"We are grateful to the
Washington Post, the New
York Times, Time magazine
and other great publications
whose directors have attended
our meetings and respected the
promises of discretion for
almost forty years. It would
have been impossible for us
to develop our plan for the
world if we had been subject
to the bright lights of
publicity during those years.
But, the world is now more
sophisticated and prepared to
march towards a world
government. The supranational
sovereignty of an intellectual
elite and world bankers is
surely preferable to the
National auto-determination
[read: "democracy"] practiced
in past centuries".
- David Rockefeller,
In an address to a
Trilateral Commission
meeting in June of 1991
Clarior Hinc Honos
I like to ride my bike, cut the grass and workout (all at the same time!) I like playing guitar and bass.Sometimes I like to just sit on the back patio hang out with the dog.
Me and my dog:
Click to see bike:
Click for pic:
RCPM's Space: Click:
Hello my top 8 is here.
Click to see more of'em.
The Beatles, The Mother Truckers, Truckers on Speed, Drive By Truckers, ;) Sublime, Todd Snider, Me First and the Gimme Gimmes, Soundgarden, Van Halen, Roger Clyne and the Peacemakers, The Goods (WTF happened tothem? you dont know! Why did I ask?), Pantera, Sarah McLachlan, Widespread Panic, Sublime, Randy Travis, Black LabelSociety, Phish, Shurman, Diamond Head, Falcon Five-0, REM, Black Sabbath, Grateful Dead, Dale Watson, Caddle, BethOrton, Les Claypool, old Metallica, Temple of the Dog, Blind Melon, Los Lonely Boys, GeorgeStraight, all three Hanks W's, Izzy Stradlin and the Ju Ju Hounds, and anything that doesn't suck. The Beatles.
Independant music is better than corperate crap. Keep that in mind.
Apocalypto, Blood Diamond, Easy Riders, A bronx Tale, Training Day, American History X, Fight Club, America: Freedom to Fascism, Full Metal Jacket, American Gangster.
Watch out about the TV. Everything you see on the news is bullshit. What is important about a money grubbing whore and her kids? How does that matter to you?? I do watch Lou Dobbs on CNN because he sorta covers issues. Look up North American Union. Look up Illuminati. Look up Skull and Bones. Look up Operation Northwoods. George Bush worships Lucifer.
I do watch college football. Go Dawgs!
I also like to watch baseball but I usually wait to get really into it until late August.
Here's the current B'ham RADAR
The End of America by Naomi Wolf.
This is a very important book that discusses how we are moving in our country in what Ms. Wolf calls a "fascist shift". She eloquently explains how our rights are systematically and covertly being removed from us. You can get a preview of what she is talking about in an essay she wrote which is available by clicking here .
No Logo by Naomi Klein.
This book is about how corporations market their "brands" to people, how sweatshops produce the products and how the market can demand changing the way corporations take advantage of the worlds poor.
Inside Russia Today by John Gunther
Written in 1957, it would be best known now as a history book of the USSR in that era. This book discusses how life was in the USSR in 1957 as well as the history of Russia and the other countries that make up the USSR and it's satellites.
The Ten Thousand Day War by Michael Maclear
This book discusses the US involvement in Vietnam from the beginning of our Military Involvement in 1945 to the end of it in 1975. It also discusses the involvement of the French from the 1850's through the 1950's.
Secrets of the Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins
This book Available free for download is about how the federal reserve private central bank deals with our money. It's a great book to understand such things as war, depressions, and everything that has to do with our governments policy as a whole.
Freedom Under Siege by Ron Paul
This book Available free for download is about mainly about how a sound monetary system ensures liberty. Here's a quote from the book. "Free markets, sound money, balanced budgets, no income tax, civil liberties, and nonintervention in the internal affairs of other nations is the road to peace and prosperity. How can the American people reject it?".
Armed Madhouse by Greg Palast
This book is about stolen elections, oil, war, New Orleans and such. It is a little blinded by the "left / right" paradigm which I do not subscribe to. It was also the book that the "don't taser me dude" kid was holding.
War Is A Racket by Major General Smedley Butler
"War is a racket, it always has been." This book from 1935, talks about the Spanish-American and "The War to end all wars" (World War I) and who made the money. Still today, the racket continues.
Confessions of and Economic Hitman by John Perkins
This book was written by the same Author as the one below. It is about his time as an economic Hitman in Indonesia, South America and the Arabian region. In the book, he discusses the way corporations are intimately involved with the government and foreign policy. He discusses many of the situations that have developed in these third world countries that has shaped our current situation. I definitely recommend this book for anyone that wants to know what the hell the corporations do when they are not under the watchful eye of their customers. This is a very important book.
The Secret History of the American Empire by John Perkins
This book talks about Economic Hit-men, and jackal's initial involvement in the formation of installed 3rd world governments. It also talks about how US corporations (like Nike) take full advantage of third world countries. Other topics include world bankers and Corporations along with the US government have changed the foreign policy to suit the needs of the richest CEO's and bankers, and the how's/why's of every war we've been involved in. (only for the $$$) I highly reccomend this book.
Blowback by Chalmers Johnson.
The cost and consequences of the American Empire. If you want to know why we have bases all around the world and are curious as to what the people of these lands think of our presence there, this is a good book to start with.
The Monkey Wrench Gang by Edward Abbey.
This book is Active protesting of the destruction of Rivers and landscape in the desert southwest.
1984 by George Orwell.
Read it. It is happening now right under your nose. Get informed INFOWARS.COM.
Plum Island by Nelson DeMille.
Its a pretty good mystery book which deals with trying to figure out a motive for a murder and a suspect for it as well. It is a pretty good read but the last 10 chapters or so is where I found myself really interested. This is (I think) the first book by Demille that features Det. Corey. The Lions Game (below) is the second. I wish I knew that, I would have liked his books and read this one first. Its kind of how I watched the Star Trek movies in college. I started at 5 and watched them backwards until I got to the first one. HAHA. NO I never read a Star Trek book.
The Sinister Pig by Tony Hillerman.
Its about Mexico, the border, lies, whores, cocaine, native tribes and politics.
Up Country by Nelson DeMille.
It's about a retired army C.I.D. (cop) that gets contracted to go back to Vietnam to investigate the murder of anArmy lieutenant, by a captain during the Vietnam War. It was a very good read but it seemed that it was easy tofigure out who was who when you really weren't supposed to know yet. This book has little too much foreshadowingperhaps. It does gives one a good perspective on how controlling traveling in a police state can be. There'splenty of excitement in this book to keep interested. Its sort of a long read at 700+ pages, but if you like "whodone it's", you'll probably like this one.
Hell's Angels by Hunter S. Thompson
This book was pretty good. Its about a reporter's (Hunter S. Thompson) accounts of hanging around with the Angelsin the mid 1960's.
Hell's Angels: Into the Abyss by Yves Lavigne
Alaskan H.A. runs up the national rank system and is an informant for the feds during his rise. Try readingUnder and Alone (below) first. If you really like that one, you'll think this one is sorta okay.
Blackjack 34 by James C. Donahue
This book was about one particular battle in Veitnam. It also focused on the difference in political opinion withdifferent tribal populations of the land. It was VERY vivid to say the least. Very well written in myopinion.
"Under and Alone" by William Queen.
What a book! It keeps you on the edge the whole time. I read most of it in one sitting while sitting on thepatio feeding beer to me and the dog. For me thats something because I don't read that much. I had to read itagain though, because I forgot most of what I read due to excessive consumption. Mel Gibson is supposed to bemaking a movie about it, but he needs to get his ass in gear to finish it. Check it out.
Hells Angel by Sonny Barger'
The Lions Game' by Nelson DeMille
A Time to Kill by John Crisham
Johnny let his baby brother sleep.
Through the back door and baseball.
All the kids are waiting outside.
Old days come and go too soon,
Old friends, heroes, lifetimes,
Don't let a single memory fade away.
These are the days for heroes.
Look at all the soul shaking life.
Everybody turns hero this time.
Feels good to watch a big man dance.
There's a wide smile on the hot street,
Supper's over and the streets come alive.
The band plays our favorite songs.
Policeman, buy some ice cream,
Sounds different when you hear 'Mister Freeze'.
Even the streets carry heroes.
Look at every soul shake its life.
These are the days of heroes, tonight!
Laughter come on downtown window,
and see faces walking back.
Tonight, everybody gonna remember,
remember in time...
Brings peace to watch a baby smile.
And the years come,
Bring us new ones,
All that music waiting inside...
No, everybody turns hero!
Look at all the soul shaking life!
Everybody turns hero tonight!
Look at all the soul shaking life!
Look at all the friend shaking life!
Everybody turns hero...
Widespread Panic Heroes