Dr. Ron Paul's Weekly Update Recording 1-888-322-1414
Ron Paul .. Issues (more) (more) (more)
Iraq: Opposes the war. He originally voted against it. (more)
Foreign Affairs: Believes American presence in Middle East has led to higher energy costs. Believes tax dollars should stay at home, not be sent overseas. (more)
Homeland Security: Opposes Patriot Act; believes security cannot replace privacy. Opposed creation of the Department of Homeland Security; believes it creates bureaucracy and wastes funds.
Immigration: Favors strict border enforcement. Opposes citizenship for illegals and wants to repeal citizenship rights for children born to illegals inside the US. (more)
Economy: Self-described "Tax-Payers Best Friend", he favors limited government and lower taxes. (more)
Education: Supports tax credits for families to help pay for education and tax breaks for people who donate to local schools.
Energy: Wants to repeal federal gas tax to cut prices. Supports nuclear energy as a way to solve shortages.
Privacy and Personal Liberty: The biggest threat to your privacy is the government. We must drastically limit the ability of government to collect and store data regarding citizens’ personal matters. (more)
Health Care: Believes government regulation has inflated prices. Favors very limited government and wants health care costs to be completely tax deductable.
Social Security: Believes government is unfairly raiding Social Security Trust Fund to fund other programs.
Stem Cell Research: "I think it should be determined in the marketplace...It should be up to the states to devise the rules and laws of what you can or can't do." Opposes federal funding embryonic stem-cell research.
Same Sex Marriage: Opposes same-sex marriage, favors Civil Unions (believes it's a state issue)
Abortion: Pro-Life (believes it's a state, not federal issue)
Gun Control: Opposes gun restrictions. (more)
The Revolution Begins
A True American Underdog Story
Ron Paul on CNBC - Jim Cramer's Mad Money
Ron Paul TV Ad: Immigration
Ron Paul TV Ad: Defender of Freedom
Keith Olbermann Special Comment On Waterboarding 11-05-07
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February 19, 2007 Message from Ron
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Brief Overview of Congressman Paul’s Record
Ron has never voted to raise taxes .
Ron has never voted for an unbalanced budget .
Ron has never voted for a federal restriction on gun ownership .
Ron voted against the Patriot Act .
Ron votes against regulating the Internet .
Ron voted against the Iraq war .
Ron voted against NAFTA and CAFTA .
Ron votes against the United Nations .
Ron votes against the welfare state .
Ron votes against reinstating
a military draft .
Ron votes for conservative principles .
Ron votes to cut government spending .
Ron votes to lower healthcare costs .
Ron votes to end the war on drugs .
Ron votes to preserve civil liberties .
Ron votes to secure our borders
with real immigration reform .
Ron votes to protect religious freedom .
The Truth About: "Why America is in Iraq"
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