in rain, Classic scene from the film
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Yes, we have one in the lounge.
Thousands of them. My favourite is a pop-up Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Book. I also have a book of the film signed by the girl that played Jermima.
By David Bowie? Great song. One of my favourites.